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I remember that day in 7th grade
Back when you were still calling yourself Cassie
You were standing reserved and afraid
In gym class clad in shorts and words carved in your skin
That was the day I began to notice you

3 years later and we're best friends
Not much has changed except that you go by Nate now,
I still mess up pronouns sometimes,
Your body tells the tale of a war going on for years,
In that time
We've become a little bit wiser,
Hopefully a tad bit happier,
And your cuts go a little bit deeper
I write a lot of poetry about Nick and I decided it was time I finally wrote on about my best friend, Nate. He's been through a lot but I love him so much.
It wasn't the carnation that made my day,
Nor the 3 fluffy teddy bears I found in my locker,
Not the hershey kiss you offered me
Those were sweet gestures,
I'm not saying I didn't love them
But material items can't replace that feeling
When you wrapped me up in your arms
And held me close
And said the 3 words I would never forget
It was the first time in a long time someone told me they loved me
And I completely believed them
My heart was racing, my face was red
Nothing can replace feeling loved
I feel loved
Happy late Valentine's days!
Yesterday wasn't the first time you said those three words
It's been twice now that you've mentioned the 'L' word
Once in a Christmas card,
And once you actually said it
Before leaving while I began tearing up
Choked by my feeling
And things I want to say
What was special about this time however
Was that I said it first
It's not the first time I used the word 'love' in relation to you
But I've only ever admitted I loved you in writing
Hidden away
To doubtful to say it outloud
I'm amazing at holding back
And letting moments pass me by
But you gave me faith enough to actually say those three words
Back to you
Had to clarify that the 'L' word was indeed love since my best friend, Nate is convinced that 'the big L word' is in fact either lesbians or lasagna. Gotta love him.
My mother is one of those people
Who buys stupid things with trivial cliches on them
Needlepoint pillows with overused sayings
And there is a wooden sign hanging from the wall
She probably wasted at least 15 dollars on it
I pass by it every day
But only recently have I started thinking about it
It says,
"Home is the starting place of love and dreams."
Which I find ironic
Since this house that I live in is not a home
Which I realize is a cliche in itself
But it's true
This house comes with memories engrained
Of my mother yelling and screaming
Of me purging and crying
So where is my home?
Where is my "starting place of love and dreams?"
I've made a home in you
I want to memorize all of you
Count every single freckle on your face
And curl up beside you and leave my memories in your brain
Your arms wrapped around me is when I'm home
Your smile is my home,
Your laugh,
Your kindness,
Telling me the things my mother never meant
May be that's why even when I'm in my house
And we're not together
I can't stop thinking about my home
She reads
                                          And she sleeps
                                                      Way too much
                                                            ­           It's her coping defence
                                                                ­               When nothing else will suffice
                                                         ­               She needs to get away
                                                       Without actually leaving
                                             Because she's too scared
                                   And too tired
                                            To leave her bed
                                                      So she cracks open a book
                                                            ­     To escape somewhere far away
                                                            ­             And she'll sob for the characters
                                                      ­                       Whose brokenness resembles hers
                                                            ­                                   And then she'll sleep
                                                           ­                                   And have sweet dreams
                                                          ­              Of realities that are not her own
                                                       Because pretending is so much easier
                                                 Than facing reality
                             So she'll sleep and dream
          And secretly wish she won't wake up
So she can finally escape
Under the burning sun
& on endless dunes,
I went from mirage to mirage,
rode this camel's **** all night
long to get to your sweet oasis.

And there,
I found you lying
in beautiful naked splendor,
cockleshells hung from
your thick raven-hair,
frankincense & myrrh burned.

I melted in your embrace,
kissed your lady-magic
& died in the gaze
of your amber eyes.

Under the burning sun
& on endless dunes,
I went from mirage to mirage,
rode this camel's **** all night
long to get to your sweet oasis.
 Feb 2014 Shannon Crouse
i  envy your pillow
for it lets you
rest your head on it
while i couldn't

i envy your cup,
for it kisses your lips
tasting yours,
while i just stare at it,

i envy your blanket
it covers your skin
it touches every bit of you
while i couldn't

i envy your clothes
it touches your skin
every corner of it
every flaw
while i'm sitting here
typing this
I hate this.
**** her.
I'm better than her.
You're mine.
I can give you the world.
Maybe she is better.
I mean,
That's why you're there
You're in her home
Feeling her skin
Kissing her lips...
I hurts so ******* bad.
I miss you.
Leave her and be with me.
I love you.
Side note*
I'm out of ******* cigarettes.
This *****.
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