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Aug 2012 · 859
Poemasabi Aug 2012
The non surgical
to rumor
Aug 2012 · 1.5k
Poemasabi Aug 2012
I work in special education
I see people who lack
The ability to
See what others see
Feel what others feel
And suffer alongside those who suffer

These people all carry with them
Stamped on them to make it easier
For those who don't know them
To have a baseline on which to proceed
In the relationship

These labels can be words like
They can be abbreviations like
For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
But they are labels and as such are telling

So a new one for our age

Stupid White People
Has to be a new epidemic
I see them in my news feed on Facebook
Every day
Lined up around ****** fried chicken stores
Out in front of offices offering services for women's health

Don't hate them
Feel compassion and try to help them understand
But with the knowledge that they don't have the capacity
To do so
For just like those
in Special Ed
Thier god made them that way
Aug 2012 · 905
In the Name of the Father
Poemasabi Aug 2012
I will love everyone
Who is just like me
In the name of The Father

I will be tolerant of others
As long as they believe what I do
In the name of The Father

I will not be bigotted towards others
As long as they follow the same lifestyle and make the same choices as I do
In the name of The Father

I will not **** or harm others
Unless they behave in ways contrary to my beliefs
In the name of The Father

I will be open of mind
Unless that causes me to question my beliefs
In the name of The Father

I will fight ignorance
Unless that ignorance serves my purpose and advances my beliefs
In the name of The Father

I am a father
I can not believe that any father
Would accept ignorance, bigotry, intolerance, violence and hate
As apt tribute for the life of his loving, tolerant and caring son

So then, in the name of whose father?
Aug 2012 · 330
Good Talk
Poemasabi Aug 2012
to see a
good talk
Jul 2012 · 601
Who Was First
Poemasabi Jul 2012
***** was discovered in Poland
or so I am told
They were trying to distill kerosene
from potatoes

If that's true then
Who was the first Pole
To say
I wonder if you can drink it?

He or she should be a saint.
Jul 2012 · 3.2k
Unmotivated Curry (10w)
Poemasabi Jul 2012
to go out
It's curried fried eggs
Jul 2012 · 587
Catch a Fly, Feed a Spider
Poemasabi Jul 2012
There is a spider in my bathroom

She picked an awful spot
at the corner
where the shower meets the floor
and the wall

Location location location

There really is nothing
that goes near there
now that the ant traps are set

still, she has located herself there

built a web
and hangs
waiting for the tremor in the line
that will never come

or will it?

This morning I caught a fly
which is really quite easy
once you realize that they leap up
straight away from whatever they are perched on

just grab the air above their head

Once the fly was in my hand
I looked at the spider
she looked hungry
and since the fly was doomed anyway

I bounced it off the floor into her web

Then, watching the care
and finesse she had
preparing her meal,
I named her Julia
Jul 2012 · 7.8k
A Human Mind
Poemasabi Jul 2012
The human mind is an interesting thing
Mine is very
As it tends to wander
I mean

I have been told by an authority
My wife
That she's never seen one like it
Although how she can see a mind
I don't know

She has seen a lot in her life
Both with and before me
She was a Travel Agent
She's been to Turkey
I like turkey

I made an interesting stuffing for turkey once
It was during my time in the seafood retail business
In a fish market
It, the stuffing I mean, had shrimp, scallops and crayfish in it
My wife didn't like it much, she's of Irish heritage

She's been to Ireland too
Once in college and once with her family
Ireland is where Delorian made his cars in the 1980s
Before he was arrested for trafficking in *******

I have not been to Ireland
I have been to France, Belgium and England
I stayed in Waterloo Belgium for two weeks
In the 80's
When I was 25

Waterloo is where Napoleon was finally vanquished
Beaten by an Englishman
They have a monument, the lion, on top of a big hill there
I had to climb it twice
The first time I forgot my camera

I got a new camera recently
A Pentax
I have had several since Waterloo
The camera hasn't been anywhere interesting
Just my back yard

I use it to take pictures of birds
At our feeder
In the big maple tree
On the ground
There is even a turkey that comes in our yard

My wife's been to Turkey
She was a Travel Agent
Jul 2012 · 1.1k
Los Alamitos
Poemasabi Jul 2012
Los Alamitos
is where I learned
where kittens come from
babies too
I also learned that ivy
when used as a groundcover
is an excellent place to hide
when playing army
Until the old lady
whose ivy you are hiding in
comes out and chases you off

Los Alamitos
is where I found I could play
The Professor
from Gilligan's Island
with just my dad's white shirt
sleeves rolled up
tucked in to my khakis
my friend
a boy
always wanted
to play Ginger

Los Alamitos
gave me a picture
of my brother on his new bike
free and happy
and gave me a sister
a love of enchiladas
the word Smorgasbord
and two cats
Smokey and Signal
Those where the cats
My sister we named Wendy
Jul 2012 · 2.5k
Poemasabi Jul 2012
Mayonnaise is not an instrument
is gorgeous
is better
is nothing but oil
is on sale right now for $1
is so easy to prepare that one often wonders why
is made with lemon juice instead of vinegar
is on Facebook, sign up for Facebook to connect with I hate mayonaise
is in your extended network
is just fat
and yet
is my favorite Smashing Pumpkins song
I was listening to Al Filreis from The Writer's House at UPENN lead a discussion of Flarf poems (you can Google thatif you need to) and that led to a discovery of Googlism. A site where you type in a word, decide whether you want a who, what, where or when answer, it spits out random Google results. I made a found poem of sorts, from that output.
Jul 2012 · 1.7k
Not Shaving
Poemasabi Jul 2012
Not shaving could tell people, beware!
It could say
I am grumpy
From a late night argument with the baby
She's seventeen
Or with the misses, she's not
It could say
I suffered some terrible loss
Or got a bit of terrible news
It could say
I am tired
From working late into the early morning
On something important
Or just ******* around with poetry
More likely it could also say
I am just lazy this morning and didn't feel like shaving.
Jul 2012 · 2.4k
Poemasabi Jul 2012
Jul 2012 · 1.3k
Last Night's Softshells
Poemasabi Jul 2012
Last night's softshells
send vaporic reminders
To take trash out
Jul 2012 · 1.1k
New Lawn
Poemasabi Jul 2012
As August matures
My patio grows green
and is a new lawn
Jul 2012 · 1.3k
A Bud's Life (2)
Poemasabi Jul 2012
A bud's life
Is short, yet wonder comes
As flower unfolds
A variation of another Haiku of mine. This time experimenting with long vowel syllables being worth two beats and short vowel syllables counted as one.
Jul 2012 · 3.0k
Furious Owl
Poemasabi Jul 2012
Dark around my house sounds
Scratch of little claws on tiny feet across my front porch
Rough slide and tumble of a dry leaf on the patio
Faint hoofsteps pointing noses to where my green Hosta grows
Flap of Catalpa leaves in an unexpected but welcome summer breeze
Neighbor's door and then the cover on her garbage can
   Then her door again
Dead branch falling through the maple tree to the ground
The call of an owl
  furious perhaps
  having missed the tiny claws on my porch
Jul 2012 · 737
Poemasabi Jul 2012
Trying to express something in four words.
Poemasabi Jul 2012
The trouble with poetry is
that sometimes, often
it likes to hear itself talk too much
with words no one understands
with metaphors about beaches and rockets
and how they relate to love and loss
just to make the poet
feel superior
to the reader
and the reader
to hate poetry
I wrote the poem, realized I had heard the title somewhere before, realized it was Billy Collins, listened to him read it on YouTube and got to the part where he talks about breaking in to everyone else's poetry with flashlights and ski masks and knew it was ok.
Jul 2012 · 534
Oh Spider (10w)
Poemasabi Jul 2012
By a thread
vacant shell
oh spider
My first 10 worder
Jul 2012 · 542
Poemasabi Jul 2012
My daughter has gone
Left yesterday
I won't see her for awhile
I miss her already
Her smile
Her wicked sense of humor
her songs

her songs

all day long her songs

about everything

walking down the stairs
making a sandwich
using a napkin
sitting on the couch
going to the store

about everything

there is the quiet
and she'll be back in a month

the quiet
oh, and Indian food
a must have
while she's away

— The End —