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May 2013 · 165
Shari Forman May 2013
They tell me,
That I have small hands and feet,
But still like the rest; just a bit different,
For a young girl who's petite.
May 2013 · 629
"A drastic transition"
Shari Forman May 2013
It's been one heck of a bumpy road,
To get to where I am now...
May 2013 · 228
Shari Forman May 2013
I call her shnooks,
She's insipid as can be,
She eats my whole house,
That dog's called Sandy.
May 2013 · 120
Shari Forman May 2013
I will wait,
For **you
May 2013 · 142
Shari Forman May 2013
I might actually be a poet,
And I don't even know it.
May 2013 · 229
Shari Forman May 2013
What a girl wants, wat a girl needs,
Whatever makes you happy, and sets you free,
And I'm thankn all of you for your time.
May 2013 · 246
Shari Forman May 2013
It is possible to ******,
Without being kissed or touched?
May 2013 · 207
Shari Forman May 2013
He has opened up my eyes,
To the true meaning of love.
May 2013 · 939
Shari Forman May 2013
The prom is next friday,
And my whole body is stimulating.
May 2013 · 866
Shari Forman May 2013
The prom is next friday,
And my whole body is stimulating.
May 2013 · 413
"Water damage"
Shari Forman May 2013
Loss of all my love texts,
Loss of all my pictures,
Loss of a touchscreen,
Loss of the memories.
May 2013 · 137
Shari Forman May 2013
How do we make it through the week,
Or possibly two,
With very little contact,
Never saying, "I love you?"
May 2013 · 182
Shari Forman May 2013
I miss track one day,
And my sides are squishy?
May 2013 · 1.1k
Shari Forman May 2013
So we're apart again.
We both have our seperate lives,
Filled with sports, academics, and hobbies.
But what ever happened to love?
May 2013 · 665
"Horrors of Anxiety"
Shari Forman May 2013
What the heck am I going to do this summer?
I've always had something planned out,
But when I was told I had mono,
My summer plans changed.
I cannot do lifeguarding now,
And I've called several places,
I'm supposed to be studying for two tests tomorrow,
So I didn't goto track today.
I'm dealing with acne on my face,
I'm extremely tired,
I'm always under stress.
If I'm not under stress,
I  feel as if I have nothing to do,
And I'll get depressed.
I still have the regents,
And finals,
And tests,
And homework.
I recently got my license,
But I have yet to drive.
I'm tired,
I'm tired...
I constantly worry.
When I try to take a day off,
And let myself relax,
I feel like nothing,
Like I have absolutely nothing to do.
Why am I writing a poem,
When I'm supposed to be studying?
I had an idea of where I'd like to go to college,
But now I'm clueless.
I need someone to tell me everything will be fine,
That I'll have plently to do,
That I'm a sweet, special girl.
I hope I play tennis again in the summer.
I hope I get the volunteer job.
But I haven't handed the form in yet...
Could it be too late?
How can I calm down?
Can can I ever calm down?
Life is too hard for me,
I wish I cold do more than I can,
And I push myself more than I can.
I sometimes feel dead,
Just tired.
Why am I itching my face?
Because it's all red,
From the sun beating down on it each day at track.
I have it all,
But I feel as if I have nothing.
I'm not depressed,
I'm not suicidal,
I'm not even sad...
I feel empty suddenly,
And constantly tired.
Shari Forman May 2013
Everybody Loves Raymond

“The Long, Unforgettable Wednesday”

[Setting: Barron’s home]
[The kids and Debra are at the table eating breakfast.]
DEBORA: So Ali, John, did you guys finish your homework for school?
ALI: yea mommy, we finished.
[Long pause; Debora smiles]
DEBORA: Ok, you kids get your bags ready for school; I’ll go and wake Daddy up.
[Debora comes charging up the stairs.]
DEBORA: Ray, you have to drive the kids to school now.
RAY: It’s my turn already?
[Groans loudly]
RAY: Ok, here are my car keys. Tell them to call if they hit traffic.
DEBORA: Ray, this isn’t funny! I have to go to work now and have two new patients coming in! Get up!
[Debora pulls the quilt off him and opens the blinds]
RAY: [smiles confidently] There’s no way you can get me out of bed Deb.
DEBORA: [seems aggravated with him] Fine then Ray.
[Tries pulling him off the bed when the whole bed collapses.]
RAY: Holy Moly.
[John and Ali walk in petrified]
DEBORA: Hey kids! You have your bags I see.
ALI: Should I be worried?
[Ray quickly jumps out of bed.]
RAY: No, no Ali. Mommy and Daddy were just meditating.
[Debra gives Ray a nasty look]
[End of scene.]
[Ray, Ali and John are in the car heading to their school]
JOHN: What were you and Mommy doing before?
RAY: I told you guys; we were meditating.
ALI: It looked like you were fighting though.
[Ray seems tense]
RAY: Meditating and fighting are very different; therefore, we were originally meditating Ali.  
[Children look baffled]
[Children arrive at school at 9:30 a.m.]
RAY: You know pretty soon; John, Ali, you’ll be able to drive.
[Ray chuckles and the kids smile]
RAY: Love you. Just for future references, don’t go around like me telling the world that people should try meditating; you’ll end up in an environment like me and mommy.
JOHN AND ALI: [Kids laugh] Love you too Daddy.
[Ray arrives home to find his brother and parents in their house and an enormous shopping list to do.]
ROBERT: Ray, what happened to the bed upstairs?
RAY: It wasn’t like you were going to use it anyway Robert.
MARIE: Come Ray, sit down. I made you a roast beef sandwich.
FRANK: I thought that was my ravishing roast beef sandwich!
[Ray walks over to the T.V. and looks at the screen]
RAY: Jets are playing?
FRANK: Oh forget it, we’re done. He’s not going to get the yard goal.
[Makes the kick]
RAY: Yea! Woo!
[Gives Frank a hug and a high five]
FRANK: This calls for a celebration. Marie, go make me a tuna sandwich!
MARIE: What am I, the chef?!
FRANK: That’s why I married you…
[Marie gives Frank a serious look]
FRANK: And because you’re the love of my life ***.
RAY: Oh, God, see you two love birds later; have to go food shopping
MARIE: You didn’t even eat yet!
[Ray smiles and closes the door]
ROBERT: I’m sorry to have spoken, but may I ask kindly if I can have that sandwich?
MARIE: [surprised] what?
ROBERT: What, Rays gone and I just don’t want it to spoil.
MARIE: [Smiles] Good thinking Robbie; I’ll put it in the fridge for him later.
[ROBERT frowns.]
[End of scene.]
May 2013 · 432
"Such a teenager"
Shari Forman May 2013
Mom, "Where did all the food go?"
Me, "Don't you know I'm a teenager mom?"
Mom, "I just went shopping?!"
Me, "I left you a shopping list of what to buy."
May 2013 · 223
Shari Forman May 2013
I try waiting,
Before I text him again,
Because I know the longer I wait,
The better it will end.
May 2013 · 274
"Such News"
Shari Forman May 2013
I gave him a hug,
And he followed me through the corridors,
And whispered softly in my ear,
That we're sinking down under.
May 2013 · 156
"The Boy"
Shari Forman May 2013
Is it even possible,
To feel too good?
May 2013 · 231
"One and only"
Shari Forman May 2013
Hold on to your one true lover,
Because it the pourin rain,
It don't cover.
May 2013 · 226
Shari Forman May 2013
I opened my mouth to say something,
But he leaned in towards me,
And stole me a kiss,
Forgetting what I had to say.
May 2013 · 195
Shari Forman May 2013
I've lost many things because I loved you,
But now I have to try and get them back
May 2013 · 238
"A dream of you"
May 2013 · 402
What have you done?
Shari Forman May 2013
What have you done?
You've entered my life unexpectedly,
Stole my heart after day one,
Became my close companion,
Shared timeless love with me,
Greatly inspired me through academics,
And sports,
Supported me through the good and bad,
Been there for me as best you can,
Despite our long-distant relationship,
Showered me with gifts,
Proven your true love for me,
Satisfied me in more than one way,
Said the most heartfelt things to me,
Whispered seductively in my ear.
Held me tight when I needed your love,
Embraced me in your loving arms.
Surprised me,
Helped me rid of the dark side,
Told me that you "loved me,"
Made love painfully hurt deep inside of me,
But I know it means true love,
Made me realize the true meaning of love,
Brought me a life of neverending love and serenity.
May 2013 · 242
"A love story"
Shari Forman May 2013
He made me smile,
He made me fall in love with him,
He made me laugh,
He made me want him more,
He supported me,
He cracked endless jokes,
He had me right in the thick of love.
May 2013 · 272
Shari Forman May 2013
Okay, I'll be HONEST,
I am melodramatic often,
But when it comes to love,
I'm just "In Love."
May 2013 · 794
Shari Forman May 2013
The SAT's are now over,
And I study as best I can,
Despite my annoying learning disability,
I can say I tried.
But now there's the ACT,
And the finals and regents,
Along with maintaining my GPA,
And dealing with endless anxiety.
May 2013 · 145
Shari Forman May 2013
Love is enough,
Drama is too much to handle
May 2013 · 239
Shari Forman May 2013
I always worry about what others think of me,
And I can't take the best I can possibly do;
Stuck in quick sand,
Stuck on *you.
May 2013 · 202
Shari Forman May 2013
I have many things to come,
And many things to do,
But I somehow always seem empty.
May 2013 · 139
Shari Forman May 2013
He made his first move,
And now it's time for me to make mine...
May 2013 · 203
Shari Forman May 2013
The best kind of love,
Painfully hurts deep inside.
May 2013 · 289
Shari Forman May 2013
We've been apart far too long,
And I'm tired as ever,
I feel vacous and lonely,
Without our united endeavor.
May 2013 · 242
Shari Forman May 2013
We've been apart far too long,
And I'm tired as ever,
I feel vacous and lonely,
Without our united endeaver.
May 2013 · 111
Shari Forman May 2013
I only need you to take one look at me,
To know it's actually you.
May 2013 · 185
"Just wait"
Shari Forman May 2013
Gently cover my hands with yours,
And I will be with you forever.
May 2013 · 158
Shari Forman May 2013
Nothing can ever compare,
To a first kiss.
May 2013 · 2.7k
Shari Forman May 2013
I'm worried,
That I will lose myself in a jiffy.
May 2013 · 1.3k
"It feels like eternity"
Shari Forman May 2013
It's been real hard getting by,
When I haven't you by my side.
The days become tedious and long,
As I foolishly smile and stay ever strong.
But my heart feels torn apart,
And my head has yet to start.
So I unwillingly stand alone,
From a hard-knock life, called unknown.

*I miss you deeply. This is the longest we've ever been apart. A full two weeks, and most likely a third as well...It'll be okay. I feel whatever you feel because we have permanently connected hearts...I'll admit is hard. Hard to wake up every morning without you. Hard to go through a whole day without you. Hard to go 3 weeks without you...I miss you and will always love you. Now that i know we'll always have each other nomatter what, I'll keep you this much closer to my heart every day...I contemplate a lot of things when we're apart for so long, but I'm hanging in there as best I can. I don't have to contemplate our past memories to love you; I love you through everything. It is hard to keep love on hold for consecutive days. If I were to tell you how much I loved you, it would take years to explain. It feels right...I feel happy...I think I'm in love... :) <333
Apr 2013 · 724
"Stuck on you"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
I'm sitting here alone,
Procrastinating and overthinking things,
Because I'm draw to a thing called love,
Galloping and dozing off in the inspiring open wings.
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Shari Forman Apr 2013
Why do I suddenly have the feeling,
I look much younger,
Than I actually am?
Apr 2013 · 233
Shari Forman Apr 2013
He took my heart,
And wrapped it in one,
And now that he's here,
My future has beautifully begun.
Apr 2013 · 144
Shari Forman Apr 2013
I smiled because,
I know I'll be okay...
Apr 2013 · 138
Shari Forman Apr 2013
I passed my road test,
And I feel happy once again...
Apr 2013 · 375
"Never waste love"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
Just knowing that I'll always have you,
Despite the fact you're hardly ever with me,
Makes me the happiest girl alive.
Apr 2013 · 449
"A sudden Realization"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
I sat at home contemplating my love for you,
When it suddenly hit me,
Our love is too precious to be wasted.
Apr 2013 · 167
Shari Forman Apr 2013
A cried an endless river of wasted tears,
Only to discover my true love on the other side.
Apr 2013 · 152
Shari Forman Apr 2013
The end of my misery is near,
But my future is almost here.
Apr 2013 · 530
Shari Forman Apr 2013
It was my father who left me,
To discover a place of his own,
Lonely, but dishearten I felt,
For a place called “unknown.”
Baffled was I,
As to why he suddenly left me,
I trembled alone in fear,
Was I a goner soon to be?
Where have my hopes gone,
Withered away to stone,
Leaving nothing but the past,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Why do I feel resentment?
My father had a horrifying tone,
Had left me heartbroken,
For a place called, “unknown.”
My heart beats like thunder,
As I shiver to the bone,
My father ruined me,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Where will I go from here?
Too much my father had shown,
A martyr my father will always be,
For a place called, “unknown.”
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