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Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Remember all the simple joys we had,
we were often happy and seldom sad,
when as children we had fascination,
amused by things and nature’s creations;

Flying insects, bees, moths and butterflies,
lady bugs, grasshoppers and seagulls’ cries,
raindrops, lightnings, rainbows and falling stars,
green trees and flowers, streams and coloured jars;

All these elements were always there,
fun and entertainment galore to share,
with adulthood, we lost the fantasies,
replaced by mounting responsibilities;

In our social life with daily stress,
we are constantly struggling for success,
and we often forget the simple joys,
of how we used to play with simple toys.
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Sunlight fiercely shines
Too bright for many drivers
Sun glasses may help
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Full moon in the sky
Garden and parks brightly lit
Lovers cannot sleep
Shaun Yee May 2022
With billions of people on this land,
Each person is but a grain of sand;

* So alone he lingers sadly on,
With memories too dreadful to bear,
Alone she suffers with wretched thoughts,
No one her burden to really share *

Impotence surrounds, scarce are true friends,
Relief is really found when life ends.
cousin to my other poem "Inwardly Alone"
Shaun Yee May 2022
I've come from far to save your world,
The green multi-eyed alien said,
We've watched you well for centuries,
When this one ends you'll all be dead

Your atmosphere is poison full,
Your oceans are polluted too,
All your stars will vanish from sight,
Your skies no longer will be blue

You have to take more drastic steps,
To change your very careless ways,
And don't take years to do all that,
Think more in terms of months and days

This warning is for just one time,
Because I won't be back again,
If you don't do just what I say,
All your regrets will be in vain.
Shaun Yee May 2022
If I could float up to the sky,
Be with the moon and stars up high,
And hide from common earthly sight,
Never seen by day or night,
I would surely find a way,
To take you up with me to stay,
To spend our days and nights above,
With joy, laughter, happiness and love.
Shaun Yee May 2022
The full moon is out
Light and shadows dominate
Wolves are howling mad
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