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Frustration chiseled on her face
Depression in her eyes, purple blotches underneath
Those feelings she locked inside, its a prison in her mind
Passerby's watch, I see her teeth shine
The wind blows through her graceful hair
Flowing freely against the air
Her eyes so bold, when she sees something she wants
All appears too far and out of sight
Despiteful with a cold heart
She no longer trusts, and on her own
She believes shes alone
In her own world, here stuck on planet Earth
I could see that she doesn't presume herself of any worth
Eyes remain steady, her motions remain still
Emotions are there but left undetected
Her mood like a rainy day,
I watch the tears wash away
Turning all her surroundings gray
Is there still hope for life as all precious memories decay
Detached from the world, she wants to be erased
Yet, still in my mind
Her figure remains
When we met I didn't know
How much you would effect me
I felt alive!
I felt free!
I even felt happy :)
Suddenly something changed
You didn't act the same
Your words turned cruel
And caused me much pain
When we met I didn't know
How much you would hurt me
I felt alone
I felt used
I even felt ugly :(
I'll admit I regret
Being a pawn in your game
You still have my heart
And I still feel ashamed
The illusion of life before me
The grandeur of the spectacle
Appear to disappear before me through time

I see myself in the reflection
Blinded by who I see staring back
It cannot be me
Who is looing back
I do not recognize the mirror
For, it has changed

What am I to think?
What am I to see?
Has it been too long
Since I've seen you?
The one I've been all along
To Judge what I've become

I've lost all resistance
To how I feel
Time is against us
And breaking my reality

Love is a dream
And an illusion
And yet, it is all I can describe

And at the same time,
Be the one thing I lack and long for

Wake me in this illusion
To save me, for I know not
What is to come
If I continue to exist
In this existence

The longing to feel real and belong
Is a pipe dream
And something I crave

You are the love I see
And I do not know why
Do you see me?
I see you
Illusion or not
I feel what I feel
Unsure of the direction we follow

I know the sight of you
Is leading me to follow
Embrace me?
Feel me?
See me?
Love me.

I do not know
Too much to mention
music is many things
it is invisible
but so powerful
coursing through your veins with every
with every
emotions, spilling through the air
butterflies, soaring through your soul
it's aggressive and loving
it's violent and gentle
it's painful and soothing
it's hideous and beautiful
it's me
it's you
it's all of us
music is
we are
but one.
Why Love?
If you will end up brokenhearted
Why have Friend?
If it wont last forever

Why talk?
If everyone is not listening to you
Why Ask?
If they cant answer your question

Why Live?
If you will die in the end
Why Sleep?
If you will wake up again

Why Cry?
If there's no one will wipe away all you tears
Why Laugh?
If you just going to pretend that your happy

Why being Good?
If being bad can make everyone notice you
Why Trust?
If they will betray you someday

Why bother to go to School
If that place is so boring
Why Study?
If you don't learn anything

Why believe there's a Satan?
If hell is not close to being real
Why have Life?
If death can easily take that away

Why Write?
If your not going to read it
Why Read?
IF the writer of this poem is no longer exist
 May 2013 Skye Applebome
I call you 7 times,
It’s my lucky number, wishing you’ll pick up this time
It keeps ringing, and I can see the shadows of doubt reaching for me, crossing the fine line
You finally pick it up; I heave a sigh that I didn’t know I was holding
I tentatively ask if your free, my heart flutters against my chest
In can hear you say “I’m not, I’ll call you later?” its question, uncertainty clouding your sharp voice
I wait endlessly, like a lover patiently waiting for him to return safely from Afghanistan,
He never does, she never calls. And so the night falls.
A sharp blow against my rib cage, desperate reminder that I’ll never have it back
Hopelessness has replaced the bone marrow, in my carved bones
You carved my bones, inscribing your smile in it with the Swiss knife I believed you kept under
                                                           ­                                                                 ­your pillow, like my heart
it’s my fault, my eyes not very telescopic, wanted the golden sun, they didn’t tell me it’s a fireball
I hung expectations from the empire state, you have permanent ache in your legs,
You gave up the idea of the view, I don’t blame you
Old friend, I won’t call you 8th time, my bones have started singing in your absence
I’ll take this as my queue to escape, for I never wanted to be a verse, I wanted to be the chorus.
 May 2013 Skye Applebome
there is black at the end of every miracle
and the base of every rainbow where the colors drip
and mix in the sickest sort of chorus.
color and rain and atmospheric moisture,
you kneeled under a rainbow and prayed;
water in your alveoli paint in your bronchi,
you inhaled all your art
to make yourself prettier on the inside -
{but that doesn't work when everything you paint
is uglier than anything else:
broken ***** girls
and rusted knives and rotten fruit -
how can you expect to be beautiful with a rotting apple
for a heart?
you're an abandoned orchard,
falling to seed when you once fed a nation,
dry earth dead trees rotten rotten fruit
remember your glory days and cry}
you were a blackbird but time plucked all your feathers
you were a blackbird but now, oh,
with all your yellow blood,
canary in a coal mine you knew it was too late.
you were the first to be tragic.
the first to choke on coaldust -
the road to el dorado is paved in coal
and all the gold is smudged in black from the men who sought riches
but brought with them misery.
canary in a coal mine you died in el dorado,
canary in a coal mine you died in a city
of your blood.
there is black at the end of every miracle and the beginning of every tragedy
but if all goes well it'll be all
blues and reds
by the end of the story.
drowned and bled,
primary colors for your finale.
you knew these colors would be your end, blue and red blue and red
and you sought out yellow,
canary in a coal mine, ***** el dorado,
yellow hope yellow fear
primary colors like building blocks,
carbon the base of the universe
blueredyellow the base of the paintings you inhaled,
blueredyellow and carbon coal.
you were a blackbird and blueredyellow in the reflections of your wings,
oily rainbows on your back
primary colors in your lungs,
and all your gaunt thoughts envelop you you never should have tried
to be beautiful -
a tragic hero can only do so much before falling apart
a tragedy can only go so far before it becomes comedy.
you inhaled all your paintings and they live in your lungs
live and rot and cry because you never painted happiness
{it's hard to paint something that doesn't exist,
it's hard to paint something you've never known -
abandoned orchard you rot beside the highway and cry.
tell yourself happiness doesn't exist,
cause that's better than knowing
it's there
but you're just
blackbird canary-blood apple-heart
do you even know who you are anymore?
all the broken ***** girls in your lungs
and the crying boys in your mind -
you never knew who you were,
fragmented as you are -
all your masks are just
sick echoes of the parts of you that wouldn't burn,
all your paintings are just sick echoes of the parts of you
scattered over el dorado.
gather yourself up,
knit yourself back together -
make your nest in a flak suit and sleep dreaming of you.
the coal burns around you and you don't stop singing
you will not be the only tragedy in this mine.
 May 2013 Skye Applebome
A sweeter sister I could never find,
It is so hard to believe that you are mine,
My sweetest eldest sister, I love you;
You are my Fairy in the sky of blue.
You are my luck and magic in the sky,
You are the soft cotton clouds way up high,
You are my sweetest sister ever;
And we will love each other forever.

Fur my friend and sister Ellie. She turned fifteen this April 7. She's not on HP yet but I hope she soon will be. :) ~<3
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