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 Aug 2013 Skye Applebome
Teeth gritten
Fists clenched
Same song on repeat
"I hate everything about you"
Why is life so cruel?
How many tears
Have fallen on a bathroom floor?

This place that is

In our darkest times
Is a private sanctuary
Where we escape to cry
And scream
And sit and stare

Away from prying eyes
And judging voices

Perhaps it is one of the few remaining
Sanctuaries that we can seek

When all hope is lost
These walls do not try
To stop our tears
Or give us advice

They do not abuse us
Or shout
Or judge
And whisper

They merely protect us
Enclosing us from the outside world
And give our minds that space
To think

How many tears
Have  fallen on the bathroom floor?

An ocean.
A               N                                  K
   B                E                                    N
     O                  V                                    E
       ­  Y                 E                                    W
                          ­     R

            T                               T
             ­                                  E                          R
                                    ­                                          A
                     ­                                                               I
­                                                                 ­                     N
          D                 S
                           ­              o
                     ­                H
                                    E                          ­                       H                          P
                                    ­                                                       I                           A
                                                               ­                               S                         I
                                                               ­                                                            N
 Aug 2013 Skye Applebome
Sir B
I just read
Our old conversations
Before becoming bff's
Before even knowing each other
It's just
Such a warm feeling
To know you made it
So far
Home base.
I had nothing else to do but read our old conversations (I talk to lots of people so I read a lot for a day) it's beautiful how you transform!

Sir B over and out.
Smile without the care in the world.

(Kinda long note, sorry!!)
 Aug 2013 Skye Applebome
Sir B
Late at night
When everything has stopped making noise
I start to fall asleep
But soon after
I wake up
In cold sweat
I look around and
Realize that my heart is stolen

By that special someone
They dared
To come at my house
Just to steal my heart
How brave
Yet foolish
To only take my heart

You should've taken me too
I wrote this to be a somewhat happy poem, hope you enjoyed it.

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