The logic, math problems threatening me
Laughing in my face
Emerging from the deep dark depths of
The textbook of my life
My hands trying to make it work
Dividing until there is no leftover
No remainder
But there’s always going to be a remainder
An unexpected variable thrown in
Watch out for that
Make one change one mistake and
You end up with a different answer
As your footsteps deviate from the path
You thought was right
Hopelessly wander, search for your light
And find yourself immersed in an ocean of
Parabolas and quadratics of the equation
Attempting to answer
Decode the numbers
Read between the lines
Break down the algorithm
And desensitize
As you calculate the rate at which
My mind speeds towards insanity
Measure how much you love me on a scale
Of one to ten
What if the number is eleven?
Then compare to a love for her
The question is irrelevant
Because what is equality
Two different things so much same
How can one surpass another?
Always want to know how can
You compare and contrast the highway
Of your body your mind to that of
Another body another mind
What makes one worth so much more
Is it really worth that much more
It’s unfair once you factor in opinion
After all love can’t be measured
In quantity or numbers