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 Jul 2013 Shayley M
Dorothy Quinn
This is the only advice I’ll ever give:
you cannot fall in love with people
who don’t know how to love,
so please, for the sake of him,
and your mother, and expensive therapy bills,
don’t even try.

You can love him, all you like
but you cannot fall in love
with him. You can fall in love
with the idea of him, and fall in love
with the idea of finally fixing him,
and his arms wrapped around you
while you sleep, chasing away the nightmares
that started when you met him.

Love, you deserve a person who
will make you see that the Sun is ready
to heal you all over again each morning,
and who will open your eyes the right way:
with kisses and a cup of tea, someone who will
try their best to love your friends, your family,
and the stranger carrying their groceries.

Don’t allow him to keep
any more pieces of your already cracking heart.
He doesn’t deserve them, not yet.
If he learns to love, and love himself, and learns to
be with people without nearly destroying them in the process,
then rejoice, because you can heal together.

But he doesn’t want help, he doesn’t want you,
you cannot fix him - you can love him, and please do,
I encourage it, but do not fall in love with him
and don’t think you deserve someone better,
because you will not stoop to be bitter and petty,
it’s only that you deserve
someone who is ready.
 Jun 2013 Shayley M
Sir B

I have feelings that just cannot be expressed. :(
 Jun 2013 Shayley M
Carmen Noir
A girl will stand on the edge of the
Brooklyn Bridge at 7pm,
The water will stare back
at her
as the cars will glide past her,
(the rejection of her resume meant nothing
in comparison to the rejection from her lover.)

A man sits in the car in his garage
a capsule in his hand
and a gas leak in the trunk.
(no amount of promotions
which earnt him that car
could keep him afloat
as tax collectors harass his neighbors
for a tax return they are not going to

A woman will stand on a 2ft high
a rope in her hands
and a letter on the bed.
(the unborn child she caressed with alcohol
poisoning lingers in her mind
as she cannot bear the thought
of telling her husband that she loved whiskey
more than she did him.)

A boy will reside
in his fathers study,
his favourite book rested on the desk
and a gun in his hand.
(it never really was quite the same
after he left.)
A true friend never truly dies
Just fades away from physical touch
Spiritually close they'll always stay
So they'll never truly wander much

The distance may seem oh too far
For my human mental state to reach
But i know that you'll be so close
And that, to others, i'll have to teach

You'll never be forgotten Mert
You've clung so deep in all our hearts
Your happy personality
Has spread through all our human parts

I know that saying "bye" is flawed
As you'll be here forever more
But i guess that it is bye until
I see you again at heaven's door
 Jun 2013 Shayley M
When you love too much you hurt
When you try to hard you fall
When you trust too much it breaks
Love isnt easy but it pays off in the end

— The End —