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7.3k · May 2013
The Dolphins
shaqila May 2013
The Dolphins came to heal me
They didn’t know it wasn’t meant to be
They circled me & brushed pass my legs
I felt their healing but I could not receive it
Wounded hearts do not heal
Broken dreams do not soar
Crushed spirits do not forgive

The dolphins came again
This time with a heart to replace mine
They put it in place of the old
They swam away with the old
The new heart felt good inside
I could heal
I could soar
And I could forgive

Some years later the dolphins came again
They came with another heart yet again
I was to take care of it
I was thrilled
I was happy looking after it, for a while

The dolphins came again some years later
To check how I was doing with the extra heart
It was too much work and so I gave it back to  them
They were sad as they swam away

I looked out at sea one day after many a lonely years
Longing for the healing of the dolphins
One dolphin came up to me and said
“My heart is all I have to give”
I did not know if I should take it
Just as I was pondering, another dolphin swam by and said
“Try again”
I took it and tried to love again

It was better this time
I did not deceive myself and I let it be
Two hearts were better I thought
Then, what about another two, the dolphin asked
I took them and cared and shared
And today I have six hearts to behold….
The dolphins smiled and waved goodbye….
7.2k · Dec 2013
The coconut tree
shaqila Dec 2013
The coconut tree is unlike any other
From root to shoot
All valuable all useful
Giving shade when weaved into roof patches
Giving sustenance in the form of food and drink
Even when completely chopped, it leaves its marks
As the bridge people built to cross the river!
Some people are born into royalty, some become royale in deed and words. The above is my little tribute to Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013).
4.2k · Mar 2014
Homeland Security - 10W
shaqila Mar 2014
I thought I was home
It appears I was wrong!
Nothing to do with the US btw!
4.2k · Jun 2013
Suffix et. al.
shaqila Jun 2013
Vivacious, atrocious
Super capricious
Precocious and ferocious
Precious and gracious
Malicious and facetious
Long lashes
Gory gashes
Fiery slashes
Tunic mashes
Souls igneous
In the end, it’s all ashes, just ashes...
3.6k · Feb 2013
shaqila Feb 2013
A soft spoken lady she was not
Neither timid nor fragile
Alone she tarried with six girls in tow
She set up home while around her was gloom

With boldness and courage, she always moved forward
Head always held high with dignity and pride
She raised her daughters much like soldiers in the army
Some fell through the crack but back to her fold, they always hurried

She was never sweet or smiled too much
It was not for lack of love but more of a disciplined lifestyle
She however mellowed once her first grandchild arrived
Loving became easier and perhaps she learnt how to smile

She taught us to work hard and stick to a schedule
If you want to do something, do it to completion
Cleanliness was next to godliness or so she reminded us
Her hands were always busy minding the flowers or some vegetables

I do not miss her like how I used to miss her
It seems these days she’s always near when I need her
Her life has been rich with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren
She may be gone but she left a legacy for generations to come!
In memory of my Patima (grandma) – it’s been two years since she’s moved on.
3.5k · Jul 2013
shaqila Jul 2013
Distressed, Dismayed
Disturbed, Disdain
Distant, Feeling Disconnected
Worlds Dislocated
Disgruntled, Disorganized,
Dismayed, Drained
Disarray Abounds
Dispersed into Nothingness
Dead, Ditto, Ditto
of Dance, Delight and Dreams
At the passing of my beloved
Death Draws Me In...
3.2k · Jul 2013
Only 26 Letters
shaqila Jul 2013
I like the word oxymoron –
probably my favourite English word,
It sound derogatory but it is just a figure of speech.
I kind of like the word nincompoop
but I’d change it a bit to noncompoop
which would then I can say is an abbreviation for non-competent ****.
I made up the word mysticscientist –
I know it’s hard to say, perhaps i should shorten it to myscientist.
I like the word strumpet,
coz even though it sounds like a musical instrument,
It’s actually another word for a ****, not the eating kind.
Another fav of mine is teetotaller,
I mean who on earth would ever guess this to mean
someone who doesn’t consume alcohol,
really who came up with this, I’d really like to know.
When young, I learnt a word that truly stuck;
It’s guffawed meaning laughed out loud;
It’s the prefix guff that completely throws you off,
guff out loud, she guffawed or gol like lol!
(guff is not a prefix, just saying it looks like one: guffstraying, guffanalysing, guffanance)
Everyday I open the dictionary to discover new English words;
it’s a wonder to me, that the list keeps growing
only 26 letters but still quite amazing.
Disclosure: i made up guffstraying, guffanalysing, and guffanance to show how guff might be beautifully used as a prefix – gol! 
shaqila Jun 2014
It used to be that Ramadan was a month of fasting, prayer and contemplation
Of those who don’t have enough not just for a day but for a lifetime;
Now, it appears Ramadan is a month of feasting and shopping
And extravagance and lavish spending!
well, in Malaysia, anyway!

© shaqila
2.4k · Jul 2013
Similes, much? – Haha!
shaqila Jul 2013
As random as the appearance of rainbow
As fresh as grasses tipped with morning dew
Like lightning, a forerunner of thunder
It’s slick and smooth and full of energy

As happy as a little girl with a soft dolly
As giddy as a kid in a theme park
Like stars that glitter when the sun’s gone to bed
Like rough seas and gigantic waves

Love comes and conquers all!
2.3k · Jan 2013
shaqila Jan 2013
Passion drives us to great heights and achievements
The passion drawn from the ****** position
The will to survive to take our first breath, to know life
The passion that lingers and stills the heart for a moment
To stand and stare at the passing wild flower
Passion shared by two in the throes of ****** hunger
That connects and binds and twines beings into one
Passion so felt within a heart
will make a simple person extraordinary

Passion to live beyond, just over the line
Taking risks, taking chances
Passion to love, to live, to dance, to eat, to laugh, to cry, to feel
Passion makes the difference
Between the millionaire and the pauper
Passion – everyone has it
It’s whether you want to use it or save it for later!
2.1k · Apr 2014
Always Monday
shaqila Apr 2014
It’s always Monday here with the hustle and bustle of the boisterous marketplace,
Negotiations carried out over loudspeakers and hailers,
It’s never without a fight.
It’s always Monday here with the cries of half-dead swans and suffocating dolphins,
Collateral damage is a word used loosely,
Now that the main guy is here.

Last night was a good night, befitting a Sunday’s catch,
Rest is only for the lost and lonely on a lovely Sunday night.
They brought them in, lined up in rows of ten,
Nothing on but a white singlet and pretty underpants.
They cowered in fright and tried to huddle,
The whips flew as freely as the flies that came to meddle.

It was not long till your turn came
Pretty as a rosebud
One man claimed
Smooth as a rose’s petal
Another one gleamed.

It was all too real for you and you fell dead, in silence
It’s always Monday here, someone said,
She was so pretty...
As they carried you on their back
to dump you in the truck
to throw away the body
just outside the city.

It’s always Monday here, said the man shaking his head,
as he went to the playground to fish
for another haul of fresh blood and good meat!

It’s always Monday here...
Someone said...
© shaqila
2.0k · Jul 2012
I’m a Wild Child
shaqila Jul 2012
I’m a wild child
Explored much, invested much, observed too much
I have danced in the dancing wind and laid naked in the crushing waves
My arms have stretched around the world
The shenanigans of unfiltered words
The crude behavior of unschooled actions
Have driven away the hearts of the expectant
I deny not my actions
For they come from the plain origin of the wilderness
I am a wild child
Gutted by trees in the forests and soothed by dewdrops from the branches
I speak not the language of man
My voice it carries across through the jungle wild
In screams and laughters and sometimes loud shrills
Like my friends, the apes or the enemy, the dressed
I am a wild child I know
I can’t be contained – I cannot be housed
I must run as with the time that never stops
I must run now – before the traps ensnare
The cliff awaits, the river calls, I leap into the sky and dive and I am gone!!
2.0k · Mar 2013
Jesus on the Cross
shaqila Mar 2013
Jesus on the Cross is a gory picture
Bleeding, Crying, Despairing
Not exactly a God-like image one would imagine
This week is holy the Christians claim
leading to the death and eventual rise of their great Savior
Is redemption then the answer to despair?

The Bible says the gruesome death was predestined
Yet it seems Jesus did for a moment doubt and plead in Gethsemane
But on the Cross while bleeding and suffocating
He prayed for the neighbors' sins to be forgiven
Such is love, the Bible claims
I do not believe it to be so, 'coz i still sin coz i still hate.

If i believed this Love, then i would not hurt my brother
If i believed in Redemption, then i would not begrudge my sister
If i believed in the hefty price He paid, I would never let hate linger  
I would live a life of love, joy and peace and belief in the holy Spirit, Son, and Father.

But i do hurt, i do begrudge, i do hate and i do not believe!
Disclosure: I am not a Christian or a believer of any religion and no offence is intended in the writing of this poem.
2.0k · Aug 2013
The God of Death
shaqila Aug 2013
I have a list
The job is mundane, same old, same old
Murderers, conceiters, haters, ....
No remorse even at the last breath

Today is a busy day
Lots of you to claim
First on my list is a thief
He stole children for a living
And sold them to the highest bidder
Sometimes, I think the Guy upstairs is so unfair
What’s wrong with taking a child
And selling her so she’ll get a better life

Not that I’m complaining
Contrary to popular belief
Hell is kind of empty
Most people in their last living moments
Say they’re sorry and zam! I lose!

This guy is different
Peter Hinckley the Child Snatcher
He doesn’t know he’s walking into a trap
And he’ll be shot dead by the cop hiding across the street

So, here I am, Ok, Now!!
“Gotcha, come with me, Peter Hinckley!
Welcome to Hell! Where it’s always breakfast in bed! Not!

My next is a woman, those are rare down there
Henrietta Bugglery – “Gosh, what a name!”
Her one and only sin – loving herself too much
Till she hated everyone else

It’s not her fault, I don’t think
She has it all but wisdom
So how can it be her fault
Well I suppose she could have been better to her children
But she hated them too apparently
Ahh humans, I’ll never get them, I suppose!

Henrietta was ready but she didn’t expect Me!
Not that I’m not pretty but I have to hide my face
Seeing me sometimes jolts them back to life!

“OK, Missy, let’s go!”
“What do you mean let’s go? Who are you? And where are we going?”
“HELLLL! Missy!!”
“Who are you?”
“ Darth Vader!”
(and they say i don’t have a sense of humor)
“You mean like from Star Wars?”
“Yes, exactly that – Let’s Go!”
“I’m not going anywhere with you!”
“Oh come on, don’t make me zap you there.
I like you all to arrive happily, after all the rest of eternity is a long time”
“Get lost! I’m not coming with you!!”
“Oh well, you leave me no choice!
Welcome to Hell!”
I lift my hand and she is stretched excruciatingly (it appears) into Hell

You’d think my work is easy
Actually, it’s not
Sometimes, I wish we had some of your high tech equipments down there
Then, I won’t have to do this myself
I could have me some robots who would never mess up
Or suddenly have a soft heart like in the case of ....
Oh ****, I’m saying too much!!

*P.S. Don't worry, I'm probably not coming for you
P.S.S. I lie, a lot!
1.9k · Dec 2012
Beneath the Starlit Sky
shaqila Dec 2012
As I lie beneath the starlit sky,
Thoughts of you and I fill my mind.
Not knowing how or why,
We meet in this grand old starlit sky.

I cherish each text,
Delivered with love, humor and adoration;
The darkness that you feel is you,
Will, hopefully, fade into
The light, which I claim to be.

Never going nor coming,
This path feels uncertain,
And steps are shaky as untraveled paths are said to be.

Living in the moment
Of stillness and glimpses of grandeur from above,
It is all I see now.
Perhaps the stars will lead me home,
As they did not so long ago,
When seafarers roamed the ocean,
As I now, roam the earth beneath the starlit sky.
- By the soul farer! -
1.8k · Jul 2013
a quiet storm
shaqila Jul 2013
a quiet storm brews despite myself
within deep down treacherous grounds
longings yearnings wishing hoping
life's loud hoorah awaiting

quaking through the soul
like vibrations of old
lies the storm ready to unfold

meandering through valleys and hills
life's corners and curves
hitting a brick wall
now ready to fall with the wake
of the storm within
soon it will be monsoon again!
Inspired by the Gatorade drink flavor, 'Quiet Storm'! Thanks DC for the suggestion!
1.8k · May 2013
I die a little every day
shaqila May 2013
I die a little every day it seems
When I close my eyes and fall into nothingness
And at times the short-lived death is made all the more furious
With knights fighting and demons slaying and the occasional dragon appearing

What  a risk it seems I take that, this short-lived death on any other day might
Shove me into a forever nothingness
I still go there every night just to test the waters
I die a little every day it seems

Oh, what I would give for the daily deaths to be a prolonged one
Then into another world I’d go
My world, from forever more and till eternity
So, I’ll die a little every day till I reach home
My home...I... want to go home...
1.8k · Sep 2013
To the Ground, to the Ground
shaqila Sep 2013
To the ground, to the ground, the country must fall,
If it is to rise again, free from leeches, mosquitoes, et. al.

Murderers walk free
Gangsters parade their ware
A country controlled by thieves petty
Citizens governed lack of care

A dozen missions have now been declared
To the moon, to space, there and back
Petty thieves calling themselves politicians
Will be forever doomed, karma bites back

Poet laureates hauled to prison
Patriotism is questioned
If petty thieves continue ruling
Why wouldn’t learned souls rise to action?

Hope is nowhere in sight
Dissension and strife are forthcoming
Divide and conquer, it worked really well
First the British and now the national front

To the ground, to the ground, the country must fall,
If it is to rise again, free from leeches, mosquitoes, et. al.
(Me hopes not, but it seems inevitable)
1.8k · Dec 2012
Tortured Soul
shaqila Dec 2012
My soul feels tortured tonight,
Not being able to say out loud
What I feel inside.
Holding you in my hands
Only to realize you're in my head and
Not in front of me.
I can hear your breath
and yet can't feel your warmth.
You're entering into me
It feels like,
Yet I am only in your head
As you are in mine
The dreams come and go
With many unanswered questions
******* of souls
Release of sadness
Yet unbeholding the joy fully
As the dreams that draw us close are
Also dividing us through time and distance.
I am tortured tonight,
My tortured soul releases the cries it has held inside
I weep a soulful, mournful cry of release
As you come inside me
And wake the sleeping goddess of ages and lives past!
shaqila Jan 2013
We met in poetry land where words abound like
Beaches with sand
It was moving, your profile, that made me glance
Your way a little while
Awkwardness succumbed to curiosity
Communications were established through technology
What seemed like quiet conversations,
Has now become heated discussions.
The intellectual discourses
Blossomed into discourses of a different kind
When hearts meet, is it not divine?
This beautiful love story has an end
The end as written in fairy tales, happily ever after
Happily can only be translated on earth
As joy mixed with laughter
And sadness mixed with tears
The ever after, of that, I’m sure
A thousand years have passed and
Still we are here
And so even if another thousand years should come
We will still be here
You and me, happily ever after!
1.7k · Sep 2009
A Kiss
shaqila Sep 2009
A kiss entwines the souls of two
A kiss says I love you
A kiss brings two people together
A kiss says no matter, whatever
A kiss binds friendships forever
A kiss says I’ll be back, whenever
A kiss creates the longing of two
who have traveled together
the journey of life and demands that
the lips that kissed shall, no, MUST
embrace each other once more..

By shaqila
December 2001
shaqila Jan 2013
Where were you
when they called me ‘keling’ and ‘pariah’?
Where were you
when my grandparents arrived in a boat?
Where were you
when my kind slogged the railway tracks and roads?

Where were you
when they called me a snake and a rubber tree loafer?
Where were you
when they tore down my temples ‘coz there were one too many?
Where were you
when higher education was denied ‘coz some quota had been filled?

Where were you
when my kind were killed in prisons?
I didn’t know it was a crime to look like a black rapper with earrings;
Where were you
when my grandmother wept the first time she cast a vote?
Where were you
when my grandfather laughed, shaking hands with the Tun seated by the Brit?

Where were you
when I proudly held the nation’s flag up the Everest and in a squash court?
Where were you
when I wept at the sound of ‘Negaraku’ heard thru’ muffled speakers and a loud silence?

One Malaysia sorry *** was once believed but now delusional
When my kin are likened to toilet paper
Used when needed and then discarded!

@ shaqila 21/1/2013
1.5k · Aug 2013
Princess Lollypoppy
shaqila Aug 2013
Princess Lollypoppy lived in a castle far away
But all she could think about is running far far away
Ever since prince lollypoopsie was born
All she could see was her clothes being torn

She tried one day to runaway
Unfortunately her father's carriage stood in the way
She tried cycling through the forest
But her tires kept getting caught in the mud and she had to give it a rest

Her mother was of no help,
Ever since the prince arrived
Her life was totally ignored
It was always 'don't scream, your brother will wake'
or 'give it back, your brother will cry'

It felt like the end of the world for Princess Lollypoppy
When even her clothes were given away
She decided enough was enough
And went into a deep sleep
till today, she has yet to awaken from her deep slumber
Awaiting the prince who will never come
and the fairy godmother who never existed!
Dedicated to my little niece :)
shaqila Jul 2013
They all stood around her, bowed quietly, watching and reflecting and remembering how this day was anticipated. Each engrossed in his/her memory of her and how they saw her eventual end.

Tom thought, ‘Perhaps if I had talked to her more often, this would not have happened’.
Hilary thought, ‘I should have prayed harder, maybe if I was better, then God would have heard my prayer’.
Annie thought, ‘I told her a million times, don’t do that, it will **** you. I guess it finally did’.
Ralph thought, ‘Why didn’t she just call me like she always did?’
Sam thought, ‘Wow, she finally did it, just like she always said she would!’
Andrew thought, rather methodically, of the steps that she would have taken to reach the final destination.
Gene knew exactly how she did it! Hell, if she revealed further, some would say, she even instigated the whole thing.
Pam was undoubtedly gloating, ‘Now she could have it all – the man, the cash, the jewellery ...’

No one knew though that she was watching all of them from just above, hovered in a corner. She was surprised that she could hear them think even though it was in whispers. She was sad, and happy and in fact after a while she smiled, ‘on to plan B now!’ She was looking forward to all the frightful nightmares she could give each one of them. Heaven can wait or possibly hell but if it’s going to be eternity, she has certainly got a lot time in her hands.
Just then, she felt a vacuum **** her in and she jolted back into her body. She could see them, in fact, her eyes were open but she couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak, she couldn’t even blink!!

The Doctor arrives and lets the family and friends know, “I’m sorry, she’s comatose and right now I am unable to tell you much, we have to keep her here to run further tests! It would be best if just one or two of you stay with her.”
They look at each other and without saying much leave the room one by one.
She’s watching and actually screaming and shouting but no one reacts; to them she’s motionless. She curses and finally stops and just stares at the ceiling.

**That was five years ago; she’s in a beautiful room now but she’s still just staring at the ceiling...
Note: The above story and characters are purely fictional and if there’s any resemblance to someone you know, it’s purely coincidental, really!
1.4k · Feb 2013
My Mummy Used to Say
shaqila Feb 2013
A - As you were son, the sun has not come out yet
B - Be careful, it's hot, sip slowly
C - Can you please tuck in your shirt!
D - Don't! touch that!
E - Enough already, put the toys away!
F - For goodness sake, don't spill the juice!
G - Grandma's coming tomorrow!
H - Hurry up! we're gonna be late!
I - In a minute, son! In a minute!
J - June already....(sighing)
K - Kissy, kissy, mommy loves you, sweetheart!
L - Leave her alone!
M - Maybe! I said maybe!
N - No means No!
O - Oh my God! What have you done this time?
P - Please, please tidy your room
Q - Quick! Grandma's on the line!
R - Really?! That's your best excuse!
S - Sorry sweetheart not tonight
T - Today?! What do you mean Today?!
U - Uncle Henry will go with you, okay?
V - Vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping!
W - Wait a minute young man, say that one more time
X - Xanax? oh thank you, I needed that
Y - You what?! Who is she?!
Z - Zephyrs blow as she's lowered to the ground
(Goodbye mummy, I'll see you soon....)
The above is a fictional poem!
1.4k · Mar 2013
I Fell.... with my brother
shaqila Mar 2013
Amidst the calamity of self-righteous politicians,
I step into my mandate of securing my homeland,
A village is in trouble, they said,
They failed to mention the looming hidden weapons of destruction.

First, my brother steps into the snare,
I follow suit for no man in our team falls alone,
Ensnared by the enemy, alone and nowhere to run,
We stand and fight until we all fall down.

Apparently, it wasn't enough that we had fallen,
They chopped us up and made us spectacles,
Of hatred and feudalism, that oozed from their souls,
Our death not in vain as the villagers are safe,
Why then now the bigots bicker so?
In honour of the fallen soldiers in Lahad Datu, Malaysia.
Terrorists attacked the town of Lahad Datu in east Malaysia, claiming that Sabah (a state in east Malaysia, part of northern Borneo) belongs to the Sulu Sultanate.
As of today, situation partly under control but remnants are being tracked down.
1.3k · Oct 2013
birthday poem for my beloved
shaqila Oct 2013
Happy birthday doesn't seem to suffice
When the one you love is all so nice
So here's a poem from my heart
Hope it reaches yours though oceans apart

Bless the day when you were born
When angels sang and heaven was forlorn
Losing you was not their aim
But the time was ripe, all the same

Tears  were shed in the heavenlies
Your mates up there threw you a gathering
I was there and feeling sad
You said don't worry, I'll find you, yet!

That was some decades ago
And here we are found and found
Elliot York was to be born
To create HP, so we no longer need to mourn

Almost a year, oh what a ride
is it amazing, that we're still out of sight
visions of future laughter furnishes my nights
my days are not so bad with you as my guide

wishing you well and wishing you gain
wisdom and wealth and hopes and dreams
Four plus nine is not so young
only a little while more and we'll both be done
shaqila Aug 2013
Princess Lollypoppy is going to school
Albeit kiddy school, it's still school
Many friends will she make
Possibly some hearts she would break
Maybe now's a good time for her to gather her troops
For the kingdom she intends to overtake
Surely three and four year olds will listen to her
She'll give them lollies in exchange for their loyal regard
Her plans are in motion
A coup is underway
Wait a minute, what is Prince Lollypoopsie doing in the door way!
my little niece is going to nursery and so's her little brother :)
1.3k · Sep 2009
shaqila Sep 2009
They say love is intangible, I don’t think so,
I see it in the way lovers hold hands,
as if a second of being apart would erase eternity
I see love in the eyes of mothers when they are holding their babies
I see it in the way fathers protect their children
I see love when I see the way you look at me through your glasses
with the blue green eyes
I see love when you go out of your way to buy a pair of jeans for me, that fits
I see love when my best friend buys me a flight ticket so I can go see his new car
I see love when someone I barely know buys me flowers
I see love every time you hug me and wish me well
I see love when you rush to me saying, “Teacher! Teacher!”
and tell me about the things that have made you sad
I see love when you buy me lunch when I am hungry during the fasting month
I see love when you kiss my feet after making love to me
in the most sensuous ways possible
So, when they say love is intangible, I don’t think so
I see it in all the million ways you love me
I hold it in my hands, in my heart, in my mind, in my being
I hold love when I hold You
I see love when I see You
So, No, to me,
LOVE is ………….

1.3k · Mar 2014
The Changing Hashtags #
shaqila Mar 2014
First it was #PRAY4MH370
which swiftly changed to #RIPMH370
and now it's transformed to #REMEMBERINGMH370

Two weeks of unrealized hope
dashed one late evening by some satellite scope
Only to be faced with the deep blue ocean
and possibility of confirmation

That dear ones lie in some ocean bed
Perhaps forever trapped, it was tragically said
Technology so advance, that can find a particle in an atom
and a black hole in the universal chasm

Yet mystified that none can locate the so-called plane crash site proper!
*cue - Twilight Zone music
1.3k · Jul 2013
Hungry Ghost
shaqila Jul 2013
Hungry ghost – the real deal or just a metaphor
Always hungry, never satisfied, more, more, more
It’s not just food,
It can be fame, fortune, acceptance and even love
Given but wants not met
Takes but never enough
Always striving, wanting a little bit more, gaining a lot but always in want
Struggling, always planning, restless for that thing, unreachable
Taking, taking, taking
Wanting, wanting, wanting
Am I then a hungry ghost?
1.3k · Jul 2013
When Hell Closes its Door
shaqila Jul 2013
When even hell closes its door on you
The decrepit nothing that you’ve become is apparent
You devoured children and virgins when on earth
There was no preference; you mutilated them all

But now, where will you go?
The darkest place in the universe has turned you away
And your punishment, the removal of your powers
Upon reaching the end of your physical mortality

Where will you run to, when you cannot hide?
Maybe there is ****** karma in the afterlife after all
Beware monsters and creatures of the night array your path
To the left and right and all around and it’s always dark

It’s not pleasant, the price you pay for extreme sin
When death, you think the end, is only the beginning
Of eternity and damnation and whoredom to
Creatures who even hell shudders to let in...
1.3k · Aug 2013
A Zero is Not Nothing
shaqila Aug 2013
A zero on its own may hold no value
But add a zero to 10 and behold you get a 100
And the value of zero seems to increase exponentially
Just think in terms of 100,000, add a zero and walla! it's 1,000,000

So, it gives rise to the question
What is really the value of zero
Does Zero mean nothing?
Or does it depend on how you place it?

What if a manager said, 'the production showed zero growth rate'
Would the management shout in glee or consider firing?
Is it silly to think zero is valueless when logically
adding zero at the end of any number only makes it more by tens?

Yes, I'm certifiably crazy but that is not the point!
The point is life is full of paradoxes
So why is that we adamantly stick to one theory of belief
When any number of theories could be true or not
like birth and death and yes of course 'God'!
1.2k · Aug 2013
shaqila Aug 2013
One by one, the leaves of the tree gently fall to the damp ground
I don't care
The mynas sing their varied tunes of jubilance and excitement
I don't care
The sound of dogs barking in the distant envelopes the atmosphere
I don't care
The sky is grey with rain clouds, almost melancholy
as the sun tries to push through its rays
I don't care
The gurgling sound of the neighbor's water fountain marks the present
I don't care
Now, the children are running in the park, stealing time to play before the rain drops
I don't care
Swishing, chirping, woofing, whooing, splish-splashing, screaming
This poem is not finished
*I don't care
shaqila Jul 2013
Thou shall not ***** is pretty much a tenet at the temple
Listening to dhamma talks, trying to digest and
Perhaps be a better/not so ignorant being
Along come you, master or mistress of annoyance
I can’t tell, your looks deceive
I suppose my black jeans must have been
The attractive factor
And the cool comfort of the a/c and
The close proximity of us humans
Of course you came, you love it
Well to be fair, you love blood, right?
But seriously at any other place
I’d do away with you with a slap and or
Maybe a heavy blow
But come on, this is where
The Buddha’s teachings are propagated
If temptation is your thing, you’ve chosen the right place
You know what, I’ll ignore you and who knows, it could be bliss
Really, what do you do, Oh Master of Zen?
Do you intentionally **** the annoying vermin or
Tolerate it and let it **** your blood
In front of you and just scratch the itch later?
Oh Master! Oh Dilemma!
Thou shall not ****! I know! I know!
True story btw, i didn’t **** the mossie but it lingered with me throughout the session – perhaps it was a long lost soul, hahaha!!
1.2k · Dec 2013
plump and luscious - 10w
shaqila Dec 2013
Some like 'em plump and luscious
I like 'em green!
Talking about mangos of course! ;-)
1.2k · Dec 2012
The Baby Is Still Crying
shaqila Dec 2012
Christmas comes and goes,
There is a lot of buying and selling,
Malls become alive with Santas, reindeers and elves.
They say Jesus was born around this time,
Thus, the birth of hope, love and some say Son of God.

We are funny like that,
We equate the celebration of the birth of goodness with
Spending as much money as possible,
And God help those who don’t have enough.
We teach our kids about gift giving and asking for the best
And behaving themselves for the ultimate aim of some present at the end of the year.

It doesn’t matter I guess in the end,
We’re human and allowed to portray our weakness and ignorance
After all, who cares if,
Down the block, in the ghetto, the baby is still crying,
Why even the three kings, are still just watching.

Some higher power thought we’d make a difference
He even sent his angels to help
But we as humans and prone to err
Have taken a humble birth and have turned it
into a billion dollar money making industry,
Churches abound with seemingly happy people
While the baby in the manger, still stays crying.
1.2k · Mar 2014
An Empath's in the House
shaqila Mar 2014
The weight of the nation upon my shoulders
It feels like,
Grief, hurt, one more word, one more goodbye, one more hug, one more kiss,
It's not over till....
No survivors, they said
No more hope, they said
Go home, they said
Do what needs to be done
I hold you all in my heart
I feel your anguish, your hopelessness, your helplessness
I feel and wish it weren't so,
But it is, but it is,
I feel the weight upon my shoulders,
Rest is miles away
A smile is too difficult to behold
Thank you all for trying
I must rest but I cannot
Beware be warned
An empath's in the house...
1.1k · Jul 2013
Feeling ...’ish...
shaqila Jul 2013
Feverish calamity besets the lovers
Devilish in the spite of the enemy
Where intensity of love exists, in a moment it might transcend to hate
Fiendish rivalry between love and hate
Results in love’s cherished heart dismayed
Whether in spite or love betrayed
Like a million arrows arrayed
Across the heart and
Beats stopped
For want of
Of hate
And now embalmed
In cowardice
Life deviates
Nothing like love betrayed
Feeling numb and used are enlightened feelings of hate
Be gone now, fever and all
I must hate now, and forever more!
1.1k · Mar 2014
Thank you Angel!
shaqila Mar 2014
The angel moves stealth-like
Appearing as summoned
Here and there to help
Look out, he could be watching
Making sure the nightmare monsters are held at bay

I have an angel watching me
Day and night
His work does not cease
Amazed at the honor
Of having you around me
Just wishing to touch and feel your feathery body
1.1k · Oct 2012
So what?
shaqila Oct 2012
So what if our ages are months or years apart,
Love lies not in numbers.
So what if our abodes are airplanes or a bus ride apart,
Love is not curbed by distance.
So what if our incomes are millions or thousands apart,
Love is not controlled by dollars.
So what if our Gods or those we think rule us are different,
Love is immune to such differences.
So what if our preference in music is as vast as the sky is spread across the ocean,
Love does not lie in music alone.
So what if our boundaries seem to others as two poles of the magnet;
But yet to us,
We are glued by an invisible bond of gooey stuff that
Goes beyond the superficial stuff
Of colour and creed and cross,
The ties that bind us do not depend on the eyes that see us,
Love so feeling, kind and healing,
Energizing and vibrating,
Absorbing and melting,
Into each other now and forever more!!

© shaqila
shaqila Feb 2013
You know you’re cuddly, when people who don’t like cats hug you,
He knows it all too well,
I found him by the roadside, all shriveled and tiny,
He was really tiny, with tiny teeth and tiny paws,
But with the loudest meow, I have ever heard,
It was surprising no one else had picked him up.
I took him home, cleaned him up, and fed him milk from a nippled bottle.
He grew in the coming weeks, months and years;
His tiny pouch now bigger than all his other body parts combined;
So, of course I panicked when he disappeared last week,
And plastered everywhere, on every tree, pole and fence
             Valentine is Missing,
             Cuddly, Dark Brown, blue eyes,
             Cute and Handsome combined!
I put up a pic of me and Valentine and since then the phone has not stopped
Apparently, many thought the cuddly one was me,
And that I was missing so a neighborhood search was carried out for which I joined
‘Coz I thought it was for my cat Valentine;
It was an old pic and I had lost 30lbs since; so no one recognized me from the pic
So, it was with awkwardness I approached the neighborhood watch chief
And thanked him for all he was doing and told him it would help if we all held some cat food in our hands.
That’s when the chief looked at me and almost yelled, “What the ****, Valentine is a cat??!!!”
Good news: We did find Valentine - He was sitting on the roof trying to catch a mynah bird which of course he didn't 'coz the bird's too fast and he's too fat!
1.1k · Aug 2013
An Augury of Sorts
shaqila Aug 2013
Pawny, the orange stray played with her
That was odd
The crows chattered outside her window
The mynas silently observed from the fence
Dear Mr. Cooper never left her side
It was not unusual that the day was cloudy
It often is here in the equatorial
The accompanying heavy gloom in the sky
and all around was not the norm though
As passers-by seemed to mention

The smell of fresh jasmine was in the air
So much fragrance couldn't possibly come
from one plant
The chatter of the sparrows were toned down today
But only a clever observer could have noticed

She called everyone to say hi
She never calls, everyone knows
Still the others didn't know, couldn't have known
Even she didn't know
That today was to be her last day as a physical being

She went to bed just like on many other nights
Tossing for a while playing her sudoku
Which usually lulled her to sleep
When she awoke, though she thought
it was morning, it seemed like she was sitting near the sun
She looked around, her old friends, dead friends
were all around
Kimmy was there and so was Pompy
She felt so happy, she didn't even bother to ask

Only the sound of loud wailing
shook her a little
and there in the cloud she saw
a moving picture
Of her dear ones crying
And she laying there, almost smiling
As lifeless as the flowers placed on her
Pawny - a cat, Mr Cooper - a dog, Pompy - her first cat, Kimmy - her last cat
1.1k · Aug 2013
I love (20 x 10W)
shaqila Aug 2013
I love the smell of your hair after a shampoo
I love how the sound of dogs barking ruffles you
I love the sight of the scars on your hands
I love the way you try to hide your legs
I love your vampire teeth showing when you reluctantly smile
I love the way you heartily laugh at my jokes
I love the way you strum nothing into a tune
I love your random songs and play on my name
I love your hold on my hand and warmth therein
I love the hugs and cuddles and nuzzles you bring
I love the feel of your fingers against my skin
Just one more reason to show how you are endearing
The tingle I feel every time our ***** lips meet
Makes it difficult to continue working when you’re there watching
I love how you speak of Higgs Boson so intimately
No other person I know can quite grasp this theory
I love the way you play with Vladimir and Kimmy
Your kindness and concern shows, amidst playfulness,  it’s so funny
I love your mean pancakes and your hot morning coffee
I love most things about you, why don’t we marry?
1.1k · Apr 2013
The Bread Man
shaqila Apr 2013
The parliament is dissolved they said
Elections within two months they said
Don’t  vote for the other side they said
The other side is corrupted they said
The incumbent is a liar, thief and adulterer they said
The other guy will pawn the country they said
They said they will give us money
And avail cheap food, education and medical
They said they know what they’re doing
They’ve been doing it for many years

It’s funny how they say a lot of things
Some very nasty, not fit for learned people
I just hope it doesn’t rain, so i can do my rounds
I just hope they buy my bread, buns and snacks
When six o’clock comes!
1.1k · Feb 2010
I Stole A Kiss
shaqila Feb 2010
I stole a kiss when you were not lookingI’m sure you didn’t mindYour lips looked so temptingMine refused to declineBy now you probably know it was meWho was watching you all the whileAnd not the cat across the hallwayWhich you thought looked like mine‘Coz when you looked up and saw my faceYour eyes lit up and your yawn became a smileAnd I knew then that I did the right thingWhen I refused to board Train No. 29.
shaqila @ 21 May 2006 (copyrights reserved)
shaqila Jun 2011
In my moment of sheer desperation,
I sold my soul to the devil.

All at once my life took a 180 degrees turn;
I won the 4D for RM10,000.00,
I got the writing job I’ve always wanted,
I found the man of my dreams,
My company landed a million dollar deal,
I was bubbling over, embellishing the happiness I have not felt before.

Then, one day the devil came to see me,
Payback time apparently,
He asked me if I would like to pay back all that he gave me or
Would I like to buy back my soul,
I told him I would be happy to buy back my soul.

In the devil’s world, payback is easy.
A soul for a soul, a  life for a life.
So whose soul would I want to trade- in?
My soulmate…no too painful,
My dying cat…no cats don’t have souls
My ex …..mmmm perfect.

So that’s what I did that fateful night,
The devil came and I redeemed back my soul with the soul of the ex…
Since then, I am still embellishing in the happiness,
While someone, somewhere cries over the death of a dear one,
Oh wait a minute, she’s actually rejoicing…high insurance benefits!

And so it was, in my moment of sheer desperation,
When I sold my soul to the devil.
1.1k · Aug 2013
shaqila Aug 2013
I walk through the jungle dense
with majestic trees forming a tattered roof over my head
Misty sunshine peeping through
filling the air with an aroma of fresh greenness
My thoughts are focused on following the path
laid by those who've travelled this way before
I can hear distant sounds of chattering birds
I know I won't go hungry
I carry on, determination marking each step,
I must find what I had lost
The momentum pushes me forward and farther and deeper
I can hear the sound
I track closer and closer
It's going uphill, it's a struggle
It's near, I’m reaching
The path opens up to a clearing
There, in front of me, is the river
Flowing east
I reach the bank and there I see
A rainbow hovering over the waterfalls,
Welcoming me as with tears of a long lost friend
I stand there for a moment to take it all in
I remove my heavy clothing and slide in
It's cool and shocking at first
Then I submerge and ball up and just float in the river
It sounds like a choir of trees, water and music
I hear music
I lift my head out to breathe
The sky is blue with clouds floating by
The sunshine blankets me from above and
The cold river cushions under
Relenting, I smile
Realizing I've found heaven
1.1k · Aug 2013
Time Cries for No One (I)
shaqila Aug 2013
Time cries for no one
A mystery i think time is
Seconds, minutes, hours, days, .....
It continues without a care in the world

We plan and plant and wait and harvest
Then, we do it all over again
With time, we move on and on
There is no pause, only continuum

Time cries for no one
People pass on, pets pass on
Life recycles
Poets philosophize
Philosophers ponder
Sounds pointless, all of these
It's an adventure, almost predestined
A web of feelings
This is life, they say
This is life...
TBC, forever
TBC - to be continued
1.1k · Jan 2015
Game Over
shaqila Jan 2015
**** plunging short black dress,
Maroon lipstick, just so,
Perfume sprayed
Just a hint here, here and also here,
Clutching the purse
she steps out;
Entrapment laid.

There he awaits,
blinded by beauty and lust,
not aware
the trap has been set.

A light brush of cheeks,
perfume inhaled deeply,
Smitten, trapped.

Coyly smiling,
this is too easy, she thinks.
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