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Oct 2020 · 197
..the jug..
white with red is cool and dramatic

he came by yesterday
his tyres were fat and I smiled

she said they were purposed for snowy terrain

there was none of that here

it was hot

and the birds sang different

i feel

or is it the space

feels special

things start to relate
what needs to be done next

and now I listen

my brother phoned
the one who refuses to talk of the past

talked of the past as always again

talked of days out with granny and why

her strictures ?

suddenly I understood

she was scared too.

my granny
Oct 2020 · 154
proved hot yesterday

by the time I had walked and cut the grass
i came very damp

changed into thin cotton
pale blue with flowers
of summer

and drew quietly

my thing

while she also
at her house
drew pastel clouds

i sent photographs
for inspiration yet

continued to draw

the brave creature

seemed a long languid day
full of tidyness and thought

things bit. left red bumps
tried my hair back and stared
in the mirror james at all

that has happened.
Oct 2020 · 320
we care to care.

that is all.

write it all backwards
Oct 2020 · 152
..the window cleaner..
noticed a change in colour
of pace

he walked with his bike
most folk ride

it used to be a railway line
flat and straight

he returned back past me
said he forgot something

further down the track
the bike was propped
by a tree waiting


sparrows muddled in the dust

cattle reached for the lower


leaves are changing

and there is mistletoe
on one branch

the runners came after seven
lithe and nimble
smart headphones

pony tails bobbing

i walked on and saw a young heron

it rose. flew through the trees.

agnus dei

you tube music
Oct 2020 · 257
to talk of dead folk

i was quietly drawing
at the old table and as

one can, I felt someone

behind me on the work

i turned
as it skittered away
with its prize to chew


the last of my dead
mummifieds is gone

eaten as before

i am drawing some odd

stuff these days. meanwhile

my mobile still makes capitals
so I changes that

the breeze comes through the

while down by the hedge I get
Oct 2020 · 149
seems that I was mistaken

never mind

it comes a darker green

with mists

rowan berries reminding

of those other ways

days of hope

hope there still is

find we enjoy the one thing
then the next as much

my mind travels to meifod
to lampeter as you know

while writing this think that
many journeys are not applicable

this year

and is fine
we are much occupied here
with this and that

today I continue with plumbing


Oct 2020 · 148
.clay pots.
have you a storm predicted
did I see signs on social media?

i have seen the little creature
though it usually comes out at night
rustling in the knapweed patch

as you know I built a little house
yet I am sure it remains empty

so I cleared the ash from the
garden fire. used the token for
clay pots

as it was my first trip for many months
took things easy

have seen family
visited the recycling

and packed away my public studio

i work here now

find it
suits me
Oct 2020 · 112
have never played that game
nor knew what is was until just


she tells me all things except
when she does not understand
or mishears me

she states that she cannot connect
and I have no sympathy as maybe

five moments later she can easily

we have chatted how we seem to
spend so much time fixing and
fiddling in these curious times

with no one able to visit us much
to help

feels good to be vaguely independent


she helps when she is connected

and I do believe she has no gender

yesterday it was apple that locked me

out so I went to the garden with the
stick to bash down some damsons

oh boy

they were sour


some sticks come special here

for the fruit, the garden fire and low
hanging branches

props for the washing line
homes for the hedgehogs

and insects

you know well by now how
much I love twigs
Oct 2020 · 90
..water colours..
seems there is now a new scenario
to ponder yet not

for the decision was made
doubted by the other brain
though not to be changed

we wonder how it will map

we have wondered before
when waking to a misted world

missed the view

knowing the mountains are there
no longer visible

at the water colour class he explained
the phenomena with colours and depth

while i felt sleepy

prefering the door open
less rules more action

interaction with intuition

i met him at the gallery
all very posh
he wanted to be friends so

i went to meet him elsewhere
and he walked straight past me

then texted to say he could not
find me
Oct 2020 · 154
.clear pools.
it must be tiring
with all the heat
of summer

it was cool here yesterday
down the estuary

and rain came about 7.30

refreshing while walking

no use when your job is baling
when the baler is jammed

so we had a break in the back garden
six feet apart and talked about policemen

remembering earlier times

later a friend rang and said it was good
to hear a different perspective on things

i also was interested to hear a different

perspective on things

we come lately
we come with more

with bird song
this morning

so why the darkness
some days

is that natural?

there is a clear pool up by the mountain
where recently visitors have left litter

dark clouds gathering
Oct 2020 · 90
.soap dishes.
i dreamed I had been here so long
that I went into town and it had all changed

yet I know from reason this is not so

after speaking yesterday I thought of the soap dishes
in two parts

made of enamel both white and colours

in use they need to be taken apart and washed

for the suds seeps through to the lower parts
to congregate


i have mainly white upstairs
red in the kitchen

while the candlesticks also of a similar

with little handles to hold

so enamel eh?

with kettles, jugs and bowls we come happy here
and will write of something else tomorrow


used by now to this and hoping it may continue
Oct 2020 · 104
maybe it is an advertising piece

i found it in the charity shop

your word is thrift

I do not go shopping now

i make things or order and

receive by post

i really like the colanders best and have quite a few now

some for use and some for decoration hanging from
the beams

i still have my mother’s
silver worn
and use it regularly rather
than the others

there is danger back at work so my friend
will stay home, not return to her job at
the charity store

all crowded and with all that fiddling
with other folk’s stuff

this new keyboard plays lovely yet the
comma and the stop look the same
from this distance with that eye needing

while all is delayed

i watched the documentary

novel corona virus
Oct 2020 · 88
had an enamel stove from the fifties

that worked all those years

until the fuse box was upgraded

it had to be replaced
so I unpicked the parts
and kept a few few for use
in the house and other compartments

i have a photo here of up the valley
where they used to stook the harvest
all the family out working the fields

in the evening it came cooler
for rest

and oh the taste of heat against the cold
on the tongue

no icecream here just yet
mainly fruit these days

i may be able to find those photographs
on the memory


which was meant to be orange

they sent red

next time I ordered pink

they sent pink
Oct 2020 · 93
liking enamel tops for tables
liking enamel anything

i have a few here , cupboards and the like
around the place

also liking galvanised iron
enjoy putting the words in
search on ebay
to see what comes


the garden there are bins to
store compost and slate


your plans sound homely

i remember dogs chasing bikes
down green road, barking into

the distance

had a delivery yesterday and
he struggled with the weight
tell tale signs

later I stored it all
struggled with the weight
in two parts

it is clear this morning and
I fear I shall not get to lampeter

this year

it is a global pandemic

this year

i have been busy
one way and another

she says the swifts are leaving….
Oct 2020 · 102
.the photograph.
rained heavy most of the day here

so I took a photo through the window
found a new way to focus

block out the bad
the negative thought

not many liked it yet
I knew I had learned some thing

something to remember

i saved one quarter and the rest will
follow in time I am sure

a back up

i cannot fix that broken thing
can replace it

it cleared by six yet by then I was fixated


the cellar is ongoing
the shelf is tidy

i feel they prefer images from outdoors
rising hills and spreading fields

it is not always possible
Oct 2020 · 91
this house is straight on earth too
the surveyor said those years back

with slate floors or quarry tiles

except the one room
where the cellar lies beneath

that has wide wooden boards
rarely seen

once the basement stayed
fairly dry
yet recently one notices more

hash tag
global warming

to make the dehumidifier useful

we spent hours tidying and cleaning
find it was worth it until barefooted

we slipped on the stone steps so
had a bath and went to bed early

i talked to her her about the days we had
before refrigerators. the cold shelf she
called the thrall

meat safes and cheese that lasted

the brown bonnet she wore and me
locking granny in the walk in larder

how she laughed then

my granny

today I wake to pouring rain and know
that I shall not cut the grass today after


it is three quarters of an acre
Oct 2020 · 98
..cellar work..
it is early yet

and we think about how

it may be this winter



with the situation 

which changes daily



though no one seems to notice 

no more or perhaps they do

how would I know?




he told me he still looks each day

and I do too



while some don’t listen and try to

park where there is no parking no

more cones

up along the pass

and park and ride up from

the valley


what a thing to write about

you may exclaim 

not poetic nor romantic 

that is due to not being neither



my hair was real short back then

looked nice on reflection 



I am reorganizing the cellar
Oct 2020 · 79
woke comfortable this morning
feeling maybe I have done my bit

paid the price once again

yet this is a fallacy
these things happen

in our lives

there is no magic
no one to stop it

you talk of the graveyard
while coincidentally I watched

him finish the work down there
trimming grass, washing the stones

he moved tired then stopped
turned back
maybe to look at all he had done

like I do

he chose his day for this morning
it rains

meanwhile the mind wanders into
corners forgotten

corners that need dusting
corners that need looking

at some more

sincerely I say that I hope
the pain recedes

that you can eat comfortably

they gave me crisps
on my last visit

i shall go again
Oct 2020 · 159
.beauty spots.
sounds pleasant to have a river so close

ours is nearby
down the lane past the bamboo

and prehistoric plants
the land that time forgot

yours is nearer and I imagine
your view and the little oak


i went to blaenau in the rain
you may google that so best
add ffestiniog to the name

i saw the garden with all the birds

i have two oak trees grown tall

sheltering and strong in a storm
i stand on the doorway to watch

the branches thrash

you will miss the swallows I am sure
it is best we look after the birds and
other creatures while we can james

yet seems from what you say that some
don’t bother

my scope is limited now
yet it comes enough for

beauty spots were once to adorn
the face
hide the imperfections
Oct 2020 · 91
we have doubts regarding decisions
then friends remind us

as to

the things that are precious, valuable

and are not the things that our present
culture dictates

there is an insidious voice wheedling
created by the current clime, media


all sorts

and not of liquorice

that will be nice and tasty
turning my teeth black &

a need to check in the mirror

do not eat so many now
on furlough and mainly buying


except the perfume candle, bath oil
and pecan


that people revere gold as you cannot
eat nor breath it

it will not keep you alive
though I know personally
it is useful in wound dressings

and also in teeth
though my fillings

are cheaper stuff


apologies for mentioning those
as I know yours are sensitive just
now and bothering you

i have no edges really
you see, mine is not a
real lawn as in the accepted

I live in the country
Oct 2020 · 94
the bike man was nice
looked interested yet

was also sorting hire
bikes for five tourists

so it seems

thought mine was more of a winter job
so that is ok

said it looked old
i says he is correct
though I am older
and he said nothing about that

helped me to reverse back out

it was busy in town
for this town lately

it was noisy on the road
for these roads lately

and their were folk in the lanes
that have been empty

i tested the brakes which worked sharply
maybe loosened by the oilings

i resolve to continue the work


i think his name is michael
he had blue gloves and a thoughtful

I hid in the garden glad I go out early

thinned the hedge once more into

a hedgerow

ready for birds and flowers

next spring
Oct 2020 · 96
.wild things.

with all that has occurred
the changes and challenges

perhaps we have a right
to feel tired

perhaps unknowingly
we are also holding fright

even the soldiers here

my quiet friends felt shaky

weary while getting back to


it is nice here in the garden
a haven for all things wild

wild things

today I have an appointment
with the bike shop in town

fearing the worst

it may be beyond repair

i too come older than I have
ever been
Oct 2020 · 114
..sing loudly..
i understand although of course I
am still at home
even lazy that rainy day

we shall not compare yet
seems I am the same as

some others, still quiet

they all came the weekend
in the sun parking the
roads by the mountain

the bus could not get through

it was on the news
social media and

in conversation

we feed the birds
and in the week when
the road is quiet hear
the birds say

is it you?
the reply
is it you ?

comes soon after

it is not the reply concerns me
it is the wellbeing and safety

do not fall to sleep james
sing loudly…..
Oct 2020 · 89
.my bikes.
first bike I bought ever
with my savings cost quite
a lot in relation to my income

from the shop near peters hill
where I thought the pram and

other things

when a child I had a tricycle which
broke bumping down a kerb

i remember disbelief
and devastating feelings

the next one was blue and I fell off

so I thought a blue one again
with a seat on the back & a basket
on the front

she got heavy later
too big so we took
the bus

and I used the bike for work
or walked there

i still have that bike

four bikes in total ever
two second hand
two brand new


they say bikes are hard to get here at present
while mine is on a waiting list at the bike repair
shop in town

it will be my first visit for
months james
Oct 2020 · 92
.brown bread.
seems yesterday I forgot to press
the reply tab

seems yesterday started with mist
again that turned to heavy rain all day

an indoors day

dried out the clothes
we settled until at tea

time it stopped a while
to allow a walk round

the garden
to wonder at
the wet

water dropping from

the oak

from above

most of the day it felt
like sunday

we had fresh fruit delivered
and delightful bread

the best taste of the last 5 months

Sep 2020 · 88
thick  mist enveloped



yesterday early

stepped out camera held



wandered down into weak sun


burnt the mist into swathes



sheep had come up in groups 

sleeping on the road

the tracks

warm tarmac

holding heat



gorse held the webs




we stopped 

both of us

to look

to wonder



it all took double the time



another world


I am later today 

Sep 2020 · 85
..little weasel..
having trouble with capitals here
and the predictions teeth can be

difficult things
especially while

dentists are out of bounds
these days

the stones were delivered
alongside memories born

from a bird
who died

from the cat

and weasels have short legs

my neighbour insisted on helping

it was nice
Sep 2020 · 73
talking of cages they would be useful here

to keep the wild things escaped from cats

who ******

to heal

down by the park
was a wee bird sanctuary

next to the vicarage

we would call by to look
in the cages

guess it was free

i was at school with the vicar’s

she had recovered from polio
or a bad car accident

i don’t remember which it
was all a long time ago

their house was

down by the stream that
ran the side of the road

they say I was one of the first
to have the jab

I heard other parents say that they
would not allow it

i did not mind though I remember fear
of the needle

and more the fear of polio

we showed him the iron lung at the science
museum only last year

Sep 2020 · 159
yes I remember there was one in the
garden here when we came
by near the elderflower

and just as you describe
popped up here and there
a bit

then one day when we were on a day
trip over to dublin

a wind came so strong
that the ferry got cancelled
so we turned back
with no breakfast
and nowhere open

so early

then the rain started

on arrival back home, hungry
found that tree had blown down

into the lane

the neighbour all flustered
about the mess and bother

so mine went out in all the weather
wet and cleared it


it never came back again


later we ate a good breakfast
Sep 2020 · 87
.second visit.
have a new strimmer

green and profound

my broken one is orange and ******* in a trash bag

i hope it gets collected on ******* day

on thursday

it has an extra handle

plus a flower guard

how apt for me

so then yesterday we had a garden fire
sat round on the grass

waved the clothes prop at the apples

knocked a few and ****** our teeth at the

sour ness yet

laughed and minced them with carrots and bread

in the machinator

I calls it that

put our heads in boxes for the experience

swapped ideas and plants

it was a lovely day despite the increase in traffic

despite the ease

others have mentioned it james

it comes damp, darker this morning james
the further window open

the ribbons move
Sep 2020 · 91
.the visit.
.day 50..

the flowers are corona as you know
they escape it seems
and spread about

i went back with resolve to be
then looked at the extra sleeve
and got excited

so back to the drawing board

to work again on this corona

she is always joan
the other one
Sep 2020 · 91
.the mouse.

as I crouched in the long grass
the buzzard came down as big
as a chicken

we looked at each other a while

as it flew off I dropped all the seeds


in the wrong place

later I sat looking
and while the dragon
fly came from the water

the grasshopper came for company

that evening on the bird feeder
the mouse sat looking in

eyes like shiny black pin heads

stayed a while

i had company yesterday

i think

I shall have company again today
Sep 2020 · 110
.thankyou for asking.
thank you for asking and the answer

would be quicker if I had cut my nails

to bounce the keyboard here


funny you should ask as i was thinking

over this yesterday while walking




it felt unfair that after all those years

of housekeeping

keeping his house clean

tidy, fitting in with all his

timetables and breathing


not breathing




she had to  go to the home quietly

where she remained quietly


her daughter also went later

and remain quiet


i lived in a home in milton road

milton house, place of nighmare

for us kids


wettened beds

stinking laundry




so I stayed quiet


so thank you so much for asking

and being so thoughtful yet  I tell


you clearly

that I do not want a care situation ever

for all the good it will do, so i won’t stay


quiet now

forgive me


I hope your dad had green in his view


other colours too
Sep 2020 · 102
.start right.
i had summer and winter shoes.

summer brought traditional sandals
white nubuck leather mainly
though sometimes red
never brown

the next year Mum cut the front out

our toes peeped through for playing
for paddling

I dont remember plimsoles really
only that yellow pair for when I went away
and it was then I had lace ups
the only time ever

lately in chester I asked for lace ups
the assistant asked what I meant
so I said

she replied no that she only had shoes
with laces see

in the winter I wore strap shoes
always red
double strap
a treat

mum said in the war she would walk
with the boys up in the pram to look
for somewhere with shoes for sale

sometimes she bought them little leather
boots to wear with the knitted suits

that had to be washed carefully

i still have the photographs
I do not have those brothers
no more

i have the other one
born before me
after the war.
Sep 2020 · 71
.after bright.
wonder where I went that day
after being sacked 

i would have gone back home
if I had of had such a thing

i may have looked in the posh shoe 
shop window for comfort

that store figured a lot in my early days
losing myself in the display, styles 
and colours

I bought a pair once
they let me pay the four pounds 
as I did not earn much more than 
that weekly

only on tuesday did we discuss our
lack of money then
now with lockdown
we spend little
though we have


coming in back home with those
shoes she laughed then scolded me

who do you think will look at you
notice you

at work the upholstery assistants

I still like shoes james
and boots

and my home

Sep 2020 · 81
.place became of importance
after not having nothing a while

back then

so moving on

i tell you about my situation back then

she called me in gave me a talking to

a difficult situation
i balanced the books
kept them neatly
sat at the desk obediently 

listened to her & her manager 
though I did not understand 
the chatter 

liked the restaurant staff
counted in & out like they


the next morning I went in
to find another girl at my desk
in the talking to me

she had sacked me & I did

not understand 

I had nowhere to go

now I value my place

yet often do not understand 

ask for things in writing

to read over.

and over
Sep 2020 · 88
have heard dark stories 
on crossroads
seen the films


i intend to write more about mother 
her slight appearance 
later neatness

her enthusiasm a while for new

if I carefully mentioned I liked them
she would buy the same for me

unfortunately for me

it lasted a while
until she failed

a lockdown

her shape changed with age
as we do

dresses became more the thing
with belts

man made materials
with all those idiosyncrasies 

static and snagging

i walked then too
down the river and along 

Sep 2020 · 81
.to do.
told her that next I will do the stairs down 

when she asked what that meant

i explained it was how my mother spoke

her language 

to do meant to clean


to do the stairs down

was to sweep then wash them

from top to bottom

she did the bedrooms on thursday

the lounge on monday

et cetera

she cleaned the home a lot

my mother

then in the afternoon if fine

would wash and change and go 

out often to town on the bus

if she was well and buy herself something

she was a size 12 at the top

14 lower down

if she was ill she went to bed early

now I may understand 

too late

so today I may do one of the rooms here 

Sep 2020 · 70
see the softest looking clouds
if that is where that work came
and the joy of pink?

with gentle grey

the wind blows round our houses
water recedes
stories change

it was later that afternoon that
the rain stopped so we stepped 
out a while 
down to the bell field

three miles there and back
they say

noting the markers are moved

the car park is back open with
a sign of guidelines
to be kind

the grass is being cut at the caravan park 
the tent field flooded

they will come tomorrow 
it will still be quiet today

it feels some folk are the same
no need to hurry
no need for changes yet

there is a mark on my ankle
and it is getting bigger

there is a story regarding work
that keeps changing

no number
Sep 2020 · 74

i miss her eyes, her looking up, back at me
the sound of her running the stairs scratching the door when it slammed shut in the wind

so i imagine your dog
from the description you gave


got no walk yesterday for heavy rain
nor today by looks of it

things come together
things are changing 

rattles the brain
until things drop into place
and we move forward knowing

i am a fortunate even though

you made a positive change 
i find my words come the same

now with one finger
the pointy one
the one i point with

you know on the bus with her
at horses, helicopters and planes


now I indicate invisible with my mind
unless I forget

though we won’t go on buses now

i count in the last day tomorrow 
for although we must stay safe
i do not want to count forever


i note the weather this morning
from the small bedroom window
the water is up on the field 
while I am dry indoors

Sep 2020 · 67
awake early to rain on the window
severe piano music from the radio

cosy up a while
with tea

your words took on a different tone than
the cycling tales 

I appreciate this

today here
comes another announcement 
predicted it will be dropping the

present travel restriction 

yesterday came energy
with words from another

with a sudden burst late 
the grass was cut though
was sent cross eyed back

into the house with hunger

new recipe awaited
what I invented &
I expect someone else
invented it before sometime

rhubarb delivered after
from the family garden


to be cooked today
some frozen in small portions

when young I ate it raw
on the bus home from work

my mother told me it clears the blood
while vinegar changed it to water

things to tell a child

I wonder about the taste of tea
as I drink it

about the summer clothes not worn this year
mainly in workwear
with heavy boots
that take days to dry out

Sep 2020 · 82
just words added together making phrases


programmed I guess
without anyone noticing 

until they do
of course

then comes embarrassment
on realisation

it means nothing

we prefer it this way

i have been imagining and that is all it is

invented scenarios in my mind


how are you guys doing over there now?

at first here it felt difficult for me
for shopping and other tasks

we found our way
now it is the way 

of life

rang the helpline about my laptop james
he says he thinks we are the virus on this
earth that kills the trees and animals 

that kills each other

i walk each day
some days stay dry

forever imagining
Sep 2020 · 86
yes. when i go visit, go further i shall stop counting

in wales it is hoped that this may be so
that we may visit one other household
be part of that .even stay over

the day is yet to arrive

i enjoyed my garbage run james
we call it recycling and very well

another trip out that left me buzzing 

things can change
and if they do

the counting stops then

the laptop is in disarray
so I tap here neatly by phone

it feels neat and particular 
With little noises to accompany 

and more help with the spelling 

it gives me capitals so I change them quickly 

I wonder if I will visit tregaron this fall
go to lampeter to see if the walnut tree
has anything for me

betwixt the mobile and laptop
things come awry and we leave it so

the random nature of things

faintly corrupted
Sep 2020 · 75
have counted & now
the counting stops soon


all is changing

i cleaned the kitchen yesterday
while outside it rained
quite thoroughly

i find that soon i may visit my
family, not be solitary

that i may travel further
that i must still be very

so i cleaned the kitchen
and wondered about it all

i had got used to it james
quite used to it even
enjoyed it

i shall also make changes
now the kitchen is tidy

one +
Sep 2020 · 67
our thinking changes over time
doesn’t it?

these quiet times of isolation have
affected some
and they become startled at what is
still going on outside

with words and maybe misunderstanding

if there is a question
we  can research it to allow things to grow

they certainly will this weather
so much rain that i remain inside
this morning

no early walk have been soaked twice
right through

hence comes the changes

i photograph at the window
yet you cannot feel the wet
from the image
nor feel the wind
for wind there is this time

perhaps the poet had done his job
for you james
and set you on your path?

you can think of him on your bicycle
his words & patterns
the flow of ideas
& this will remain forever with you

things stay here and sadly it all reappeared
while walking like a film before me in snatches

eliminated on return with the currant bun
the coffee

traces remain hidden for the most part
only to come out on particular
without  warning

she said it without  a warning
& i was horrified


no playlist
no 9.99 a month
Sep 2020 · 92
we do have muffins, but not cheese curd
unless it has a different name here, the fried
ones look nice

we have bread muffins white and fluffy
i could eat one now

still gloomy this morning

she fidgeted and fussed
so i let her out last eve

then the rain came hard
in sheets they say and i
felt for her yet i know she
has some place to go as
she comes in dry later

later i found i can colour
with the carbon especially
the red if cut in strips and rolled

so i did that only i forget that i meaned
to write this different more meaningful

with references to our situations without
these strange times
three word slogans

he said it
and i laughed and laughed

we all got very wet yesterday
then tucked back indoors nicely

and i ordered verbena again
he pulled the last one out
thought it was a **** james

so i have three coming by post
of course

with the candle
and some dates

as have fancied them a lot

as a child we had them only
at christmas
in a pressed

and i have prunes left
Sep 2020 · 95
sometimes i have to check my numbers
sometimes they run out of corn all together
and offer me peas

not the same james
a different colour
i like yellow

i place the bone
where the mouse once was

the other bodies are boxed now

murky this morning and possibly cool
with promise of a social occasion possible

unless there are more gigantic congregations
with no worth other than to scatter their litter

they will come with fire here on the bridge
where he spent the day scraping tenfold
maybe gave up

i have not heard him since
told me he had obsessions
i tend to agree

excitement here over the boxes
due here soon, parcel force

do you remember my love

this is a new project


that is the way i get stuff now
no travelling
no stores

no hassle
only the joy of expectation james


i guess you understand that

watching the seeds grow
looking for flowers
& little animals

admiring the cows now
on the hill silhouetted

got that ok the second time around james
some things take several if not many attempts

then i drew the coat again
Sep 2020 · 78
the storm came last evening
well, late afternoon really. we

were talking as i watched the
water fall down the window

there was none the other end
though breezy with the doors


the studio was an oven of
skin pricked

i drew the tiny coat faintly
and left to sit outside to


then carry compost round
the back

filthy then i bathed, put on
cotton pyjamas
heard the heaviness of water

we have cat slide windows


water runs down
water runs everywhere

that was last evening and it all steamed later

it is morning
the mist hangs
in the place i walk
each day

that place i lived was on the news
for that one day i am glad i moved

all the other days too
i have been here a while

Sep 2020 · 70
the wild thing entered the studio again
i was not looking

the dead things are missing
presumed eaten

years old
dried must
have tasted bitter

feathers left outside
in scatters

i had taken photos

the rat remains under glass

even at home small dramas occur

they had the drain issue
while i experienced non delivery
though they said they had

so today we talk of cows
now up behind the yard
where i can see them all


so pretty with differing patterns
with a chevrolet bull he said
he possibly will have spelled
it different

i don’t know

i see a lot while walking yet
still envy those that pass by

i still pick up things that they
may not see going by so quick

like he did not see the objects
the idle artefacts in passing
so busy thinking of his own affairs

hot here today
they say

there may be storms tomorrow
yesterday the planes flew over
while i waited

Sep 2020 · 69
liking the format, liking the days
that come natural now without
no planning

evolving gradually

my trip out yesterday
there have been a few

1. for cash a long while back at early in the morning

2. for fuel
at a reasonable time of day

3. the garage for my mot; passed eventually

4. the tip yesterday with the garden trash
which all went smoothly, clearly they
are well organised and tidy minded

it was all damp, leafy & would not burn
there is that ampersand again & will they

he was there my old riding partner
those days in the back bar, most
are gone now

seems now my category is not mentioned
no more, become part of the general population


then i have the daily walk
as do the others while others
carry on as they have always

as if nothing happened

my bike still sits quiet
wheeled out each day
to admire

i will get back to it
in time

meanwhile we carry on james
we carry on

i have a few bells
not all on bikes
some rusting
i have always liked bicycle bells

the cat came in the studio to grab
the mummified bird james
i managed to recue it though
dead already
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