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 Dec 2014 Appointed
Mehar Bawa
It's not the wounds that are bleeding but the heart.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
So Close
 Dec 2014 Appointed
We were so close...
So close I could reach over and draw you in,
so close that I could whisper quite words of love, even over the din.

We were so close,
that I could lean and smell your hair,
and remember that familiar fragrant you always wear.

So close were we that we could almost brush lips,
so close were we, just out of our finger tips.

But time thought better
than to let us be together,
as we had other things to do,
it broke my heart, not being with you.

But still we promised each other,
to write and send letters,
and you still lock in that sweet perfume you always wear,
I smell this lovely scent and I think, I could almost see you there.

I wish we had more time together,
but unfortunately, time has given us
only time enough to write these letters.

It'll do for now,
and here I'll still wait again to see you,
oh how I wish, I wish, if only you knew.

That we were so close, but we ran out of time.
So close m'dear, that how fast it went, would've been a crime.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
 Dec 2014 Appointed
Who are You To Say That You are Who You Are
Look at Yourself in the Puddle of Rain Water Below Your Feet
are You Happy?
are You Sad?
Angry at Yourself?
Confused with Feelings & Emotions that Blur Your Personality        
That Constant Rush of Cold Blood Throughout The Veins of Your Body      
How Do You Know the Things You Know
Today is Tomorrow.  
Tomorrow was Today.
What About The Other Days i Forgot To Say?          
There's No Beginning and there's Certainly No End to My Story.
You'll Probably Figure Me Out Before I Do.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
 Dec 2014 Appointed
I have been forgotten
Like the **** of a cigarette
Flicked from his finger tips
Into the unknown
I have been forgotten
Like yesterday
I have been forgotten
Like tomorrow.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
 Dec 2014 Appointed
You think your parents are invincible
Your father your knight and shining armor
Your mother an untouchable saint
Providing, protecting, and loving you all unconditionally

But one chest pain brings a surreal reality
And you watch your fragile father lie on the hospital bed, crying
And you see your mother fighting back tears, trying to be the strong one
Your invincible parents now crumbling in front of you

Shaken and terror stricken, tears flood your eyes
You don't ever think your dad, the one who wiped your tears when you had a bad break up
Could be so fragile
He is supposed to be the big tough guy who is invincible

Not the one to get a heart attack at fourty three
Lucky, they said, your dad is lucky he survived.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
I've been running around all year
Cramming star dust into my veins
Shoveling secrets into my lips
Filling myself with the gases of our generarion
Gas occupies space but holds no weight
Gas expands to fit any container
Gas fills you up
can't figure out why you lay awake at night
Never feeling more empty
Feeding a tredmill cycled craving

You are not a car
Stop trying to run on gas
 Dec 2014 Appointed
She was the rain
You didn't realize how broken ***** your desert was
Until she taught you what showers felt like
This desert was never hot
Until you felt the shivers only she could make
Feeling moisture residue on waiting lips
She made you touch
Touch the down pour you never knew you wanted
She was the rain
When everything before her was dry
She was the rain
When eberything before her was parched
Never had you felt this feeling
Her kiss quenched
While you use to leave thirsty
Her rain was undenyable
But even the rain leaves clothes soaked
And bones chattering
Even the rain leaves you shivering
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