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Nov 2014 · 250
We were friends
Lesy Nov 2014
You are no longer a close held friend.That night I gave you the the two pieces that made me one. You got my body then ran away with my heart in your hands. I'm will never again be complete.Even now your name is all that my mind can  focus long enough to think. As much as I want to hate you somewhere in your lint filled pocket my heart still lies. I've waited for the day that the piece of you in closed in your bone ridden cage will one day open up and allow me inside<3<3<3
Nov 2014 · 473
Lesy Nov 2014
You make me blush,even though my chocolate pigment betrays my inner most thoughts. My mask holds in chains every deep,wet,and fluttering thought. But my smiles my flaw.when I see your face my mask begins to crack bringing back the reflection of someone I once saw. Then there I stood wide eyes with the biggest grin a 18 year old  could bring out the little girl in me.
Oct 2014 · 288
Once loved
Lesy Oct 2014
Forgive Me
For feeling pain
and hating your lies.

Forgive Me
For wanting love
knowing you could give
but you refused to be selfless.
Forgive Me
For Rejecting
complements because
you once told me I was beautiful
then we never spoke again.

FORGIVE ME for being so HATEFUL,so NEEDY,so CONSCIOUS. I just wanted to be for once just this once to be Beautiful in your eyes.
Sep 2014 · 413
letters to my unborn love
Lesy Sep 2014
This hurt inside me this cramp in my stomach.
This thought of the unknown continues to arise.
Have I conceived in the process in which we fertilize a seed?
making a way for a flower to grow?
One who will reflect my image,Like needles pin pointing every curve, indention, and crease.
With in moment a paint brush will cascade across your skin creating a precise pigment to match mine.
You are not a mistake you just arrived a little early.
This means I will get to know you better.Hold you a little tighter.Love you a little longer.
You are a part of me and I will love you even after the last breath I breath.

— The End —