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Sep 2019 · 206
Goodbye for now.
SNRussell Sep 2019
When the billowing curtain calms
and the night is lit by our moon
the trains will roll on by
and in slumber we will be soon

Dreams will be sweet and merry
of days in golden light
The morning blissfully calls us
to take the new day with delight

The birds will sing in the garden
the kitchen will clink and chime
the house will ring with happiness
and will forever be held in time

When the hours of the day holds you
but your arms are far away
I'll be sitting on the swing in the garden
Waiting for you, that's where I'll stay
Thank you for making us feel safe and loved.
Oct 2014 · 449
Sweeping Past.
SNRussell Oct 2014
I used to sweep the floor,
outside our old front door.
The fallen leaves blew high,
with each sweep they would fly.

So young I loved the sound
of those bristles on the ground.
The rustling of natures debris,
not a speck would I let flee.

And as I grew I found
with each year more leaves came round
to tempt me to stay home
and sweep the floor alone.

Why do I find such solace?
With each push a certain calmness.
A distraction from past sadness,
or just a recreational madness?

So many changes in a year,
and with age I learnt to fear
of losing love and things so strange,
yet this routine remains the same.

From back when it was a chore,
though it was one I adored.
It now becomes my reason,
to be one with this season.

And so, I still like to sweep the floor,
outside of my new front door.
The fallen leaves blow high,
and with each sweep...
they fly.
Oct 2014 · 430
I shall, I will.
SNRussell Oct 2014
If you smile, I shall smile
If you dance, I shall dance
If you laugh, I shall laugh
If you dream, I shall dream with you.

If you dare to, I will dare to
If you argue, I will argue
If you shout, I will shout
If you cry, I will cry with you.

If you sing, I shall sing
If you write, I shall write
If you go, I shall go
If you become lost, I shall be lost with you

If you need me, I will be there
If you call me, I will answer
If you are scared, I will be brave
If you let me love you, I will love you forever.
Oct 2014 · 294
Where We Sat.
SNRussell Oct 2014
Your seat was one we all sat in
And the days swung by like swings
Going higher into the sky
You're flying
And the blue is magnificent
Whilst the sun shines blindingly
Blissfully we jump
The grass brushes the soles of our feet
Before we fall to the ground as the world spins so sweet
The birds and distant trains make for a peaceful reverie
Whilst the days feel like they're a part of you
And they will always be
Even when they're over you remember them so clearly
The seat will never be empty and you will always be there
I see you sitting in it now
We're no longer there to take it
And the swing is flying higher than ever before
With those little faces so happy
Those trains forever rolling along
Those birds singing beautifully as the kitchen chimes with life
The icecream van tune that threatened your Walls bought gift
A funny thing which for some reason stays unforgotten
I sit on the swing, the teal and yellow memory
And with a longing ache, I smile.
Jun 2012 · 890
'Social' Life.
SNRussell Jun 2012
There’s a silence in-between the broken ecstasy of youth
The dysfunctional becomes the idealistic way of everyday behavior
The act of pretense and the loud incomprehensible filth
Take a listen to this person
Hear their story unfold
Tell me you can’t feel their hearts fault
That slip of the tongue  
That downward glance
And tell me you agree
A fluid filled night
Music that cuts through the room so quietly
Conversation so easily forgettable
Memories so happily forgotten
Nights we ‘blissfully’ collect become the substance of being
The reality of fiction
I pretend to care about
We carelessly listen to ignorance and stupidity
Fall in love on a night of this
Fall in love with a lie that’s so perfectly built
Building a life with the strangers around us
Strangers we pretend to know
Strangers we pretend to be.
Jun 2012 · 487
For the best.
SNRussell Jun 2012
From peace of mind
came your gaze
I danced in the stare
and faded with the night
In the morning I awoke
I remembered that this time
it was for the best.
Feb 2012 · 600
September Winds.
SNRussell Feb 2012
Dark nights creep into darker ones still
Put your arms around me
Keep me a little while yet
We’ll lay beneath the trees here
In the grass
Face to face
The September winds bring us closer
Wrapped in each others coats
The strange, bronze glow of the night
Certain sadness forms
You’re leaving
But right now
At least
We are happy
In these fields
Not far from home
Those that held summers
Those that held friendships
Your hands hold onto mine
Content with each other
One day, looking back
Facing new September winds
I'll remember how
I must have loved you then.
Jan 2012 · 2.8k
SNRussell Jan 2012

Jun 2011 · 652
SNRussell Jun 2011
It was like God had taken all of the stars from the heavens above and placed them in my hands.
Though they did burn,
I was to not once let them go..
through fear of never seeing them shine again.

— The End —