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Sheila M King Jun 2016
Anger, Fear, Pain, Shock
    I could have felt all those and more, but instead, I felt nothing
That void is far worse.  All other emotions around me showed the presence of his heart.
But I was almost not there at all.... I wanted to feel.
I hated the guilt at the lack of my reaction as much as I hated what happened to us.
-Only my isolated broken heart could not attest to my surroundings.
The thought of him made it hard to breath. I wish I could cry... but I can't break down my mental blockage; soon, I'm crying,- but not me,  for him
  I touched his picture with my trembling fingers.   My tears frozen in my
eyes & I suddenly could not cry.  I feel something I cannot express.
No words exist to explain the way I feel.-- It's a stark and chilling reality
that struck me there.   Only holding on to his memory and my mind simply
Have you ever wondered what It'd be like to go to Hell?
Hell is beyond the realm of tears. This is why I can no longer cry for him
--Maybe I meant to hurt him. Maybe the fact that he always THOUGHT
I'd leave him for someone else, got through to me.  My then comforted, faithful heart ,- turned on him... on myself.
Now I'm left all alone with this isolated, uninterupted heart.  Something
I'll never again be able to understand.  Love is something I never want
to fall into again.
Nothing about the end made it worthwhile.  I HATE myself for what I did to
him- but at the same time, I feel the exact same thing towards him.
   ---- I broke his heart.......I broke my own
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Everytime I fall in love, we end up saying goodbye
I know it had to bother you; I could see it in your eyes
Somehow you seemed different, as if you did not care
And other times, if I needed you - you were always there
-Don't try to deny it, cause love is not easy to hide
Just tell me that you love  me;  as a man, swallow your pride
But if you cannot tell me and you think we should both let go
All you have to do is say those words and how we'd end up, we'll never know
I will turn and walk away if you say you never cared for me
But I can see it in your eyes.... so don't give up so easily
All things happen for a reason but nothing can happen if we don't try
I would tell you what our future holds;  if I could see it in your eyes
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I love her though I’ve sworn to never again love someone this way

I will always love her even if she’s only a short drive away

Being without her hurts me more than she knows

My tears are a river that endlessly flows

She tells me she loves me and I can’t help but smile

Finding her, makes past heartbreaks end seem worthwhile

I’d wage war on Hell just to look in her eyes

And nothing hurts more than to know that she cries

It’s her that I see in my mind through the day

I worry that someone will take her away

For her to be happy, I’d breath my last breath

The sight of her tears is far worse than my death

I’m so blessed to have her to love

She’s my Angel that God sent from above

She will forever remain in my heart

I feel her with me even when we’re apart

I thank God for her love when I wake up each day

I love her far more than any words can ever say…
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I'm holding on to one love
To another, I'm letting go
So much temptation between them
Which is right is hard to know
But the one I want to hold onto
I can't get out of my heart
But our relationship was over before it had a start
He had a certain way; a look in his eyes
That made me believe his promises
And covered up his lies
I felt good inside when I thought his love was real
But how could he treat me the way he did
And leave me feeling the way I feel
I'm letting go of that old flame
That once in my heart burned bright
The choice just gets easier, I only hope I chose right
Whenever we made love, and he looked into my eyes
Whispered words into my ear that left me mystified
Letting go of something you love is so **** hard to do
But I can't hold on to what's not forever and I know will never be true
What breaking up really means, I may never understand
Another way to say "It's over" between a woman and man
Even though it hurts real bad, I must not let it show
Holding on to this love... and at the same time..letting go
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Somewhere there is always a broken heart, therein, lies an empty space
A heart once filled with joy and love, now there is no trace
What remains is all heartache, memories and pain
Love that is now gone, only saddness does remain
The pain of when you love someone who never did or no longer loves you-
Is love worth all the heartache we must suffer through?
When it's over for you and the one you love, is the love lost or destroyed?
Are all the memories made together just a reminder of love we once enjoyed?
We all can dream of love knowing not all dreams come true...
And wonder if it's worth the wait, if by chance they do.
Sometime ago, I promised myself to keep future love unspoken
But we all need to tell someone....sometime
Even if our hearts might get broken-
I had a desire to be loved and my desires did come true
My only dream ever fulfilled,- when I was loved by you.
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Since you came into my life, many things have changed
My thoughts, my future, my daily life, have all been rearranged
The longer that I hold on to you, the more the feeling grows
You are every breath I take, each flower beneath my nose
Every drop of dew in the morning-
All the stars that shine at night
Each pedal of the rose God made
The sun he shines so bright
Every beat of my heart, all the thoughts of you
The love we share between us in everything we do
If I could shine like a diamond, for all the world to see-
They’d know how true my love shines through…
How much you mean to me
For the happiness you have given me-
Has made my heart stand still
I love you from the very depths of my inner soul,
And I always will……
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I wish I could tell you this as I look into your eyes
But then you’d see these tears that fall and never really dries
I never have gotten over you, can’t say I ever will
My heart belongs to only you-but that’s not the way you feel
I know it’s been a long time since we were together
Seems like only yesterday our love would last forever
I hold a place inside my heart where one else could ever be
I locked my love for you inside– a door without a key
I hear you’re moving on wish that I was too
But I could never love again the way that I love you
I’d walk away from everything to be with you again
But why fight a losing battle when I know I cannot win
A battle in my heart that has become a war
I’d die and go to hell to be with you once more
I’d walk away from all I have to make this dream come true
I give up my life and my whole world if I did not have to give up you
My heart is always yours and there you will always be
I’ve locked my love for you inside- a door without a key
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