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Shaun Yee May 2023
Little Monkey was thoughtful that day,
And he had very little to say,
For he was feeling rather crabby,
Why many humans are unhappy;

Why do many constantly complain,
As though they were in perpetual pain?

Though it seems they have so many things,
They keep hoping for more wealth that brings,
Ultimate happiness till they die,
Money, more money, their daily cry!
When many others less fortunate,
Have accepted their ultimate fate,
And they make do with their daily lot,
Thanking the good lord for what they've got;

So he concluded true happiness -
Is not having a mountain of wealth,
But having good friends, real love and health.

Then he saw some peanuts on the ground,
And was delighted with what he'd found.
This is one of my Little Monkey series of philosophical and satirical poems. a reflection of the human world
Shaun Yee May 2023
Little Monkey was most perplexed that day,
He just didn't know what to think or say,

So to Elder Monkey he went to find,
To get an answer for his dubious mind;

He asked "Does God live way up in the Sky,
Would he really meet me if I should die?"

"And does the Devil really live Below,
Waiting for me, my final day to show?"

Elder Monkey carefully did confide,
"You won't meet them at the end of your ride!!"

"So God and Devil don't exist at all?
That means that all our beliefs just fall?"

"They do exist!"  the Elder made it clear,
"Both of them reside inside you my dear!!!"

Little Monkey was even more confused,
"I think Elder's lost his marbles!" he mused.
Introduction: This is a philosophical poem from my "Little Monkey" satirical series. Little Monkey (our hero) is growing up in the monkey world and he, being a bright and thoughtful monkey, is alays intrigued by all things around him. The Elders are the older wise monkeys who give advice and educate all the little monkeys. It is a monkey reflection of our own world .... :-)
Shaun Yee May 2023
The end may come one dismal day
Before we can have the final say
It make take us by surprise
Even before the next sunrise
We must accept that life will end
Make all preparations beforehand
So we can greet each new dawn
When all our worries are gone
Shaun Yee May 2023
Life is too short for discrimination
We have grown up not too cleverly
Human mentality has not been that great
The fault lies in norms set by society
Shaun Yee May 2023
This early morning I got out of bed,
Found it was zero degrees centigrade,
And the air outside was crispy and cold,
A candid crispness had taken hold,
Feeding a feeling of freshness at play,
Surrounding this wonderful winter’s day;
Outside I saw rooftops covered with snow,
Also the shrubs in the gardens below,
Icing was on green leaves and trim tree tops,
And parking spaces where the squirrel hops,
A scene to keep in memory always,
When I do deviate to depressing days.
Shaun Yee Apr 2023
I was in the midst of doing something,  
When I heard the phone in the room ringing,  
So I stopped my work to answer the call,  
And when I went back I couldn’t recall,  
Whatever it was I had been doing.  

I had gone to the post office to send,  
A mail that I had written to a friend,  
But when I reached to take out the letter,  
I realised it was  left in my sweater,  
Which I’d given to the tailor to mend.  

So these are just two incidents needing
Attention like a garden needs weeding,  
Because when we get more advanced in age,  
It gets easier to forget the page,
Of the what-was-it that we were reading.  

Forgetting things often can be so sad,  
And with ourselves we really get mad.
Shaun Yee Apr 2023
Follow me far, far away, in search
Of a mystic wonderland sublime,
We'll find the map of ancient design,
Lost through the ages of our time;

The map is used in the spirit world,
By goblins, elves, gnomes and fairies too,
With a dozen fantastic places,
Where human beings haven't a clue;

Grinning griffins, cantering centaurs,
Laughing leprechauns, dancing dragons,
Hippogriffs, unicorns, imps and all,
We'll find them in the magic gardens;

Does this dauntless dimension exist?
It sometimes appears in our dreams,
We have to translate the secret signs,
And follow the shining silvered streams.
positive fantasy
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