Silly when I think Or feel Like this isn’t The inevitable end But I know in my heart I’ll never hear you again “Hey dood” Waiting for you to call Checking the mail to see if you wrote Checking here for messages Why can’t I give you up
You can take her Take her to see all the things We would have seen The Grand Canyon Hawaii Paris But emptiness will follow you Everywhere Because You know It should have been Me
And you’ll rot In some Dead end town At some Dead end job With an okay house Maybe you’ll have “things”
And I’ll forget you I’ll forget everything about you And your Little life with your Little family I’ll have my own Big life There won’t be space for You.
I don’t trust you Not as far as I can Throw you Which wouldn’t be far On a account of your being 6”3 and my being 5”4 But I miss you I miss your arms And the way you scooped me up I miss you longer than the longest Days or nights Every poem is about Missing You
And in the end We will both do What we need to To keep our families together Never letting our lives Intertwine again But oh my soul, Baby, Never again will I Feel so whole
You know how it feels without me How can you live with this Don’t you miss my voice Don’t you miss my laugh I miss you I get so lost in you Please Please Don’t tell me I’ll Never Feel like you made me feel Again
I hope when you wash your hair Fleeting moments radiate through the air Your hand up my thigh A passionate kiss I hope they never leave your head I hope you wish and wish That she were me And you realize You let me be
Today I hope you and her Drive each other Bat **** crazy I hope even in small happiness There is emptiness Today I am wishing You get everything you deserve