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Jan 2022 · 80
we need to concentrate on detail

to describe things properly

need to

go there each year a while

to retain to remain in memory

need to

care for  little things
Jan 2022 · 65
.new colours.
the bird landed gently

hardly there
Jan 2022 · 53
.winter foods.
she asked about our winter food and i guess it comes from childhood and the seasonal benefits

i thinks it is less chilled salads and shiny fruit

more them tasty pies and gravies

with winter greens or orange carrots

or sausages with mash done with butter

warm, satisfying no meat involved

the neighbour remarked that it is a crime to **** people

yet we do **** other creatures then eat them

differing ideas

yet we all have our winter foods
Jan 2022 · 337
water falls,
stains enamel.

some notice, yet
do not judge.

he may have
aquarius, yet
he is not
Jan 2022 · 254
.november note.
leaves are turning slowly daily

except at the turning

they go first always
and suddenly

this time of year
Jan 2022 · 68
there was no fanfare,
no procession, no proclamation,
as we hit the button, no exclaimation

with the change as if no one
noticed, and if i am right, they
probably didn’t until later

didn’t see as we drove the valley,
didn’t protest, or speak in tongues,
did not see the little things

we bought winter food

it came late early

we are in transition

drew the curtians last eve

while waiting and through the *****

left saw one golden tree

autumn cameo

each little thing

while some things break

Jan 2022 · 70
what there is may seem paltry to others

in their grander scheme of things

yesterday bought a new pencil with a number that i dismissed

liking chance
Jan 2022 · 51
looking back i see

the island changed.

perhaps i like familiarity.
Jan 2022 · 226
.i don't paint like you .


i don’t paint like you

or you


need to convince myself



is ok
Jan 2022 · 87
here they forecast an awful rain yesterday
yet it came quite warm and gentle and

i shared some nougat with the delivery man
Jan 2022 · 82
google when back at home, read about
people, and know we may after all
be twins.
Dec 2021 · 45
the sun came &

shadows lasted only a short time
Dec 2021 · 289
glad i saw the old houses,
wintering, wood smoked,
perfumed. glad i smelled
the oak burning, turning
Dec 2021 · 65
.new world.
are having a new bus shelter on the bangor route hurrah….with digital.

after sheltering under a twig nigh on 30 years will now be dry.

went to aberystwyth yesterday and there is no shelter that way

no twig and all the bus windows were open for the covid


today is the asda van

substitutes steak type pies with chicken type…..

then subs chicken type pies with steak type


bread instead of bread
Dec 2021 · 69
birds come quieter
scatter at my approach

Dec 2021 · 45
we walk your district quietly.
wait in the shelter.

I will
quite like a wild rumpus here some time.
Dec 2021 · 52
the gallery who sacked me for such a thing and other reasons

i don’t know

i bake bread and eat it
Dec 2021 · 181
.golden rod.
his uncle grew golden rod
lived by the chapel, died a
few years ago

i thought him a quiet gentle man
Dec 2021 · 46
dreamed of devastation,           flew miles        low

over concrete .   skeletons,      bones of the thing.

all is dust, as dust we have become.                 slow.

Dec 2021 · 68
so in the mist of memory my 15 minutes passed  without concentration and went indoors after
Dec 2021 · 58
.is not so much that I like weird stuff…

is more that I don’t think stuff is weird…
Dec 2021 · 629
.the wrong shed.
it was dark and even with

the emergency light could

not see

so texted the farmer and he

brought it up for me

he may make a sign noting

that his is the wrong shed
Dec 2021 · 57
. postcode.
it was in the wrong shed

it may be the right postcode

but up the wrong track, the

one i talked about yesterday
Dec 2021 · 129
we lifted the soakaway cover rusty after years

saw a slow worm sleepy while ants ran about

placed the first in the ferns and waved to the others

drain rods functioned with a little resistance

distance calculated ,wiped and put away

indoors the sink runs clear

while i am educated
Dec 2021 · 74
.white hut.
have you closed your eyes at that

within, enjoyed that


the tin hut is still empty.
Dec 2021 · 138
there seems to be an echoing a glitch in proceedings

so we came in the back way and exclaimed like blimey

there will probably be much of this with all this being

static like some caravans

and other mobile things
Dec 2021 · 225
there is plenty of time to walk from town,

to give an opinion whenever requested.

there is time to talk, and receive gifts
Dec 2021 · 87
.future challenge.
seeds for the future.

have you collected seeds of many years   packed  labelled   dated

do you have them now in boxes

a gift from those who love

they will bring  work  joy   an independent air

profound gifts

for those who care

seeds for the future

some say it is abstract
that only the present

while others future proof their homes
in case of things that may occur

some are hoping for jam tomorrow


we see these  as the falling days
of autumn

for now that is everything

they say that the future is bright
the future is orange
Dec 2021 · 130
the anxiety failed later in the day

a more comfortable place as i
watched other peoples ways and

we saw the lights in the village
Dec 2021 · 43
some small birds have failed and gone.
the others sound just the same.
Dec 2021 · 57
.question mark.
is that a small
white house
at the side of

the road?
Dec 2021 · 85
there comes a time when buttons
take on a simple importance

taking on from hooks and eyes

stitched on card.

white threads
Dec 2021 · 52
this morning i find in my diary
that the glass house is closed
and that some sort of comment
shall be afforded.

.this will take place later today
or maybe tomorrow depending
on all sorts of things.
Dec 2021 · 297
.dark the day.
dark the day came

even with the sky

real blue.

the helicopter flew over.
Dec 2021 · 155
hiding did not work
for was caught up with
in the lane
asked to explain

talked randomly about slate fences
and temporary miniatures
Dec 2021 · 60
slate slides
mud slips
rain falls

seems higher this time

water expands to where i see
the edge
Dec 2021 · 68
watching the weather

discussing the news
for news came yesterday

Dec 2021 · 35
pause like in breathing

I hope you don’t mind
and that is how it started
Dec 2021 · 91
you see it reminds
me of the visit to
that house by the mill
where there is a box
to stand on to be able
to see the mountain
Dec 2021 · 126
while waiting and through the *****

left saw one golden tree

autumn cameo

each little thing
Dec 2021 · 58
.darker days.
here we need no black days
no more, not in this house

seen too many troubles….
Dec 2021 · 63
as i rose,

a pink mist descended.

it was actually already there,

i like the sound of the action here.
Nov 2021 · 95
.tester pots.
palest blue, some say,
duck egg, with rust,
slight dusting of rose
to combat corrugated iron.
Nov 2021 · 63
look at the morning come dark now

it is october

look at the weathered walls

hear the song come random

with words true for us with no argument

and our insides curl

with these feelings
Nov 2021 · 159
down the centre of town
an avenue in fall

and the day came divine
Nov 2021 · 60
.our houses.
we can hear  the scratching

when dark comes

comes the scuttlings

flutterings  outside

bats fly round our houses
Nov 2021 · 39
.glass houses.
will this all be for nothing

if you make no changes,

live in glass houses

and throw stones


Nov 2021 · 67
.power houses.
watching the stain spread,
red drops as blood.

Nov 2021 · 160
or is it the air changing?

mood settles, or is it the
time of year?
Nov 2021 · 309
if I had been a boy
would I have looked like him

worn corduroy?

if you had been a boy
would you have looked like him

and we wonder
at the likeness

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