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Aug 2016 · 1.8k
Don't Hurt My Penis
Listen here ******
Your hole is too tight
There are no fake ***** out here none made in China
I despise virgins, cause ***** don't fit

I don't appreciate blow jobs that's temporary
I prefer full time jobs
So won't you take ******* ***** as a full time job mouthy?
Won't you wind my tambourine till it weeps and sobs?

I don't like ******* that weren't ****** before
They got penises acting like tampons
I don't like being the first ****** this **** stays  on girls hearts like tattoos
If we ******* are my client, we build a rapport

Growing up l had a phobia for hairy vaginas
I always told my ****** to shave because I never imagined myself dating a bushman
Nothing is an idiot like my **** I saw it growing feet and standing cause this girl in a taxi was eating banana
Growing up I had a phobia of a pointy ***** in public.
Don't hate, my pen_is writing.
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
I'm Not Afraid
Just like Eminem,
I'm not afraid to take a stand
If that is what it would take to make you
That this adulation spawns me to be
I was impatient to wait for the time,so I
purchased a new watch our time has come
Been in many debauched rapports
All resulted a faux pas because I invested less
Not rueful, but from this juncture I prospect
to be more perfect
I'm not afraid
To take a stand
If that is what it would take to make you
I was improvident but I'm devising to be
I was impatient but I'm outlining to be patient
I am stubborn but I'm willing to be adamant
You said I'm indelicate I'm willing to be decent
I'm not afraid
To take a stand
If that is what it would take to make you
That I'm for you and only you
I'm executed from dishonesty, I take an oath
to be true
I'm not afraid
To take a stand
Even if that is what will make you understand
That I love you and only you...
Aug 2015 · 7.1k
Ngizwe kuvuka usinga kwathi angibhale
Bathi ayibe isazekeka uma isinkulu...
Ngicinge amagama alula okuloba lendaba, le
ndoda yathi izongilobola, angazangake ukuthi
kanti nangomlomo sekuyalotsholwa...
Aybo phela mina le ndoda yangthembisa!
Igama uNomathemba odabuka eMzumbe..
Hhay limnandi iTheku ..ungezwa ngabantu
bethi.. phela mina lana ngidla ama fish and
chips ..anginichomeli phela mina
bengizijwayelele umdumbulu namadumbe..
ekhaya eMzumbe..
Aybo phela mina lendoda yangthembisa..
Sengazitholela uThemba.. Loluthando lunginika
ithemba! UNtuli wam' ! Ugodide ! Ofake izinyo
legolide.. Ngyamthanda uMphemba wam' !
Phela yena ulithemba lam' !
Ngimenze uNkulunkulu, ngamnika lonke uqobo
Wangenza ibhange lakhe, wangnika yonke imali
Uthe angeke angiphule inhliziyo, akasoze adlala
ngemizwa yam'
Ngamtshena ukuthi angisiwo ulayini wokuhola
iqolo angeke ngimmoshele isikhathi sakhe..
Ihhe angikazikhohlwa izethembiso zakhe..
Ethi uzongenza umkakhe.. :/
Aybo phela mina lendoda yangthembisa!
Amagama angbiza ngawo amnandi, ethi
ngimuhle ngathi ngigeza ngedanoni
Ekhuluma ngama bhanoyi, ama private jet,
phela lana sasi planner umshado wethu and my
wedding dress..
Ngazigcina ngifunda eNyuvesi yaka Zulu..
Angsayaz ngisho I timetable yama class..
Phela mina shangane lakaMakwakwa sengzobe
umfazi womzulu..
...Ngaphuma ekhaya ngiyofuna ulwazi
olunzulu.. Zulu khuzani niyabuka elikaMthaniya
elihle lifa phambi kwenu ..bheka njalo ekhaya
banamathemba ngam'..
Ngakhetha ukwanelisa uThemba ngakhohlwa
ngezidingo zam'.. Ngazikhohlwa izifiso zabazali
ERes ngahlala inyanga eyodwa ..phela mina
senghlala ehotela... Lol angisiye umculi kodwa
ungangbiza nge 'Hotel queen' ..
....................... -- ........... -
- ..........................................
Langa limbe ngavuka ngaphuthaza
..ngaphuthaza embhedeni.. UThemba
akekho..ngivuke ngiye e
bathroom..akekho..ngimshayele ucingo..his
number doesn't exist.. Ngimelwe
yingqondo..ngicinge khabetheni lezingubo
izimpahla zakhe azikho :| .. Ngimemezise
okohlanya 'Themba ! Themba ! ' Pho ke
izindonga ezine zingigqolozele, zingabuye
Ithemba lam' lingishiyile ngizokwezenjani?
Aybo phela mina lendoda yangthembisa!
Iphelile I semester yokqala, kwamele
ngiphindele ekhaya.. Ngizwile ngomngan' ethi
aphumile ama result.. Awami
ngizowathathaph' ..
-- -- -_- 'Nomathemba'ukube bayaz
ngemikhuba yam' ngabe abangijabuleli kanjena
.. Uphasile koda, yebo mama ngamalengiso..
:/ ..
Aybo phela mina le ndoda yangthembisa!
Ay ingibelesele le flue,
Umkhuhlane onje angiwazi..
Sengkhwehlela negazi..
....Ngyonda..kodwa isisu sami si.. Hhay
ngisuthi.. Ya ngisuthi.. Cha bakwethu ngisuthi..
Yekani isisu sam' ngisuthi.. Yebo ma ngondiswa
izifundo ngifunda kanzima.. Cha asisikhulu isisu
sam' ng gqoke I jacket enkulu..
..Ziyahamba izinsuku ngagula kakhulu ..
Dokotela, umkhuhlane wam' awupheli ..
Ukhulelwe.. 5 weeks ..aybo! Mina angeke..
'Angikaqedi, unegciwane.. Ingabe uyamazi
umuntu okuwuye oku ..Themba!! Ubani?
Nomathemba, Nomathemba vuka!
Saphuma isisu.. Ngafa mina.. Lashabalala
ikusasa lam' .. Aphela amathemba abazali bam'
ababenawo ngam' .. Kwaphela ngam' Themba
waze wadlala ngam' ..
Izethembiso zakho ..
Owangithembisa zona
Mphemba wam' wangthembisa..
Aug 2015 · 675
From my childhood, I have been the child of
the sun. Without a sin, always livelihood. I
loved literature .. I mean I always read the
This was my tranquiliser, almost like an
anxiolytic Dulcinea.
I postulated it for depress,
Effusive as needed be I had to express.
Hilarious how at first it were words I used to
Or I suppose I unintentionally juxtaposed both,
words and my books.. I can't recall exactly
how it all began. But I can tell how it looks. It
is a haphazard hazel-shelf, an acervunile.
This is a saga, but I will expatiate.
To escape from gloom I locked myself in the
room, and read books.
I had hallucinations, but I kept on reading
books. Full of hegemony imaginations, I forgot
how to tidy. Idyllic, I only knew how to study.
Slept with books in my bed, some were pillows
for my head. Acervunile was a name I gave to
my bedroom. I denied my friend into the
room, we loomed all the gossip over the
window pane
Gosh I did not need any imbroglio type of
In the mornings I was always late for school,
some of my books were not seen.
They were not lost no, but hiding under my
acervunile bed.
I had books which are Ushers, they'd welcome
you the instant you entered the door,
Some are domates, you stamp on them before
you get on bed,
Some are stalkers, always peeping through the
window, it had seen that uncle who dated the
On my first collection I organised them A-Z,
but to my least expectation with lassitude I
sorted them into a mephitic Aevirtenal Zenith
Even though these books untidy my bedroom,
it is because of them that I'm Xenodochial,
literacy-wise and intelligent! I love my
acervunile bedroom!!!
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Don't make me your case,
Stop being my judge.
Just give me some space,
And I won't hold no grudge.
You gave me war and I wasn't tough,
I need some peace.
I think I have had enough,
my heart is still in pieces.
No man with a toolkit can mend or fix me
Not even a body stretch or a waist bend or a
text can comfort me.
No doctor or sangoma can stop the bleeding,
Unlike the South African Flag, the red on my
Flag represents the Blood Shed of the love I
kept giving,
to You.
Go away
Put yourself on display
My mind is in pain,
I cannot abuse myself with such thoughts
There's very little to gain
Except useless fights
I don't miss you
I don't need you
I don't care about you
Do I love you?
Aug 2015 · 1.9k
I am not reliably informed whether it were
hearsays or rumours, but it feels like an
I neither relate to gauche nor belligerence
Connoisseur not cynical but I've been made an
adjective,described as a Curmudgeon.
See I have enemies, camouflage had to I, but
then it seems to cloud my judgement like an
These people are all schoolbags
because they said this behind my back.
Unbeknownst to me
I am a Curmudgeon.
Aug 2015 · 879
I'm not Zonke, but tonight we gonna talk about
We gonna talk about stealing.
My Heart.
Do you remember when i was repealing,
You went all kneeling,
You molested my Feelings.
All this pretending
Fake loving
French kissing
Love making
while screaming
and hard breathing
Phone ringing
I've been ignoring
but its starting to be annoying
While you were taking a shower
Quickly I paged, while paging I perceived
The ******* is cheating,
I am leaving
With my Feelings
I am taking
All my love and belongings
Now that my face you're no longer seeing,
Your pinna, my voice no longer hearing,
Your mouth, my lips no longer tasting,
My nose your nose, our noses no longer
You wanna talk about Feelings...
What Feelings?
Aug 2015 · 501
I always stole a glance at him, hoping that he
would ask for my name
but NO he never .... NVM
Made sure that I'd get a seat next to His,
Then I would stare at Him ...
Hoping that He would... Aahh NVM but
Not even a greeting, not even a Sawubona
from Him.
Decided to write Him a letter, then crafted it
an aeroplane, asked Jane to throw it at Him
but did He bother to even read it? Ahhh NVM
I started to convince myself that he is blind or
Long-sightened or something
I mean I never heard him utter a word maybe
he is dumb or he hates ... Ahhh NVM
I gazed at Him less, but them Feelings got
they got stronger and I decided to no longer
be a stranger to Him
I braved my heart and couraged my mouth
I went to His desk, greeted Him
He noded, Dude I'm so fucken attracted to you
'Oh you're '? Yes
'Sorry sister, I'm Gay.'
I fainted.
I never had a boyfriend again, till today.
Aug 2015 · 5.1k
I See Beauty In A Prostitute
I see Beauty in a *******,
Whose feelings you cannot convolute.
I see a Businesswoman in a *******,
A **** with brains, destitute
she made a business plan.
At least she did business studies and
accounting at school, sells her body to earn,
A living.
I see a princess in a *******,
because no man can resist her.
You know when she starts curling her hair
Even Pastors *******,
then we bring the Saints Holiness into debate.
Have you ever seen a ******* aspirate
"I want you" ?
****! Her voice alone gives ****** healing,
Arouses ****** feelings,
Pumps vessels, frightened by the spark in her
eyes, hormone adrenalin give your heart rate a
fast accelerating beatings.
I see charisma in a *******.
Married men,leave their wives in bed and
creep to the streets corner just to cuddle with
prostitutes, it was I who said, there's beauty in
a *******.
I see Beauty in a *******.
I've seen Loyalty in a *******,
Yes I did. How? What do I mean?
Because she ***** all men in the same manner
and charge them all the identical amount.
That is Loyalty man.
I said, I see Beauty in a ******* and
I wasn't lying.
There is Beauty in a *******,
The Beauty that makes Preachers at church
The Beauty that make married men divorce,
The Beauty that makes Jay Z forget Beyonce,
The Beauty that makes Julius Malema forgets
his political position
The Beauty that makes Jesus Christ want to
come back, to save his descendants from sin.
The Beauty of a *******,
Men have seen it.
Notes (optional)
Aug 2015 · 3.5k
Aibo Yewena
Aibo Yewena!
Phela ngisakuthanda
Ngikucabanga ngize ngibone ikhanda lam'
Ngibone ikhanda lam' seliyi CEO,
Mengcabanga wena Ikhanda lam' liba
Liyangiphatha. Ngizwa bethi uthatha ama
applications. Ngiyakucela phela love le CAO
engifakile ayibe successful. Angifune reject
phela le Degree yoThando lwakho ngyayfuna
Noma ngasayenzanga icourse yokuba istraight I
right neye side chick, sengiyo modifyer next
Uyi status seFeleb yini? Coz I like You!
Kuthi angifanise inhliziyo yami ne DVD wena
uyi player, wa pressa u open wayifaka I CD
wathi close isadlala kamnandi wapressa u eject!
Aibo kanti unjani player?
Aibo Yewena!
Aibo Yewena uthi awungilahlekelanga njer?
Ngoba namanje inhliziyo yami isakufuna
Aibo my top deck! Namanje ngisakuhalela,
kodeke ngizokuphonela just ukbingelela noma
ngikuhayele. Aibo Yewena!
Ngisalifuna namanje leliya fosholo, phela wena
usaqala ukungibona you were digging me
Lol hhhe
Uthi Ongumnini wena ungowami
Ngiyamzonda lowathi love is a matter of
Phela manje wena you treat me like toxic waste
Wena ngikufanisa neRadio edlala imicibilisho,
ungizwisile ubuhlungu!
Wazenza iskhothane ngami washiya inhliziyo
yami idabukile
I miss you, angisakwazi muntu usebona
ngamakhasi nje ukuthi usaPeeler
Ukube bengazi ukuthi wena ungizela nge earth
quake kuloluthando uzo zama zama, bengeke
Ngicela inhliziyo yami niyinqume izandla, kuze
izoyeka ukuthanda lomuntu!
Aibo bafena lomuntu iphilisi! Somebody take
me to a doctor I've overdosed!
Ngane YeLanga, ukukbona nje could brighten
my day
Shuthi uthando lwethu beluyiGenerations,
sekuphele iytori
Aibo Yewena
Month end yami engiholela ekufeni
Ngisakuthanda namanjer
I miss how we used to talk about anything and
Long chats till midnight communicating about
almost nothing
Thing is you were my favorite thing to waste
my time on
So I decided to write you a poem,
a poem
to remind you of our friendship before our
A poem
to remind you that you once cared
for me
unemployed but every hour you paid
me your attention
This is a poem to remind you that my love for
you was once enormous as Chinese population
Did our friendship undergo Charles Darwin's
Natural Selection?
Or did I push too hard whilst trying to perfect
your imperfections?
Can I please quote you
"Whatever happen between us, you'll always
belong to me"
Did you mean that?
I wrote this poem without words to say but,
just to remind you of our friendship before our
Now it takes us days to respond to each others
Back Then ....... it only took a minute
I wrote this poem to pass you a message that
even though I go around and squander my love
on various partners but
It is you that I truly love
So I decided to write you a poem
to ask you
if you dont miss our friendship before our
Aug 2015 · 493
I Still Don't Know
l tried to remember you but I couldn't
l still do have your numbers, but it's like my
hands are tied I cant do anything
Fried hearts dont pump blood
Then how come mine rejuvinates when I try to
remember you blood pumps running like flood
Are you the lover that I cant remember?
Are you the lover that I lost in December?
I still dont know who you are but Im on
For a person I dont know
Let me find you, I have sentiments I need to
Or at least can I befriend you, my self esteem
is very low
I still dont know,
who my lover is,
I still dont know,
where my lover is,
I still dont know who I am looking for
but Im looking
I still dont know who I am trying to remember
but Im reversing my memories
I have two pictures that you gave me
but this is not you
Im still trying to remember you
I have the letter you wrote me
but this is not your handwriting
I still dont know,
who my lover is,
I still dont know,
where my lover is,
but I 'll find
Crypticpoet broke my heart
But I will be alright, alright, alright.
She was my sun forced me to shine, shine,
Then Boom! An eclipse, with darkness
She TOOK the WRONG HAND and LEFT me.
But I'll be fine, fine, fine.
Don't Fall inlove with a Poet
Poets lie, lie, lie
Don't give a Poet your Heart
Poets will make you cry, cry, cry.
If your boyfriend cheated on you,
He is a Poet, poet, poet.
If your girlfriend left you
She is crypticpoet, crypticpoet, crypticpoet.
But if your boyfriend beats you and tells you
that he loves you
then he is playing God, playing God, playing
You know your lover is a Poet
When instead of beautiful he says you're HOT
He is calling you Venus, a Planet
Run away, run away, run away!
Don't Fall inlove with a Poet.
Don't Fall inlove with a Poet
Poets lie, lie, lie.
Don't give a Poet your Heart
Poets will make you cry, cry, cry.
You know your lover is a Poet
When she don't want ***
You are dating a FLAT battery, she's NEVER
Dump her, dump her, dump her.
Don't fall inlove with a Poet.
Poets lie
Poets cheat
Poets deceive
Poets believe
Poets play
Poets break
Poets joke
When a poet tells you they love you
Trust me they mean it.
Poets live to die
Poets die to live.
Aug 2015 · 698
You are not God,
You're just a WORD.
And WORDS don't AFRAID me.
Ok now God,
Listen to me.
I demand Your attention.
Look at me.
Enlighten me.
Brighten me mind.
It seems like they all know you and I am the
only one who is blind.
It seems like they all believe in You
And I am the only one who deceived You.
Am I the only one who hasn't received You?
Some days I feel like I've missed You
but how can I possibly miss something that
doesn't exist!
They, Your Followers have made You a brand,
Nothing is impossible with Him.
Yeah I saw that nothing was impossible with
You when you took three of my family
members in one month.
30 stupid days.
Three Funerals.
UNkulunkulu uphile, uNkulunkulu uthathile.
Now F* that.
Oh dear Holy spirit me please EXIT!
Director, this is a film of a non believer, please
This is a picture of a **** giver please Delete.
I have blasphemed Your God, Hey you devil,
give me some CREDIT.
You took Mbali away from me, and for that
You owe me EVERYTHING! I need it!
God, Wait
Do you know the burdens on my shoulders
that I weight?
Sometimes I don't know which word to
associate with You, Love or Hate.
Bad or great.
Darkness or Light.
Loud or Quiet.
Solo or Duet.
If You are "God" why did You let my uncle die
in a brutal way?
If You are God why did You allow the marriage
of my only Dad and that Evil Eyed Woman?
If You are God why let so much people Die
from AIDS?
What did we do to deserve so much harshness?
Can we get a little happiness?
Are these Your ways of reminding us that we
are residing in Your territory?
Is everybody Punished because I don't go to
And these Devil Worshippers
Aren't they suppose to be under the sands of
the seas and oceans
And these demons,
Aren't pigs suppose to be possesed by them?
I don't need You to light up my way,
Eskom will.
You're not the Truth,
My father deserting my mother, is the truth.
The Pastor wants to deceive me, He says You're
the way, NO,
The Path is the way.
God is Love. Really?
Then why do I feel so unwanted, unhappy,
unloved, isolated, lonely, *****, useless?
Are You afraid of the spear?
Because I'm going to stab You until You
tremble and Fear.
Are You afraid of the Knobkerrie?
Because I am going to knock Your head till You
make some sense to me.
Speak to me!
Answer me now!
Can't You hear me?
Can't You see me?
Are You ignoring me?
Possibly. That's what You do best.
And they all Praise you, I mean the rest.
Listen Here,
I know you can Hear,
I don't know You.
I don't believe in You.
I won't kneel and Pray to the sky,
Up there, lives No body.
Except Gases? Or are you made of
Nitrogen and O2 ?
But I forgive You tonight,
So, God it is time for me to sleep now.
I heard You don't sleep,
Can You please make sure that the bed bugs
don't bite me overnight?
I heard You're Supreme,
Please protect me.
Aug 2015 · 2.7k
Only fifteen,
He is only Fifthy,
He, her cake eaten,
Her Grandfathers peer,
the Child Fears, that man is so Filthy.
Poverty is the biggest SINNER.
Two little heads, 10 and 5
Dependant on this 15 year old mother-sister
AIDS is the killer.
Those groaning two little stomachs need a
Now destitute,
She drops out,
Looks but cant find work
Whites say experience lacks
Spotted by a mercedes benz driving
She is robbed her innocence
to put food in the table.
Now one day,
The mother-sister never returned,
Exported to Mexico,
Shes been sold.
As a *******,
*** slave,
They made *** tapes
The man called the woman by parts of herself.
When she cried.
"Shut up, you *****. You miss mama *******?"
Sold online.
Be acknowledged
These kids grew up with Aunt
Biological parents deserted them
just when the young were toddlers.
Their mom in Gauteng, a Fan of *******
..........just one day whilst watching **** on
You tube she saw a child with a face like hers
Blinked her eyes, looked again
Her baby
Her baby is a **** star.
Called the mercedes benz driving old man...
how could he have known?
He was never there.
oh He Sold her.
They recognised their child from *******.
Aug 2015 · 3.6k
Ngicela Ningang'thandazeli
Ngalala nendoda engaligqokile ijazi, ukuze
ngikwazi UKUMITHA izidingo zami.
Namanje ngisawenza umkhuba.
Umkhuba omubi wokungalaleli uma
Mabeshumayela izwi liyawushisa unembeza
kodwa mina njengeRadio Station ehlihlizayo
coz to-Night e Durban ngiyozidansela
Ngicela utshele umfundisi wakho
Njengo R50,
Mina ngibomvu.
Ngibomvu izono.
Nginesono Sokuba Isoni.
Ngicela NingangiThandazeli.
A car accident, ingozi yemoto.
Shuthike bobalili BABELULA ngoba
Njengelanga liyozilahla kunina Bashona.
Njengokuphihlika kwe Glass, Bafa. I want you
to understand this, njengentombazane efake
uBra, Babhodile.
Ngicela NingangiThandazeli.
I had a fight with the school, Sangihlula
Then The Church had a fight with me,
Wahluleka Umthandazo.
You tell me uNkulunkulu uyaphila?
Pho mayephila akazizeli ngani Yena, wena (are
you well) Uyaphi LA?
Noma ucwecwa amazambane uya PEELER?
Lento ayenzi sense like leaving your wife for a
side chick.
Tshela umfundisi wakho engangithandazeli.
NjengeDimoni, Angiwufuni Umthandazo.
Ngathi nguMatshidiso angfuni Nomthandazo.
Ngicela NingangiThandazeli.
Njengo R50,
Mina ngibomvu.
Ngibomvu izono.
Nginesono Sokuba Isoni.
Ngicela NingangiThandazeli.
Ukushona kwabazali bami kwaba isqalekiso
Ngalala nendoda engaligqokile ijazi, ukuze
ngikwazi UKUMITHA izidingo zami.
Namanje ngisawenza umkhuba.
Umkhuba omubi wokungalaleli uma
Kode Ngicela Ningangithandazeli.
Ningangicabangeli nginengqondo yami.
Ningangisukeli nginezinyawo zami.
Ngicela ningangithandi nginenhliziyo yami.
Nibaleke, ngoba anginayo icalculator.
NingangiZondi, ngiyazithulela angisiye
Ngicela Ningangithandazeli.
NgiyiNtandane ngizohlala kulesi Sibaya
Sikababa Nginibuke eSikhaleni sezinti,
Nginakhele icebo likaZungu Ngokunga Qondi
kwami lelizwe enithi liyaThandeka, Ngizoba
uMelusi wamaBhubesi vele aningiZweli noma
Nginesiphiwo eSihle nithi Ngi Bhekifa, ningenza
I shepherd ka Sathane nithi Ngi Lusifa
Ngicela Ningangithandazeli.
Aug 2015 · 530
In Poetry I Trust
Sometimes I get confused; is it
Powerty or
In Poetry I trust, but it seems like my
turned to be an acrimony.
Pardon my cacophony
But all my Trust is in Powerty.
Called all Poets, I had adumbrated how to
expunge illiteracy
so we used poetry
Trusting that it will produce Fecund one of a
kind generation
Poetry implant is a poetically implanted poetic
device that provides sense of knowing to a
poet who is profoundly passionate about
Yes in poetry I trust.
A pen bleeds
around paper,
minds feeds
Brain capture like a photographic taper.
In poetry I cry.
In poetry I prey.
In poetry I hope.
I'm not a plant but with poetry I'm dope.
I burst in tears but in poetry I find comfort.
I have fears but with poetry I found effort.
In Poetry I Trust.
In Poetry I Trust (i-PIT)
Aug 2015 · 538
I see Black,
You never loved me, now I see Drake.
I see a silver-gold watch, I see Fake. It is my
sentiments at stake,
you mutilate your most valuable thing,
now I see a snake.
Come back,
See HURT is what I've always Feared,
Those sharp pains in my heart like I'm being
This is what I've always feared
Sharp pains in my heart like I'm speared.
Come back here,
It is you that I want, Do You Hear?
My greatest weakness is you that's my truest
And it is the saddest thing to experience like a
foreigner going through Xenophobia.
By Black I mean,
Beautiful Lover And Caring Kid.
Just come back, with my heart for you I will
Not a million, not a billion, I am very poor,
very destitute
I am very rich with L V E
Like a selling *******
I will give you all i have
Just please come back.
Aug 2015 · 1.9k
Unlocking Pussies
She calls Him her boyfriend
But to Him, She is nothing but a Body to ****.
Good girls go to heaven but
Bad girls with big ****
are everywhere looking for ***** to ****.
Looking for loaded ****** to ****.
l have been [Patient] for too long,
l think lm [sick]
Sick of these ****** Pretending to love when all
they after is *****
Sick of these ******* Pretending to love when
all they after
is taste of Pipi
Sick of ******* who cant see they is play
and ****** is rolling ***** like is ball
They tell you is Hot even when you is not
you open ***** Hole,
Sperms and STDs float inside the Vigeegee
now you is sick, if only you had been patient
if only you was Patience
Im sick of ****** pretending that girls *******
are padlocks
and them ***** keys going around unlocking
as if they are good looking
****** dont make love they are UNLOCKING
Bitchesfancy that his Tongue licks the
chill, that's just LUBRICANT to make it slippery
when He operates you
Fingers you to make sure you ready for it
Figures you want it, makes you **** it like lolly
pop. then He makes your ***** swallow it
Unlocks the *****
Kisses you, making you drink the alcoholic
poison from His lips
then you get drunk in love
then your blood gets drunk in ***
then your **** gets drunk in *****
then you skip your periods you call Him he
picks up drunk telling you to ******* then you
realise late that you were a Padlock and He
was to unlock you
and you realise late that You Were just a BODY
TO ****.
He lost nothing, but your
Innocence, dignity and virginity
But then you smile coz you played with His
**** too......
Aug 2015 · 899
Don't just stand there hold me,
Don't end there Hug me,
Tightly. Kiss me, slightly
Slowly, to the neck. Tenderly.
You're my motivation like Kelly
This Row is our Land, more like our bed
Now down you go,
You love my brown skin I know,
Kiss my belly, lick it, you like it?
Let your love Hail (Halle) over me like I'm Berry. Celebrity love,
Let's get drunk inlove like we Jay and Bee
Jabu and Bongeka
.. Now undress me,
.. Unbutton my shirt,
.. Unzip my jeans,
.. Pull down my pants
Now pull them up, you know I'm not ready,
Lol and my poem ends here
Aug 2015 · 938
H C = C = O
Formal term for Ketene.
a Colorless gas at Standard Temperature &Pressure; with a sharp irritating odour,
Not much far closer,
from our love, meaningless at Social Technical Policy, boring like an unpaid decoder.
•• ••
O = C = O CO2
•• ••
I was wrong to would've apprehended of Hour Love as carbon dioxide ,
Naturally occuring in time, with two double bonded souls to a single heart.
S = <3 = S , in a lovical formular,
Soul = Heart = Soul.

Or did we undergo Mitosis?
Where we were processed and divided into a sequence of four phases..
Prophase our love appeared tenacious,
Metaphase we lined up portraying our sentiments in the middle of the terrestrial sphere
**** Walther Flemming for creating
Anaphase because that's when we split up
And Telophase made **** sure that we are sealed in different new terra firms

H ...H
...\ /
H ...O - Water
We were like
Water and Oxygen,
Without each other nothing was possible,
because without water we could die.

I Thought Love Was Science,
I think I was Right.
Aug 2015 · 391
01:00 AM
By this time I was awake,
Probably because I thought I had a Heartache.
It feels like I've been imprisoned,
Till now these chains off shake
Have I been poisoned?

Did I Kiss your poetic Fist because it feels like you punched me with lines that charm,
I lost sleep I'm thinking of you on this time, 01 : 00 am.

I think I am inlove.
I like the feeling I feel so alive,
I thank Newton for inventing Gravitational Force, because it pulled you down and
You fell inlove with me.
Now Sam, Stay with me.

Like January Costs I'm Rich in debts,
because I bought you an aeroplane, a house and a car. Last night. In my sleep.

You're my dream so I will try to sleep then wake up and walk in my sleep, I have to follow my dream!

Are you a religion?
Because I worship you!

I have turned your slave
because you own me!
You control me!

You're a
Kidnapper my mind is with you
You're a
Prison that jailed my feelings
You're a
criminal that stole my attention,
Now its 01 : 00 am
And all I can think about is you
Aug 2015 · 634
The only difference between me and Satan is that I am not Evil.

665 + 1 = 666
Mathematically this is correct, right?
I thought so too.
If your House number is 667
Chances are, you're a neighbour of the
Aug 2015 · 380
Sometimes my Dad is not my
And sometimes my mom is not my

My Father is FATE,
My Father is FAKE,
My Father is FORK

I dont respect Him,
Well that's what people say.
What about the decisions He took for me?
Acting like all my doors are locked and He is the Key!
Ending all the visions l had for my future
Deciding that my degree should alter
Telling me that He has my best interest at Heart coz He is my Father,
Begged mom to change His mind but, you know at times She isn't my mother,
Sometimes She is a Nail and my dad is a Hammer
everytime He goes bhaa bhaa, She is Shhh shhh
What I mean is, my mom kneels and dad sits on Her head.

My father is my enemy,
Sometimes he is my friend
Yes he loves me, but his deeds
proves otherwise.
He is all l need
but he makes me look stupid when lm wise
l dont know if l should say I love him or hate him
or a little bit of both
l just dont know but
my father is fate
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Last night I had a dream I was a guy.
I was having *** and I slept with a ******.
I took off her clothes
and put them on the floor
Like a stupid student during a mathematics test
She didn't know what to do
I just stared at the ******* and looked at her legs
My eyes searched for the *****, they could see the position which it is supposed to be but
all they could find was J Coles album "FOREST HILL"
Like virgins don't shave.
Our Lips pressing hard against each other
Prescribed her a ****** Book,
I gave her that tongue exercise like read me I want you
Touching her like grabbing her **** like making her wet
Took it from the neck, made her ******* a computer and took a MegaByte
I left her with Love But's or Love Bites I'm not sure.
Now comes the problem I can't find the *****
I had to find a comb and do some deforestation
Now I found it, I liked the ***** so I licked the ***** I licked the ***** the ***** was wet so I liked the *****.
One finger inside the ***** so tight
The ***** so tight the ***** a ******.
Well I had a ****, so I gave her a ****
I brought it closer to her face
She just sat there and stared at me like a *******
***** that ain't no microphone
My needs were in want had to satisfy them
Testosterone is a hormone which makes the **** so hard, so hard so hard I ****** the ***** so hard so hard
I broke the ***** so hard I'm sad
I took her innocence
But it felt good so good so bad
I broke a ******.
Maybe I made the ****** pregnant
I did not use no ****** but that was my choice.
Aug 2015 · 3.2k
You no longer cross my mind
I burned that bridge.
You took the wrong hand
and left.
This time my tears became mathematical, as I watched you walk away they drew 11 on my cheeks.
I knew this time you weren't coming back so like dividing a 7 with 3, I remained here.
Thinking about you, thinking about us
Thinking about that last day you came into my room and we ****** i mean it felt so real
I miss U
like I am reciting alphabets and skipped the 21th letter.
I miss you
What 4?
Like I was counting 1 2 3 5 and forgot a numeral.
May my feelings for you Rest In Peace, like our relationship was a funeral.

You were my Hat I couldn't get you off my head,
but now the sun is set, I don't need sun rays protection.
Like a lawyer can I make an objection,
You used to be my babe
now you're my 24th alphabet
Like excuse me, did I date you? What was I thinking
Like Ex Curse you, I Hat you now get off my head.
I gave you my heart but you took my soul too,
I gave you my Hut but you thought you were so High Class so You couldn't Stay.
I called you Rihanna, but you didn't Stay.
Just because I begged you not to leave, you thought I was a street kid
so like choosing not to go to the right direction you left me Standing there on the streets.

Now like a comrade who went exile can you please comeback and UNSAY you love
Comeback and UNHUG me
Comeback and UNKISS me
Comeback and UNLAY next to me on this bed
UNLAUGH at my jokes.
UNSMILE at me.
I want you to UNREAD that letter I wrote you
Comeback I want to UNTOUCH you
and UNMAKE love to you.

Unlove Me.
Aug 2015 · 373
I am in the present, yet I'm still stuck in the past
If only we were like a cyclone, predictable how long we could last
Without you I cannot say I'm incomplete, I am undone.

Just like seasons changing, so are the days of our lives.
We love today, lie tomorrow
Hearts get broken, then we learn to hate.
The tongue that cursed you yesterday, kissed you today. We all need somebody to love, and I've learned you don't choose who you fall inlove with.

Poor or Rich,
It is the hearts that bind.
Love is not blind,
it is kind.

Love is not blind, it is kind.
Jul 2015 · 675
Boys Are Lesbians
Lately I have gained a lot of weight
but He still call me a Loser,
because I Left him, He wasn't Right for me.
My heart got Crippled it could not Stand being
I bet You know everything about Computers
you're such a User!
Like workers finishing their shifts, I am Done!
Done with this Relationship
I don't know how I feel this relationship
paralysed me
We are going down like a sinking ship
I wish I could make a wish and curse you with
a dogs smell for the rest of your life.
I wish I could make a wish and curse your
mouth to smell like **** when you talk.
I wish a shooting star would appear in the
stratosphere so my wishes may come TRUE.
Without you a day still goes through.
Boys date girls only, they are lesbians.
They clothe to catch Women's Eyes, they are
Why don't boys date boys and Gay this thing!
So that when boys cheat their boyfriend would
beat them up
and they will know how it feels to be beaten up
until you feel week like 7 days.
I want boys to date boys because I want them
to experience how painful it is to be made a
pains fool
How hurting it is to be lied to when you know
the truth
How hating your heart gets when he doesn't
say he loves you anymore
How your fingers become an addition sign (+)
and cross each other when he doesn't text you
I want boys to take out their boyfriends on a
I want boys to kiss boys
I want boys to romance boys
I want boys to *** boys
I want boys to **** *****
I want boys to impregnant boys
I want boys to love boys
I want boys to date boys
See my Dear,
I want you to Foculize these words to your *****.
I want you to open your legs and swallow these words as your guidance using Two Commandments :

1.Thy Shall Not **** Before Marriage

2.Thy Shall Strive To Be Successful

My Girl, Put My Words In Your *****
You are not a Locus for sperms
That ***** Gotta'Have conditions and Terms.

My Girl, You are Gonna need a Degree in,
[Bastardiology] The Scientific Study of Men. Which depicts men as bacteria. Single- cell microscopic organisms which lack true love.
My Girl, Through Life
You must be a Cell Nucleus and control everything.

My Girl, Put My Words In Your *****
That ***** is not an Ecosystem.
Don't make that ***** a public toilet.
That ***** is not a habitat for a Pen Is.

And if you do have ***, be faithful.
And if your *** is broke, Condomise.
My Girl, don't sleep around, be wise and open your eyes.

When you find a man
make sure that he can master the art of licking *****
he must be able to make it wet, wetter than a damp cloth.

My Girl, put my words in your *****,
so that when all this finally happens
Your ***** shall remind you.

— The End —