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 Jul 2015 Sharlee
Camron Elliott
Blood Boils Under The Skin,
Rain Falls, Soothes The Skin.
 May 2015 Sharlee
Camron Elliott
Life is screaming out at you to end your life.
But don’t do it.
Be that rebel and rebel and live.
Life ***** you away when you are down.
Destroy your feelings.
Don’t let them take your feelings from you.
Be yourself and do whatever you want.
Destroy others by not acknowledging them.
© 2015 Camron Elliott
 Jul 2014 Sharlee
Paula Lee
Dear God
 Jul 2014 Sharlee
Paula Lee
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Call this assurance if you must;
But when it's time to say Farewell
To one you love, it's just plain hell.

There are no words, no healing balm,
To fill the void, to ease the calm;
And not a thing that one can say
Will drive the quick hot tears away.

We look upon the empty chair
And seek the one no longer there;
And so heartbreaking is the pain
We question if we'll meet again.

How grim indeed, if death should be
The Bitter End--- Eternity;
Just some vague dream conceived by Man
And not a part of any plan.

But God has taken such great care
To note the sparrow in the air;
His Love alone can cover all
And Mark a simple Sparrows' fall.

And if he cares for the birds that fly,
then he must hear My Anguished cry;
"Dear God, I yield my grief to Thee
For Thou alone can comfort me."
To Everyone who is struggling with Grief

— The End —