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Mar 2014 · 695
Shane Carmichael Mar 2014
I saved a voicemail you left me on the 12th of February.
You said that you hoped I had a great day, and you were proud of me.
I’ll never delete that.
Not because I don’t think your proud of me,
but because one day soon I won’t be able to hear your voice anymore.

Words swell in my throat daily, and I feel like it’s going to collapse at any second.
But it doesn’t.
I swallow. Harder. Then even harder. And eventually the lump in my throat dies along with the tears swelling in my eyes.

I go to school, life, social events, and home with my mask.
Sometimes I even wear it to bed.
WHY! I scream in my mind. I scream so loud I’m sure everyone can hear me.
But they don’t. No one can or will.

Of all the people in this world, why you, Daddy?
Why my Dad, my rock and groundwork for my success?
Why, God, would you take your most loyal servant from me?
Right. You selfish god, you.

I saw a picture of us today, Dad.
We were happy. You smiled, and I smiled. WE smiled.
Family again. Whole again.
Just to be taken, for the last time.

Daddy, I don’t want to say goodbye.
Please Daddy. I’m tired of wiping my eyes, and ruining perfectly good shirts.
You’re still happy. How?
That’s right. Because heroes don’t cry.

And neither does my Dad.
I love you Dad. Please keep fighting this battle.
Feb 2013 · 1.5k
Shane Carmichael Feb 2013
For once I met someone as clumsy as me.
I am always falling.. Tripping even.
But I was too clumsy this time
and so were you.
You stumbled over my past,
And I fumbled into your mind.
I stepped into your soul
And you slipped into my life.
You tripped over my presence,
And we collapsed into each others' hearts.

I'm glad you're as clumsy as me.
Jan 2013 · 762
The Last One
Shane Carmichael Jan 2013
This will be the last time.
The last time you’ll be reminded of us.
Of what we had, did, and wanted to do.
It’s quite bitter now, and for that I apologize.
I should have left it alone when I had the chance.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret us.
Not for one ******* second.

I regret that I wasn’t the one that could make you happy.
I regret that I wasn’t the one who could brighten your day with one smile.
I regret that I couldn’t bring you to where you needed to be.
After all, you did all that for me.

Regardless of miles or paths, I will never regret you, or us.
I will never regret our **** days in your bed being playful.
I will never regret the kisses and hugs that brought my world back into focus.
And I will never regret you.

I removed the necklace and rings for one reason.
I can’t live with the constant reminder that I lost the best part of my life.

Truly, I will miss you.
But you need more than just me.

So fly and be free from this cage of moral incompetency.
Now, I give you permission.

Permission to live freely.

Now, go.
And please don’t forget me, or the time I spent by your side.
For I will never truly be completely gone from there.
Only temporarily misplaced, and ready for when you may need me once again.
Nov 2012 · 678
To you
Shane Carmichael Nov 2012
Even drunk, I can put my words to thought
And my thought to words

You mean everything to me
And I will stay here forever

As long as it means you’re in my life
Even if I’m not “the one”

I will watch you go through times
And still be here

I will continue to be what I’ve always been to you
A dependable, yet insignificant person in the grand scheme

I’ll make you glad you came
And still be here

Even when you talk about him all the time
I’ll still be here

Just like I’ve always been
Because of many reasons

The main one being
That I know how you feel

Because you are him to me
And I could never be without you

So I won’t even try
And I’ll stay

Until you decide and realize how bad
I am for you

I’m drunk
But I still love you

I’ll read this sober
And still love you

You really don’t understand how much I mean it
When I say I’ll never leave you

Even if it costs me
My last breath

Because to me
You’re worth it

I love you.
I always have.
I always will.
My love.

To Batman
Nov 2012 · 630
Shane Carmichael Nov 2012
Forever it seemed to me
Waiting day after day, wondering
Watching failure after failure
A warm kitchen and a full living room
Pictures on the wall
That I stared at night after night
I can’t get these pictures out of my head
My dreams consume me with terror
And thoughts of losing you
Haven’t I already lost you?
Don’t let them see you cry, dear
Don’t mourn for something you never missed
Or needed
The duct tape that filled the empty space
Of your voided and closed soul
Only the dullest knives have problems
Cutting away the tape
And you, my love, are of the sharpest kind
Nov 2012 · 491
I Will Wait
Shane Carmichael Nov 2012
How do you stop it from raining?
-You don’t.  You get under shelter.

How do you keep from crying?
-You don’t.  You let it out.

How do you prevent hurt?
-You don’t.  You ease the pain of healing.

How do you stop the storm from coming?
-You don’t.  You just, don’t.
Nov 2012 · 666
Le’ts G’o Ba'ck
Shane Carmichael Nov 2012
You’re beautiful.

Some things never do change.
Nov 2012 · 657
Just Wait
Shane Carmichael Nov 2012

Leave me in this misery.

Do not pull me out.

For my misery is my greatest accomplishment.

In my misery you rise above.

In my misery you succeed.

In your success is my demise.

But you, a rarity, creates all.

Can you create death, or does death create you?
Nov 2012 · 1.0k
Shane Carmichael Nov 2012
So many layers I must reveal
So many hats I must wear
So many faces I must present

You see some clearly
Others you have yet to even glance upon

Please do not mistake me for someone who gives up easily
Likewise do not mistake me for a fool

I have learned to separate what I want to be to you
And what I am to you
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Shane Carmichael Oct 2012
“Blame it on my ADD baby...”
My fingers graze from the brim of your jeans and drag from the crevice
between your upper thigh and stomach to your batman bellybutton ring and pull
your skin between your cleavage to the base of your neck while my teeth
drag along your bare chest, laid out before me.

“Learn to take your **** with a big-*** smile...”
I’m shooing the dogs out so you can get ready for work and I can stand back
like I always to do take in every inch of you while I can.  The smoothness of your
flawless skin, your beautiful back that seems to greet me more often now, that
adorable smile, and most of all the eyes that made the world stop.  Well, mine hasn’t
started back since.

“I’m half the man that you think that I have been...”
Driving.  More.  You’re telling me a story about this band that you like and
I listen like a little child because your stories, no matter the subject, always capture
my full attention.

****, I need to get some sleep before I never sleep again, because I’m thinking
of everything I love about you.
Oct 2012 · 450
Words My Words
Shane Carmichael Oct 2012
My thoughts float through this mystified air
It’s me not you, I solemnly swear.
Mismatched thoughts meet and greet
Your baby blues cause my heart to beat
Fingertips run through my mangled hair
Remind me that for someone so fair,

You’re extraordinary.
Sep 2012 · 483
Shane Carmichael Sep 2012
I just want to stick my entire body in a bottle of water
Don’t drink me
Just let me be

Let me float in its paradoxical waves
I don’t like it out here anymore

I just want to go back to normal

If I ever was, normal.
Jul 2012 · 5.7k
Shane Carmichael Jul 2012
It’s simple... isn’t it?
The way it was supposed to be, right?
Following protocol and finishing orders.

Let’s break the rules.
Let’s be different.
Let’s stop living in everyone else’s eyes

and be us.

You catch on quickly, dear.  
Glad I found someone who likes to break the rules just as much as I do.
Jul 2012 · 763
Teams... Yup.
Shane Carmichael Jul 2012
Up, down.
Up, down.
Up, down.

The repetitive motion of you chopping up fruit and cheese was mesmerizing.
Not sure why, it just was.
I couldn’t help but sit there and stare at you.
Weird, right?
Jul 2012 · 480
Insanity in Dream Form
Shane Carmichael Jul 2012
This insanity
These dreams
I loathe the way they mix so easily

Those dreams
That insanity
I loathe the way they mix so effortlessly

Lucky me,
I woke up
Jun 2012 · 543
I knew
Shane Carmichael Jun 2012
I knew
from the moment that you grabbed my hand in Target
I knew
from the moment that you sat in front of me in the shower
I knew
from the moment you came up behind me and hugged me tighter than before
I knew
from the moment that you kissed me without remorse or the thought of another plaguing your mind
I knew
from the moment that you twirled my hair between your delicate fingertips
I knew
from the moment you let me into your world
I knew
from the moment you told your family with no shame, that I was the one
I knew
from the moment that you rubbed my bare back with your freshly cut nails
I knew

That I was in love with you, and you with me.
Jun 2012 · 363
The Words (10w)
Shane Carmichael Jun 2012
No words
can describe
my hearts
feelings for
you, dear.
Jun 2012 · 586
Shane Carmichael Jun 2012
You think I dwell on the past... but I don’t because it’s behind me.  
You think I dwell on the future... but I don’t because it hasn’t happened yet.
You think I dwell on right now... you’re right.
At this moment you’re the only thing that makes sense.
You think I’d try to change my past... but I can’t do that.
You think I’d try to predict my future... but I can’t do that either.
You think I’d try to make this moment be my forever... I just did.
At this moment when my world crashed you stood above me and said, “Hey, I’m here"
Found this that I wrote in July of 2011
Shane Carmichael May 2012
How did this start?
Did it start when I met this beautiful, talented, sarcastic woman
Who was engaged and had no thoughts of me other than, passing
Or did it start when I was next to you
Gently running my fingers across your tattoos
Maybe it started when you came back and kissed my cheek
And let me know that I was cute, funny, and special to you in some way
Possibly it started while I was on that couch
Hearing familiar noises from the back room, wishing it were me
Or maybe it came about when you left me, scared and alone
Even though that was the farthest of your intentions
It could've been when you came back into my backyard
And allowed me to share in the pain that momentarily defined you
Or quite possibly on that mountaintop
When I felt as if I almost lost myself inside you for all that you were
It might've been when you grabbed my hand and glided across my soul
As our clothes meshed with the carpet of that Augustian house
Or maybe when you simply stopped that one night
And put me above all else that was happening in your life
It could've been when you silently let me into your world
And lied to me saying you weren't worth it
It might have been when I let you into my world
And showed you that I don't wait forever for just anyone
Could it have been when I felt a smooth finger intertwine with mine
And we blissfully walked hand-in-hand lost in each other's world
Did it happen when you said, "Hey, I want you to listen to this song"
And I cried because it was the most beautiful thing anyone had done for me
Maybe it was when you wrote a poem about me
Describing my place under your metaphorical corset
Or was it the look in your eyes that I see almost daily
That scream to me, please, don't ever leave me

Dear, I'm not sure exactly at what point I fell in love with you,

But I do.

And I'm here to stay
May 2012 · 713
List. I Am Awesome at Them.
Shane Carmichael May 2012
So I started writing, dear.
Trying to pin my thoughts to words as to how stupid I am
And how stupid this is
Not us, but me thinking.
It’s downright dumb.
I know this will blow over tomorrow when we have brunch with your mom
I’ve tried to say what’s in my head and all that comes out is jumbled promises and misguided words
I’m by no means perfect
So please work with me
Remind me on nights like tonight that I’m dumb
And I need to stop thinking
So I’m going to just say this and leave it at that.

I love you.

P.S.  Yeah, I would’ve found you anyway.
May 2012 · 1.9k
Confused Customer
Shane Carmichael May 2012
Today at work
     I was having a really weird day
          One of those... “I really wish I wasn’t here but instead with you, sleeping” day

I had this really rude customer come up to the service desk
     And after being there for 6 hours, you can imagine how tired I was already
          It isn’t my fault that you are not only illiterate but also a waste of my valuable minimum wage time

I put my head in my hands for a brief moment
     And this smell.  This glorious, indescribably, amazing, memory purging, beautiful smell came to me
          This smell made me think of three things.

My new salute
     The taste that my lips carried throughout the night
          And the ruby of your cheeks that matched the softest and most irresistible lips mine have ever touched

It must’ve been at least a five minute daydream
     That poor customer must’ve been so confused
          But ****, it was completely worth it
May 2012 · 3.6k
Superheroes, I say
Shane Carmichael May 2012
If I were Superman
(which I am)
You would be my Lois Lane
(which you are)

If I would fight bad people
(which I do)
You’d be my reason to succeed
(which you are)

If I could have superpowers
(which I do)
You’d be the one I’d use them for
(which you are)

If I could fly
(which I can)
I’d carry you wherever you wanted to go, at night, under the moon
(which I will)

If I had super-strength
(which I do)
When we ****, I’d pick you up because I could
(which I do)

If I had super-sight and could see all
(which I can)
I’d know that you like me
(which you do)

If I had x-ray vision
(which I do)
I’d use it to see right through you
(which I can)

If I had an eidetic memory
(which I do)
I’d remember everything you’ve ever told me
(which I can)

If I were invincible
(which I am)
I’d stay with you forever
(which I will)

If I were to die somehow, someday
(which I will)
You’d be the person I’d want to see last
(which you will be)

Let’s face it dear, this Superman
(which I am)
Will always be here
May 2012 · 449
What you Really are
Shane Carmichael May 2012
Petty words for shallow thoughts
I never thought you would be to me what I am to her
Sorry love, but all you are is a pretty face in a players chase
You should know better by now
Dry your tears, because you obviously mistook me for someone who gave a ****

As for you, get me off this ******* moral pedestal
I don’t have any, but I’m glad you think well of me
Well, I love you anyway and I’ll wake you up bright and early my dearest.

With all my love
-Second party heartbreak
Apr 2012 · 702
Avenged Dirt Roads
Shane Carmichael Apr 2012

Blurs above me
Blurs within me
Fur behind my leg
Leaves against my arm

I get this feeling that
This is how it was meant to be
Apr 2012 · 546
Springtime Reunion
Shane Carmichael Apr 2012
Parched lips search for lost words
Bruises and egos match just the same
Thoughts that make only single appearances
One and the same, all for one and one for all
Time falls, grips, and grasps while you watch
Seemingly not noticing one from the other
Omniscient eyes and ears know better
It’s a shame I had to eat my words
But you know deep inside I’ll forever be your shadow
Don’t be offended, I’m your shadow because you’re protecting me from everything
Dear, I could never leave my heart, soul, and shadow behind
Since you have acquired all three, you’re kind of stuck with me

Apr 2012 · 624
Shane Carmichael Apr 2012
You’re the whisper I see on the faces of the people who know us
You’re the careless word that greets my ears
You’re the soft touch that I crave at night
You’re the shadow that I cast on every girl
Shane Carmichael Apr 2012
Sometimes my eyes and ears play tricks on me
Hollow words that mean nothing to you, but all to me
A quick scene from a movie
And the strongest line of the song

Scream in my face again
Punch me out of sheer anger
Slap me in a spirit of vengeance
Love me like I’m your caged animal, ready at your disposal

Sometimes I really miss our arguments
Other times I’m glad I don’t have unaccounted for bruises
In minutes I’ll feel better
But leave me alone for days and I start to sink
Shane Carmichael Apr 2012
A realist with a pessimistic outlook and an optimistic future
The happy smile with the tortured soul and no insanity plea
Chose my punishment and I’ll chose your fine
I never would sign my name on those divorce papers
And neither would you
So pop me with your wallet again
and I’ll still say
Love you too,
you beautiful-minded, gorgeously-hot, and explicitly complicated woman
Apr 2012 · 824
That question...
Shane Carmichael Apr 2012
Smiling from ear to ear
One dimple and all

Yeah, it’s completely your fault

And you like it.
Shane Carmichael Apr 2012
Things just instantly got simpler.
Is that really all it took?
A talk, a glance, and a fear to lose...
I know I said it wouldn’t change anything,
but I lied
Don’t get me wrong, I won’t act like it did
But you know better
And for some reason
I don’t feel so alone anymore
Please don’t walk down a road
that I can’t go
Because honestly
waiting has been my specialty
That head tilt, those nights, these talks
I don’t know how else to explain it,
other than I somehow feel like
even though I don’t know the details,
my life was just reassembled
For the first time in a while
my smile means that I’m happy
and I know that no matter what
I’m changed for the better because of you
Mar 2012 · 648
To you
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
I’ll never stop caring
I’ll never stop buying you dinner or flip-flops
I’ll never stop writing obviously coded poems about you
I’ll never stop being here for you
I’ll never stop being annoying
I’ll never stop giving you hugs when you don’t want them
I’ll never stop getting on your last nerve about stupid ****
I’ll never stop doing random **** for you to make you happy
I’ll never stop being here
I’ll never stop bugging you to talk to me about how you feel
I’ll never stop being protective over you when it comes to people you date
I’ll never stop sending you random ****
I’ll never stop couch attacks
I’ll never stop shower talk time
I’ll never stop groaning about your shows you get addicted to
I’ll never stop being your best friend
I’ll never stop treating you like your the most important thing to me, because you are
I’ll never stop rolling my eyes when you tell me to do something
I’ll never stop taking random trips with you
I’ll never stop getting into pointless arguments with you for the sake of just yelling at each other
I’ll never stop being there for you when you’re sick, even though you hate that
I’ll never stop randomly thinking about what could’ve been
I’ll never stop going to concerts with you
I’ll never stop reminiscing on our many adventures
I’ll never stop calling you dear to annoy you
Sweetheart, I’ll never stop loving you
And that’s that
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Coffee Shop
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
I never have really like coffee shop love stories anyway
So it’s a good thing that this isn’t that
Who are we kidding?  
This is a four-way hexagon CIA basement with black lights love story
People see right through us, and me, sorry I can’t help that
If only there was someone there to reassure me that you actually care
I mean, I know you do, but ****** it’s too good to be true
You are too good to be true
I get it, but just for my sanity
Tell me who I am?
I’m wandering through the basement with the two others and the hexagon is completed
The CIA is about to kick me out so please hurry and tell me
I need to know
I normally don’t call favors
But you owe me that much dear
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Something About You
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
Some days are better
Always me, never be

Other days are hell
Always me, never be

This is just a lie until you leave
Always me, never be

What will I do when this story has its end?
Always me, never be

Will you water the grass on my grave with your tears?
Always me, never be

Pay attention to the answers I’m giving you
Always me, never be

Sometimes life has its ways
Always me, never be

Words run through my mind and won’t leave
Always me, never be

Your silence is a deafening roar
Always me, never be

I will wander until you guide me back
Always me, never be

Why can’t this be simple
Always me, never be

Right, because it’s you
Always me, never be

I’ll stay until you see
Always me, never be
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
It’s been one week since you called me
I should be happy, I guess
But I’m not
This gap in my heart is getting ever much so bigger
And I slowly realize that maybe I was wrong to let you go
We had our times that were rough
But god did we have it good
Everyone sees this terrible relationship
But on the inside it was better
Or so I thought
I guess what I’m trying to say is
I really love you
And you were definitely
My favorite mistake
Mar 2012 · 12.5k
Work To Be Done
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
I feel your silky hair through my rough, calloused hands
Your flawless skin softens this hardened heart
Melting away into your arms
Gentle scratches across my bare back remind me,
That I am far from alone in this cold world
I crave this beautiful touch, not between lovers
A reassuring brush of the shoulder and a deserving look
Eyes that sparkle like a priceless gem
A wise, bullied soul with a sharp wit to match
The voice that strikes fear into me, as a conscious into a person
My love, do not mistake this weary traveler for an idiot
Mar 2012 · 724
Weary Traveler
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
I dream of a weary traveler
Destined to walk a solitary road
Although many attempt to walk beside him
They often venture out and never return to his side

Such a sad story, you say
If you look much deeper you will see
That this story is not indeed sad, but simply true
Do not fear for him, nor pass judgement on his choices in his journey
This traveler, although alone, makes friends with his mind and enemies with his soul
Mar 2012 · 471
Bubble Blaster
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
I’ve realized something
Infatuation is hard
Couldn’t have you which made me want you
Leaving is coming
But you know me, love
I’d never leave you like this
You know my name,
don’t wear it out.
Or do..
I’ll come either way
Mar 2012 · 782
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
I feel so lost

lost in life
lost in translation
lost in love
lost in friends
lost in emotions
lost in sight

But then I remember that
when I took the road less traveled by
I am not simply lost,
but making a new path
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
When I think about that poem
I used to have a sour taste in my mouth
You have used me for good, here and there
I love being here and dear I’ll gladly take those punches
Sweetheart, I’m your Superman

I don’t have to be invincible for you
Just a friend who can protect you
And I have done my job well
Sweetheart, I’m your Superman

I will always be here to protect you
No matter who says what, or even the circumstances
I love you and that’s that
Sweetheart, I’m your Superman

Don’t worry, you aren’t ****** if you do
Or even ****** if you don’t
Trust me I see that my job is clearer now
Sweetheart, I’m your Superman

Although I am usually very able to fulfill my job
Right now, this Superman found her Kryptonite
So I hope I don’t have to beg
But if I start to fall
Will you be my Superman?
Mar 2012 · 510
Truer Than True
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
My nightmares of life
are slowly coming true
I can’t really tell
if I’m losing me or you

Drifting my way through
this endless days dream
Nothing is ever
as simple as it may seem

I think of you now
more than I’ve ever before
Life has something else
lay waste for me no more

Every day seems
like an endless mistake
Yet no longer
do I ne’er dread my fate

I looked to you
for more than just advice
You were my everything
and saved this simple life

I’ll think of you often
now that the days draw near
For now hope I seek
and death no more my fear
Mar 2012 · 667
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
I don’t know why that makes me feel better
A cold chill across a sensual warm surface
Intimate describes the motion, thoughtless, the act
My eyes are of no use because they do not guide me
Only my hand and a swift brush of slight sickening instinct
Tense before the spontaneous and rough movements
But my god, that sweet release of ecstasy and warm, held-in breath
Fingers slide effortlessly across old friends
The new ones make for painful company, yet so soothing
Soothing to know I can still feel something
Crimson rivers mix with transparent tears
The elixir of my insatiable addiction
Mar 2012 · 446
Starry Night the 2nd
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
The clouds move more like smoke
than actual clouds

I find myself thinking of past and future
but together as if they were of one soul

Brisk night air reveals Orion to me
and I think of her, but not long

I see your face in the haze of night
and your soul in those stars

You have saved me without knowing
and again I return to bed, to gaze upon my salvation,
my Starry Night
Mar 2012 · 1.1k
On My Mind
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
Your ******* became my freedom
My freedom, your *******
How do we make it in this cruel world, my love?
Side by side we’ve always stood
Moving from this esteemed position
I plan not to do
Change is inevitable, as it has been foretold
Your soul is beautiful
Scars, bruises, tears, and all
I look far deeper than you realize
You see far deeper than I would like to admit
I’ll drop my double-standard
If you drop your self-loathing
Sound like a deal?
I rest my scars in your hand
Not because they are your fault
But because you cared enough
I take responsibility for those nights
Not because they were my fault
But because I care for you so deeply
Lovers, we are not to each other
Soul mates and renegades, we’ve become
Mar 2012 · 607
Caving In
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
My head
It hurts so bad
This war is tearing apart what was left of my soul
and my outer shell has paid its price
I’m sorry
So, so sorry
I could never prepare you for this
Its better this way I tell myself
So much better
But then I realize that its ******* not

I’m slowly losing reality to my nightmares
My nightmares drift into my day
And yet I walk among them, as if it’s nothing
So many plans for my life all seem so vague and meaningless
Each step I take from day to day is harder than the last

I need a hero
I need someone to pick me up again
I never could really expect someone to do that
Because in reality, your heroes are almost as ****** up as you are
I’ve reached a desolate corner of my life where I look down two ways
One is to live for
And the other speaks for itself
Mar 2012 · 740
Can’t Help
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
I don’t know how to tell you
...that I feel like I’m slowly losing you
I don’t know how to tell you
...that I miss you
I don’t know how to tell you
...that even though we’re feet apart I feel like we’ve become miles away
I don’t know how to tell you
...that I feel like it’s my fault
I don’t know how to tell you
...that I’m sorry and I’ll do anything to have you back
I don’t know how to tell you
...that I can’t lose you
I don’t know how to tell you
...that every step away from me you take is a bigger tear rolling down my cheek
I don’t know how to tell you
...that I need to know what I did
I don’t know how to tell you
...that I really need you right now more than ever
I don’t know how to tell you
...that you’re me best friend in the entire world
I don’t know how to tell you
...that my head is slowly imploding under a cataclysm of logic fighting emotion
I don’t know how to tell you
...that I really, really do ******* need you right now
I don’t know how to tell you
I really don't
Mar 2012 · 696
Just This
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
The smell of White Chocolate Cappuccino permeates the room
Typing, clicking, and Supernatural fill the empty background around us
I shift to prop my sore knee up and you comfortably rest your feet next to my lap
Now all I can do is glance over at you
As I look you meet my eyes
And I can’t help but wonder
What are you thinking behind those beautiful, all-seeing eyes?
Mar 2012 · 521
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
Three hours ago I was drunk
Today, I was sober

One month ago I took a chance
Today, we share a house

Six months ago I stopped being a teenager
Today, I grew up

Two years ago I graduated
Today, I learned more

Six years ago I feel in love
Today, I felt it

Fourteen years ago I met my best friend
Today, I saw her

Seventeen years ago I started playing piano
Today, I composed music

Twenty years ago I was born
Today, I died
Mar 2012 · 465
Even more Empty
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
You have no ******* idea what’s going on in my head.
No it’s not your fault and you aren’t to blame.

It’s me.
And my ****** up little heart.

So just pass me by and drop a dime into my hat.
Like everyone has before.
Mar 2012 · 478
Shane Carmichael Mar 2012
Friend truer than true
That warmly feeling
Through and through

Time flies when you’re having fun
But no one said that all this pain
Could be cured by ***

Time has stopped and so have you
This is where my train stops
And I am due

Intro is my song you say
Clear as night
And bright as day

No words ever could do me as much harm
As the words that I’ve metaphorically carved
into my arm

Not your fault and nor are you to blame
Stop selling yourself short
Stop playing this game

My time here is growing shorter as you see
My head is killing me softly
and ever so slowly

This isn’t your fault, please believe me
If I cease to exist here
It’s because I’m greedy

Although my time here is quickly due
I want you to know
I never gave up, on loving you.
Feb 2012 · 464
Shane Carmichael Feb 2012
I should be so happy
I have a nearly perfect life compared to others
Yet I drift from day to day in a haze
My days run together and I can’t keep track anymore
I look up at the amazing stars in the sky which I used to find beauty in
And now all I see is darkness and clouds forming a tight grip around me
I’m not even wearing a mask anymore because I don’t have the energy to put it on
Hell, I don’t even have the energy to be depressed
Each night melts into a day and a day into a night
Endlessly and slowly driving me to my imminent mental grave
Why can’t I snap out of this like I used to?
I mean, I should be really happy
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