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Sep 2013 · 669
Why n' How
Sir B Sep 2013
Why and How...
Am I even in these "advanced" classes
I don't understand
I know I am not up to it
HOW am I still in those "honors" classes

Was it a good idea?
Lost.. losing sanity and my own sense
Help is welcome
Sir B Sep 2013
Hold it high
Let everyone see it
The illuminating torch
Who is making everyone smile

Let them see the source
Who is bringing wondrous joy
and a means of working in the night
Shine it bright
Crank it to the highest output
Shine it towards everyone
Search for the lost ring
Search for gold
Search what you want
But remember
to keep the torch light
and illuminate
those people
with the
that you possess
A poem requested by PositivePoetry. Just something I was asked to write.. hope you guys had a nice day, I had a wonderful day with homework.. Pax, and sweet dreams! =)
Sep 2013 · 3.4k
The taste of love
Sir B Sep 2013
I hope that
Your lips are
On my lips

Not just for homecoming
or school events
but for an eternity
so we can
each other
and our love
for the other
Just something to cheer a dull. grey sunday morning..
Sep 2013 · 728
I shan't. I promised
Sir B Sep 2013
I told them
not to love me

I told you
I shan't love
anyone else

**Of course
Something quick, short. Hard times with school.. and little sadness... nothing major though!
Enjoy the weekend, pax.
Sep 2013 · 777
Strange craze
Sir B Sep 2013
Right at this moment
I wanted something to fall on me
To feel true pain
I haven't felt it in a while

Strange feelings

Time - 17:30 pm
Date - *September 3rd 2013
I am.. not being a good person.. am I? I should try positive poetry..
Aug 2013 · 448
Death of thy king
Sir B Aug 2013
He is gone
to live in an afterworld
with greater riches
than what you can make
in a lifetime

We are still alive
and using his riches
but that doesn't mean he cant
watch over us?
or can he?

But hey..
atleast he has better music
to listen to..
Really bored, so thought of this while listening to the Approaching Nirvana soundtrack..

Evolve - Death of a King   by Approaching Nirvana
Aug 2013 · 712
I refuse to hear.
Sir B Aug 2013
I refuse to hear
everything bad they tell about you
Yes, what they say is bad
It's unethical of them to do so
They don't even know you
They don't talk to you often.
Yet. They dare to speak evil of you
How mean indeed.

I never did like them
and talking like that of someone..

It is no doubt now
No wonder. Anything I do
or the people I like do
It turns evil.
Its just a matter of *time
I don't even know.. Bad things are seeking me out at this rate.
Aug 2013 · 827
Yes. you
Sir B Aug 2013
You know
I learnt the ways of writings from you
Yes.  you

I did have to read others poems
but that doesn't matter
It really doesn't
What matters.

Is the way
You portray yourself
Not through negativism
But through positiveness

Yes.  you
had positive poetry
long agoo
way before time began

But what matters
Is whether you keep it that way
Yes  you
have been through many conflicts
We understand

But we can only
sympathize so much
That doesn't mean you dont talk to us
It means

There are people who have felt
the exact. same. thing.
You find them
and talk
Yes.. it might take a while

*Isn't time a huge complex
where finding a way gets
easier when you ask people..
The result of me brainstorming for a motivational poem, I do hope it helps... (most likely isn't motivational..) but hey! I tried. =)
Aug 2013 · 14.8k
Lovebirds unbound
Sir B Aug 2013
I know who we are now
we are lovebirds
we were lovebirds

But now
we are set free
you were free

I don't see a way
Out of here anymore
IS there a way out?
Bored, sleepy, this short/bitter. Not something i would write often.. heartaches thinking about those moments.
Aug 2013 · 2.6k
Night Sky (10w)
Sir B Aug 2013
Dark and calming
Peaceful and energetic
Chirping heard in background
Sir B Aug 2013
I know..
It may be cliché
You made me
Find happiness
Showed me a true path
Reverted me
To my old self
The one who made
Really scientific jokes.

I really hope
You feel better
After another round
Of thanks
Because you really did
Make me
Get back on the right track

I don't think
Just saying this much helps
I can't thank you enough
You changed me to normal
But added a twist
A good one of course
Now I am better
And happier!!

**Thank you, again.
For all you've done
I felt a need to thank my friend for bringing me out of "depression". Can't thank enough, I hope to be this way (happy) for a long time, can't do much but keep saying..

Thank you for saving a lost soul
Aug 2013 · 891
All life comes to an end
Sir B Aug 2013
It does. It does. It does.
You can't help it
You can only prolong it
I don't know why you would

WHY! Does it have to come to an end!
A pet fish which was supposed to be a present, died right before I could give her the gift.. I guess I am traumatized after the death of something so close to me..
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Everythings beautiful (10w)
Sir B Aug 2013
Sun shines
Happy and bright
Flowers bloom
Smiles spread
Everything's beautiful
A "happy" poem, may be followed by a grim one sooner or later..
Aug 2013 · 666
Got to mend things
Sir B Aug 2013
I overlooked so many people
For you
The answer was a no

I think
You don know
What I overcame
So it'll be a mystery
For you

Why everyone wants you
Obviously it's your choice in the end
But it doesn't hurt
To steal tiny glimpses

So I proposed
To myself
Lets go back
And apologize
To a few people
Who are kind of hurt

I know what I'll do
In the next few weeks.
Wrote it at 9 pm (not midnight!! Woooo) either ways, I need to mend a few mistakes/ things I did, trying to love someone... Need to help those who were broken by my behavior. Hope you guys take care and not overlook a few things.

Aug 2013 · 657
Death by music
Sir B Aug 2013
I want it
I just want to drown
In it
Drown so badly
And keep singing
The same verses
Over and over
Till my throat
Is dying for water

Death by music
Is viable
Something at midnight again, hope you enjoyed.
Aug 2013 · 728
Just a mistake
Sir B Aug 2013
Another mistake
That's all I can do...
Can't do anything right
Only mistakes
Happen from my hands
Fatalities and über mistakes
One of them
Meeting people

I  have met so many people
They all move around
Like they know their purpose
Me being lost as usual
I mean
When have I done anything right??!???

Nothing I remember of..
Not that I remember anything either

May everyone enjoy
Their life
Whilst watching me
****** myself
It shall be a grand show
I am deleting this poem sooner or later, not that it matters... Really, it doesn't
Aug 2013 · 704
Our first meet
Sir B Aug 2013
I remember the first time we met
Maple leaves flying everywhere
Wind blowing gently
People in the park
Everything so peaceful
So quiet

Would have liked to meet you
That way
But couldn't
We were in said school
In home room
To be honest

And I..... lost seeing you.
Just something at midnight, this is a true thing (not first part) but yeah, memories...
Aug 2013 · 718
Murmuring to myself
Sir B Aug 2013
All alone
Humming tunes to myself
Thinking of how it fell apart
How I lost control of myself
How I got hurt through
Layers of happiness

I guess..
I don't know the answer
Haven't found it yet
Hope to find it soon

I think
It was

That girl.....

Down the street....
Not aimed towards anyone, just a few things I regret doing, they'll stay with me now. Forever.
Aug 2013 · 631
Moving out, don't worry
Sir B Aug 2013
Anything with love hurts
My friends talk
And say.
You do like me
I refuse
Thinking I understand you

I know that's false
No one wants to
Show their real selves
They don't believe me
I always have my true self
When talking to nearly anyone

But again
I know
You don't like me
And I suppose
Its fine
Because the sadness
Of one person
Is nothing
Considered to the
Happiness of someone else
Especially your loved ones
I guess I need to move
And get out of your way
So someone you
Believe to be worthy
Finds you.
Midnight poem... Hope you looks it. Sad like my other ones
Nothing new there... also I am not someone you'd like
On sight like a few other people
Like my friend "Jack" (He wrote the other poem)
I guess... Time for me to leave.
Gnite and sweet dreams.

Also could use a title suggestion!!!
Sir B Aug 2013
Water dripping
drip.... drip...

No food
rumbling tummies

Everyone is sad...
Government can't do anything

People are jobless
Very close to today

**Why can't we do anything??
Inspired by The great depression, and the movies Atlas Shrugged (both parts)

This may be stupid..
Aug 2013 · 558
Mind Boggler
Sir B Aug 2013
Don't boggle my mind
With your big words
Its okay
If you can't say them right

It takes time sometimes
You'll learn them
Just wrote it as a funny/inspirational piece, because I can't really pronounce a few words. Besides that... I am bored.
Aug 2013 · 519
That special someone
Sir B Aug 2013
Late at night
When everything has stopped making noise
I start to fall asleep
But soon after
I wake up
In cold sweat
I look around and
Realize that my heart is stolen

By that special someone
They dared
To come at my house
Just to steal my heart
How brave
Yet foolish
To only take my heart

You should've taken me too
I wrote this to be a somewhat happy poem, hope you enjoyed it.

Jul 2013 · 856
Warm feelings
Sir B Jul 2013
I just read
Our old conversations
Before becoming bff's
Before even knowing each other
It's just
Such a warm feeling
To know you made it
So far
Home base.
I had nothing else to do but read our old conversations (I talk to lots of people so I read a lot for a day) it's beautiful how you transform!

Sir B over and out.
Smile without the care in the world.

(Kinda long note, sorry!!)
Jul 2013 · 619
If they were- it'd hurt
Sir B Jul 2013
If words were arrows
My heart would have too many..
I am in some serious sad moods these days..
Jul 2013 · 614
Can I?
Sir B Jul 2013
Can I steal a heart
So discreetly
That you won't realize it?
I can't
Because I crumble
When I see you
Die a little inside
Seeing you....
....with someone else

So all in all
Stealing hearts
Isn't my profession
Never was
Never will be

Instead joining two loved ones
....that I can do better....
...I would like someone to do that to me...

Help me out...
No one can!

I guess nature and love got the better of me.. Also sorry to everyone for not being active for a bit... Was at a camp, also hope you guys had a happy day and spent it with your love.

Jul 2013 · 968
Dream Killer
Sir B Jul 2013
Have I done anything
To appear in your dreams?

Are you positive?
I remember late might talks
My mind telling me
You dream about me
I have protected myself
From girls who like me
Because of my style
Not because of my personality

Personality equaling
True sense
My inner laughter
My real thoughts
Not my fake smile
The real me
Is known
To few

Not someone
Who would
Flirt and be thrown away later
That's not me
I am better
I can decide
You girls
Who will be unnamed
Don't you dare
Try anything
I know what love is
You don't want love
You just want fun
I don't
Leave me alone
And let me be
If I need someone to love
We shall see
In due time..
My friends know about the unnamed girl,
I feel this poem is better than the first one
Sir B Jul 2013
You see.
We all have them
Either confused

I have fallen in love
Not because
I am reckless
And someone
Who loves and throws things away
That's a confusion

I have fallen in love
Because of self less respect
And because
I awe
And admire

I respect you
I not just yearn
I want you
To have the best

Hope you do
That love

*Amor vincit omnia
(Writing after a while, may be bad!!)
Had fun at my camp
Nice little mini vacation
Back to reality
Jul 2013 · 496
You were there
Sir B Jul 2013
As I watched the morning sun ascend over the horizon of the Earth, you were there.

As we traveled to a new world, to leave a home we once knew, you were there.

As we joined a band of wind instruments to carry on the sound, you were there.

As I separated from consciousness, those very nights, you were there.

As we dreamed many dreams, but I dreamed of you. You were there.
This poem is not by SirB. It is by a common folk, expressing the feelings of love and wisdom, that a premature man and women would feel.

His poem is by my friend, he wanted to give me a poem as a surprise, guess he posted it here. Lol!
Jul 2013 · 624
Realization of love
Sir B Jul 2013
We locked eyes with each other
And you knew
That something had changed..
You were in love
Just a poem, at a camp so expect nothing but a poem at 5 am in the morning EST.
Nothing else to say so....

Pax man!
Live long
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
I fall in love with
Sir B Jul 2013
I fall in love with the sound of the rain as it hits my window pane
It comforts me as I lye in bed at night and reflect on all that is dead

I fall in love with you as the snow falls lightly, and embrace every moment that we spent together.

I fall in love with the crinkle in your noise
The one that slowly appears every time you smile that brilliant smile and laugh that wondrous laugh

I fall in love whilst talking to you,
The way you talk, laugh makes my day so much better!

I fall in love with the smile of a stranger on the street
When they give me a gentle beam as our eyes meet
In that moment I don't feel so lonely

I fall in love with the way you run
The rhythmic beating and the sweat,
They help me decode your personality from stranger to bff

I fall in love with the cool side of my pillow on a hot summers night
When my body is begging for relief from the summer heat and it thoughtfully accommodates my pleas

I fall in love with rhythmic waves from the ocean Poseidon sends us,
It gives me a reason to hug you when you get cold

I fall in love with the sunset, each time I lay my eyes on it
As the sun slowly sinks into horizon to create such a sublime image
My eyes always dazzled more and more each time

*My parts are in bold for easier identification.
This poem is the collaborative effort of Claire E and myself. It was fun working on it, and there may be more to follow, stay tuned! If you would like to see her page      <- Click that
Jul 2013 · 375
Nothing more.
Sir B Jul 2013
Theres nothing more
For either of us
You should leave
Before harm comes
To either of us..
I have NO clue why I would write something like this.
Jul 2013 · 645
What did i do today?
Sir B Jul 2013
I watched the sun.. set
It fit in so beautifully
Being bright orange
As if the world was
Using fireworks
At the same time

It was beautiful
Nature's beautiful
And so is everyone else in it..
In a way, I suppose
The sun turned bright orange for a little bit, was beautiful to watch.. Someone must've seen it besides me..
Jul 2013 · 499
Am I?
Sir B Jul 2013
Am I of any importance anymore?
I know I am none to you
I know I am nothing to them
I know no-one actually notices me
Besides the fact that
I volunteer at a place

I think they respect me
I don't know
I never knew
I never will know
If I was of any importance..
Maybe after I leave?
Can't be sure..
I think I let myself become soft again.. Time to build up the wall again.. I suppose..
Jul 2013 · 1.9k
Its one for oneself
Sir B Jul 2013
Its every man for himself
Humanity has unresolved issues
Usually I take the brunt
Of every wrongdoing
Apparently its always me

We all know
One day
We shall perish
Leaving behind
A legacy
How you choose
To remember me
Someone else
Is your choice

If we all are to perish
Why not quicken up
This process
That can take
A whole century..

**Why not quicken it??
Sorry for the sad mood/ I couldn't help it.
I suppose I feel
Miserable right now..
Jul 2013 · 872
Memoirs of Memories
Sir B Jul 2013
You wanna know who I saw today?
I saw two people in a convertible
Girl and Boy
Of course
and it reminded me of myself
Not the part where hate came in
But the part where love was strong

It gave me a futuristic vision
That we would be like that
You on the shotgun seat
Me driving down
Flooring the accelerator
Just zooming past everyone
And skipping our college classes

All of my imagination
Running wild
Due to free time and music
Dreaming and sleeping
For the dream being so pleasant

Thank you
For being present
In my life for a brief part
It still gave me hope
To look forward everyday
Thank you

*I do hope
To see you
Later in life
When you do love me
With your whole heart
Just a hope.. But what is there to not hope for? Doesn't hurt trying..
Jul 2013 · 522
No-one (10w)
Sir B Jul 2013
You know
who would like
to suffer with me?

I have no clue why I would write this... Maybe to show the best proverb wrong??!?
Jul 2013 · 765
'Tis me
Sir B Jul 2013
A child holds his father's hand
His little hands holding on to bigger ones
He is scared..
So young
Yet having to face such stuff..
As natural disaster

Having to go to school
And being as innocent as possible
Loving everything
But things change..
And so do people

Everyone I know
Has turned
Finding every possible chance
To take his/her revenge
Murdering in cold blood

But being innocent isn't the way to live
So I changed
And now..
I am *different
No-one from my family was hurt.. Fortunately.

Fictional, of course.  =)
Jul 2013 · 991
Still awaiting your return
Sir B Jul 2013
Remember the time.
When we walked home?
It was so mucho fun
We just had talks
About love
Being in the air
All the time

I sincerely miss
Talking to you
Though you ignore me
More than often
You did help me through
And many others
So when you do have hard times
Don't shy
You listened to me.
I will listen to you.

That's something
I want to do
As payment for your help.

Written to a friend of mine.. Who isn't here as of right now.. Hope she does see it when she can... And yes. She is on Hellopoetry.
Jul 2013 · 713
Ray of Hope
Sir B Jul 2013
I am afraid to love anymore
Because my heart is in absolute damnation.
I just see darkness
When in reality there is sunlight outside

Death, destruction and hatred
all around me
surrounding me
forcing me to surrender

But I shall not
Because I yearn to be
The last ray of hope
For those
Who are still out there
Stumbling in darkness
Desperately trying to find
something to hold onto.

Look around.
There is still tiny bits of sunlight
Follow them,
For victory awaits this quest
what has become of me?

My writings changed a bit because of reading a medieval aged book.
Jul 2013 · 558
What can we do? (10w)
Sir B Jul 2013
What can we do?
For the souls
lost in eternity?

We can't do anything for anyone anymore.
Jul 2013 · 693
Pain Hurts
Sir B Jul 2013
It hurts
When stabbing oneself
When having a heartbreak
When depression walks in
When you are hated upon
and it hurts the most
When everything you do
is criticized
I am unworthy.
Jul 2013 · 1.4k
No hope
Sir B Jul 2013
I have no hope remaining
Constant hate + my depression
Only results in self destruction
Nothing to tether onto either....
WHY? Must there be hate?
Jul 2013 · 569
Sir B Jul 2013
I know
You aren't home often
But I miss you
We don't talk
We don't hang out often
I wish we do!

This weekend
How about we go shopping?
That should get us closer
I hope..
It's not a late Father's Day poem, my father does not work in the army either.. He is a loving,caring dad. :)
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Scared, Don't hold me
Sir B Jul 2013
I am scared.
Don't hold me
It will make me look
Like a scared viking
I don't know if they existed
But I don't want to be the first of the kind

So take pleasure
In my discomforts
And leave me alone
When I am scared.
I was nervous for doing something new, was so scared. I couldn't wrote all my thoughts but made it a little funny and sad. :)
Jul 2013 · 899
Time traveller
Sir B Jul 2013
I realize
I made mistakes
One too many
I wish to change them
Apologize for them

I can change them by
Time Travelling
I see nothing wrong with it
But I hope
I make the right choices the second time...
Thank you for reading the above poem. Means a lot to me now.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Sir B Jul 2013
His knuckles turned white
Yet he refused to let go
He is laughing with his inner soul
Yet no recognizes it

Is something the matter?
Then why are you laughing like a madman?
Its laughter from the inner soul.. fool


*This is true. The people who tell us the truth, are called TERRORISTS or THREAT TO THE NATION just because they have the ability to tell the world what the government is actually doing, whatever happened to free speech...
I can safely say. I have gone insane with poetry. I have been reading a lot of news hence the above poem. Everything is under defined in our world now...
Jul 2013 · 873
Sir B Jul 2013
I am already sleepy
It's not even midnight
Lord Hypnos has already cast his spell on me
I am tired of staying awake
Can you forgive me?
That ways I can rest
No, it's not meant to be taken that way. And yes. I still ask for forgiveness.

Jul 2013 · 666
My senses
Sir B Jul 2013
They make me unfaithful
My eyes make me see hatred
My ears make me hear bad news
I feel pain, emotional and physical

In short.. I want someone to talk to..
Creative write
Jul 2013 · 793
My Pleasure (10w)
Sir B Jul 2013
It was my pleasure
To serve you.

Something out of the ordinary. =)
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
I am sorry
Sir B Jul 2013
I am sorry for being me
I am sorry for being a ****
I am sorry for being obsessed about you
I am sorry for being in love
I am sorry for being stupid
I am sorry for being a pain
I am sorry for being suicidal
I am sorry for being everything everyone dislikes
I apologize for everything that I have done.
I don't understand anything.
I am sorry.
I hope you can forgive me...
I hope you decide to forgive me and everyone who reads it too, if you don't... Well, I can't do anything about it.
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