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they are asking in the village if the pub is open yet.

i question  have  they called by to ask?

they are asking in the village if the pub serves food.

have they popped in to ask &  to see the menu?

they are saying in the village that the front needs tidying

as does the car park.

i ask the folk in the village if they will tidy their own place

and  to be glad the pub is open again.

i called in to a lovely guided tour and a warm welcome.

let us not be so critical. tyn y groes.
yes i did.

each spring

before easter came

she bought me a new cotton dress in m&s.

st margaret.

a bigger size

taken up, tucked in with

room for growth.

the next year it was second best for school

taken down , let out

and fading in the summer holidays.

the jackets were my brothers.
2d · 62
you make speeches, you rally while i remember my mother.



and the little ‘blue bag’ of whitener?


mum did not use those, the cost i expect. gran did though .i remember it in her scullery. i have one for remembrance.
4d · 65
. asphalt.
thought it was tarmacadam as did the passer by

who remarked upon it.

it is not mine, it is the neighbour’s


i know now it is asphalt

a stronger surface allegedly. the former surace cracked

in danger of breaking up like mine which i prefer.

more country

where flowers seed.

i know that pitch comes from a lake in trinidad

and  i like the words bitumen and tar.

i like the aroma and  stickiness to poke with sticks

set now
4d · 49
time stops in winter


we find it manageably quiet.

today we drives to conwy busy

with people making holidays

is lovely.

yet i cannot find it easy.

i buys the trousers i have wanted for such a long time

from the pound rail.

look at cakes as is my hobby.

talk about angels and return home.


apart from the men laying  tarmacadam opposite.

it smells nice as does the creosote from yesterday.

while the music plays softly.
5d · 122
.boat shape.
saw it sailing by

at the night watch

clouds arranged dramatic.

let it go,

oh let it go,

let it sail free
there on the road ahead.

looking toward me with dead eyes.

mouth open.

i could not stop

nor swerve

for sunday traffic.

slowing i gently made sure the body

was not touched by wheels.


as did the car behind


after i stopped to post a letter

and stayed a while to look

at the fields around

7d · 78
ran out yesterday

lost you completely with the pattern in the sky

the leaves on the oak

on the mountain.       i lost you

you left the group

took off and flew

flight was not sustained

hovering over past demeanours


landed carefully

in disappointment hugging

affirming it did not matter
Mar 19 · 90
. kiss the ancestor.
i am travelling to the end of the world

with you.


unless we stop to

start again.

unless we travel more careful

we shall see

blackened lakes.

kissing the ancestors, hugging the memories presently.


the will of the people over rides that of the mystery.

throwing all into
Mar 18 · 199
.early summer.
we noticed it that day and found it omninous.

february 2019

the sea is quiet as we have never seen it

sun as hot as it gets

like summer

they gloried in it

the bathers

the media

we watched

while the ice melted.
Mar 17 · 67
.the photographs.
i saw you fallen


photographed you

took you to be stitched.

yet i could not save you


any of you.

you are a metaphor for death.


old photographs spur us on

care and treasure,


sweep and clean.

i keep yours by the stairs

to remind

that if you could leave us

so can anyone.


having written of the hour,

move on when all seems lost.

the days remain

Mar 16 · 98
it takes time and patience to be  brave;

to face the consequences, to be         so


the calculations are seven
what is in that bag in the car?

you mean the brown paper bag from the bakers?


well there are his clean pants and his socks.


the leaflet about the manchester ship canal

you wanted.

also is a light bulb.

do you remember the electrician advised her of the peculiar property

of bulbs, well

she gave me a bag of the discarded ones

which all worked.

anyhow, one is a small ***** in and does not fit my lights here.

it will do for the light in my bedroom at yours.

thankyou. i will put it in the bedside drawer.

yes. that is what i thought too.

i hope you get to go on the manchester

ship canal.
you kept going while i was away even during storms

real grit

i am back as you can tell

will settle in a few days

7.21 home

lots to do

i briefly say that
i travelled to southport
then the manchester ship canal
then manchester town

i enjoyed it
much happened

much to do
to regroup
and tidy

your poor legs

a photo

Mar 13 · 82
oil pond mirrors the darkness the november

day                  sun draws white against the grey

this       leaf  lays on earth

there is no god

not hungry nor otherwise

you look at me straight and ask the past

and briefly I say & say there is no god

you did not smile nor shout you are the deadest thing

dead down .              no smiling  despite birds gone  by

on greasy wings                       .i remember your look

your face

drawn grey as mourning doves

that remind

for me there is no god
Mar 12 · 101
.red and white.
will watch the film on perception tomorrow alongside
another. red & white.  they say it will change my life.

meanwhile i **** boxes.
Mar 11 · 45
.folded notes.
said old people fold notes
i felt insulted.

she said it bothered her a lot
when she counted them.

we should keep them flat
others may agree
Mar 10 · 64
who defines the different
level of thought

is there a manual
with charts and graphs

a litmus test to testify
that the thought got tangled
Mar 9 · 88
the back road was
littered, rather blustery.

we have a darker day
Mar 8 · 84
. later .
do not fret, i know you worry, i will paint it over in the spring.

it is a long time since the sun shone in long and low like that.
Mar 7 · 112
seems there may be some connection
some call it a trigger.

some things leave us cold and wondering
Mar 6 · 71
hope to revert to an earlier
idea of smudge and carbonate

you see
there is no control
only that we think we have
which is probably all imagined
Mar 5 · 72
. lampeter.
hesitate again
look down

regret my first sentence

maybe will say it some other time
Mar 4 · 74
you would love it she said,

no dressing up required, nothing fancy.

then showed me photos  of the mandatory

gala evening

all wearing glittery stuff

bought on vinted.

am not fancy, me.
Mar 3 · 76
.continental seven.
wrote a continental seven automatically

as always

then afterwards wondered if it may

be mistaken for a four.

things turned out fine

and the next day

did not get blown off the bridge.

high winds.
Mar 2 · 76
a pinky glow

she said that it was the coldest night for years

and I forget how many
Mar 1 · 166
.black things fade.
a storm came yesterday dark and loud  the landscape veiled
awash a while
black things fade and all is grey

win or lose hedge your edge
write of parlay
Feb 28 · 70
spoke to others yesterday about
banning the word coping as a negative
thing, said with sympathy
head to one side.

it feels a frail word and does not apply
Feb 27 · 86
.differing hue.
comes a differing hue
with duck egg blue

the ironmongers in town
at one seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there
and bus back you see

he said folk get used to anything
Feb 26 · 114
i thinks it’s a mouse in the bathroom

moving the old soap into odd places

and leaving bits about

for the cleaner to sweep.

this morning early we pinned that soap onto the bath board
Feb 25 · 79
time is limited these days.
those one admired in youth
devastate us now.

can we know all things, we
only went twice ?
Feb 24 · 77
is what you are told
it is
you realise
it is
Feb 23 · 64
taught as required for copying  so we all looked the same
though some added bits and embellishments which caused remark

while the space between lines was so immense
Feb 22 · 41
.more like a letter.
well hello

you see I did write back to you


a different format

more like a letter now
Feb 20 · 90
intentions to change it all
then see what is already there and
carry on quietly

knowing the change will come
whether slowly or suddenly

Feb 19 · 204
.his sister.
i told him when he asked about dinner
with his sister
we laughed and the wind blew things
Feb 18 · 70
copy, paste..

a military term for the land, sea, and air space that is involved in or may become involved in war operations.

he said they built a special platform like at viewpoints for tourists

with coin slot binoculars or such like

for folk to watch, for students on a school day out, bussed for hours to see

the genocide.
Feb 17 · 71
.it is the blue tie and orange
top that looks distinctive..
Feb 16 · 85
.oil pond.
oil pond mirrors the darkness the november
day                  sun draws white against the grey
this       leaf  lays on earth
Feb 15 · 92
.stay safe.
meanwhile james the seeds grow
and i gets smaller

stay safe
Feb 14 · 72
to the divine air now

we are starting to breathe
a little
Feb 13 · 96
no one
is looking, there is no one here. we are not afraid of
the night.

we spin.
Feb 12 · 141
do not dignify the challenges. tread sweetly,
move on.

it is simply.
not worth fretting.
Feb 11 · 98
what is it?

how will they know for thinking
comes silent inside our heads
unless we utter
Feb 10 · 241
.store with care.
varying kinds
and ages

it dries and cracks if not stored with care

biscuit tins are useful
Feb 9 · 86
.greek poetry.
becomes larger as time moves on.
it started early, with greek poetry,
the radio, which played all day.
Feb 8 · 88
.much has happened.
it was dark blue with a little red added.

lasted two weeks and still prominent.
much has happened since
Feb 7 · 64
..gavin bryars..
the power house rears its head again,
pouring images down
like rain.

while gavin bryars plays
on and on
Feb 6 · 80
.to keep.
look at each gentle place,
to keep in a pocket
of love,for that rainy
day, you do not go.
Feb 5 · 93
maybe we need to check our numbers at the end, see if one or more are missing.          count them carefully, one side then the is all a pattern, that keeps us safely,        moves us
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