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quiet slow and uneventful
& lasting impressions

a simple drawing out
no fuss
and sometimes late in the evening
think of it
leave the house
and return to the simple line drawing
told you, no one will listen if we are quiet,
they have all lost interest’


‘do they only listen to loud folk , those that  shout
and remonstrate’

seems so.
added bits and embellishments which caused remark
while the space between lines was so immense my head came heavy with drowsy
fell off
i did not return
at tea.

traces remain hidden for the most part
only to come out on particular
without  warning

she said it without  warning
& i was horrified
painted my mug in happy yellow
drawn by the name not just the colour

and oh that name come true
on opening

while it was, he said

he knew things I didn’t.

and i advised i knew stuff also that he did not.

his reply was that he did not watch the news, nor have a radio for that made him sad.

i do, so who is the witness here?
painting it white


the former looked cream after thirty years in air

and wondered a while if it was actually cream initially


not white?
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