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 Jan 2014 Sir B
Jade M Matelski
she was like liquid fire
everything she touched would turn to ash
and she touched me, dear god
her hands were warm like summer
she smelled like cinnamon and

it was a bright sunday afternoon
I had just bought flowers
for her to kiss
her breath was decaying them
the fire, burnt them into nothing but
a pile of red and purple ash;
a lot like my heart

her hair smelled like *** and
sweat; I lean in closer
but I was harmfully ignorant
and didn't see the signs
of my lover
slowly turning over
for another
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Jade M Matelski
Ignore them. Intruding thoughts come to you in the night, do not act on them. Push them away. Pretend you haven't thought them. Because they are just thoughts, they cannot ruin you. As long as you don't let them. Change your way of thinking and you can change your life. Don't let negative thoughts control you, learn to control them.

2. Eat. Eat regularly and eat well. When you've eaten too much do not force your fingers down your throat. Do not deprive yourself of the most basic survival need. Food is not going to **** you, but your eating disorder will. You are worthy. You are beautiful.

3. Learn to love yourself. Its all you can do in this world full of pain. You have this body for your whole life, you cannot be violating it with so much hate. I know how hard it is, but if you want to get by, this is the most important thing. You need to love yourself. Because you're worth it.

4. Enjoy the little things. Look at the flowers, drink coffee. Meditate. Breathe. Focus on your breathing, watch the stars. Remember where you came from.

5. Forgive. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Never hold a grudge because holding a grudge is like feeding yourself poison. Let go of the past, it's called the past for a reason.

6. Do not do drugs. They will ruin you. No matter what you feel, they will not solve it. They cannot save you. They will tear you apart from the inside out.

7. Find a hobby. Anything you enjoy doing. You deserve to have a safe release and escape from the world.

8. Let people in. You are not supposed to feel all this pain by yourself. You need to find somebody you can actually talk to, whether its a therapist or your mother. If you do not let people in you can never get better. You need help from outside sources, whether you want it or not.

9. Be good to your family. You never know when the last time you might be seeing them will be. They love you, treat them like you love them.

10. Play with animals. Animals can be so therapeutic. Get a cat.

11. Don't worry what others think about you. You cannot change their opinion. It doesn't matter what they think about you. All that matters is what you think of yourself.
I was 13 years old when I first noticed signs of depression.
later, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety, and more recently, borderline personality disorder.
I've been through a lot, and I haven't always handled it well
this past august I swallowed a bottle of pills
it ended me up in a psychiatric hospital
while there, I learned so much about myself and about life
I learned how to cope with anger
what I learned there is what I'm going to share with you
this is called: How to Survive Your demons.
This is how to save yourself.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Circa 1994
I want to cuddle and listen to the hum of the fridge.
I want to trace your features
With my fingertips.
I want all of me
Touching all of you.

You smell fizzy.
Everything you do is what I want.
You're fun to be in love with.

You make my heart hiccup.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
I'd rather feel everything fully
than be a calloused soul.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Nat Lipstadt
after five years
when I write her a love poem,
she is always surprised,
her unexpectation
so very pleases me.

after five years
when I write her a love poem,
I am always surprised,
that a new way to say it,

but this I can tell you,
not once
do I ever write
nor will I ever pen
those I love you words.

they are too easy, too cheap,
a dime a dozen,
naked words make me weep,
dress 'em, cloak 'em, try to
Pradip 'em in
mystery, charming humor,
use conjuring spells of
Bala imagery unreal,

work hard to tell her why,
work hard to guard your originality,
work hard to tell her in ways
that her into me
smiling, crying, punching.

so I write love poems,
every now and then,
special ways recalled,
teasing her about her forgetfulness,
about her teasing me with rhyming
that is less than spectacular,
how my body has
reshaped itself to fit her.

tell her
I love you,
well that be downright,

(an interjection used to express or indicate
a dying or fizzling out)

the key is to tell her
in a fashion original,
personal to us.

that what all these endless
love poems here strive,
but too oft, fail to arrive.
all tricked up, too direct,
passion burnt used up
after but a single read

stroke her cheek
with soft stanzas,
torrential directness,
no subtly,

write for the long haul,
words that five years hence,
words that five hundred years hence,
make her into me
smiling, crying, punching,
like the first time
she read them,
like they did
five years ago.
Jan. 9th, 2013
 Jan 2014 Sir B
 Jan 2014 Sir B
My thoughts are killing me
my dreams are haunting me

My body is covered
with hundreds of scars

I'm worthless
it's easy to see

My eyes are liars
and so is my mouth

My body disgusts me
and I'm repulsive to myself

I'm worthless
it's easy to see

My demons are coming for me

Made this myself, and I'm very proud of it.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Riley Ayres
A harsh world tainted with hate,
Preposterous politics dominate,

A vindictive place were evil thrives,
Under dark tormented skies,

Persuasive satan sows the seed,
Money forming malicious greed,

Many drawn in and led astray,
Souls are sold without dismay,

Nothing left but senscless fates,
Drawn towards the burning stake,

A blame by witch deterant spoken,
Your repulsive eyes are soon to be open.
Yeah you.


Run fast.
As fast as you can.

Don't look behind you.

Things are chasing you.

Your darkest shadows,
Your scariest nightmares,
Your red-est fears and gray-est wishes

And those are the worst, aren't they, brother?

Those terrible, preying fears that chew like Violet Beauregard, those so-close fantasies and dreams that you know deep in your toes will never happen, are the worst, am I right, sister?

Can I get an amen?

Wrong answer.

Those aren't the worst.
Oh no.

There's something else after you.
Something so purple it's black-
But not quite- it hovers on the edge of twilight and THAT is the worst of all.

You see, my friends.

I am chasing you.

I've got a soul even demons avoid.
The boogeyman hides in his closet when
I'm in bed.
If I bite a vampire, they don't turn into me,
they just die.
I eat werewolves for breakfast,
dragons for lunch,
and the devil for dinner.

So run.
Run fast.
As fast as you can.
Because I will eat you alive.

I am strong.
I am mighty.
I am cunning.
I am fearless.

At least, that's what I tell myself.
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