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September Mar 2013
I have read nine hundred novels
and have lived nine hundred and one lives.
September Oct 2012
Holding onto the only
Body to clutch.
One boy lonely—
One girl craving touch.

Two lovers not loving
The love spoke of in rhyme
Each one verbally shoving,
"I'm just passing the time"

Two bodies lie
In a lover's embrace.
Two mouths lie
With words that erase

The future.
Lonely boy, lonely boy.
September Oct 2013
we never found god.
we never found god.

the only shining light we see
is alarm clock blue,
refracted from the glass of your
empty ***** bottle eyes/

the last drop of this substance soul
finding it's way into (y)our body.
September Apr 2014
"Old habits die hard"
were the words you whispered as you kissed another cigarette and
I agreed with you
"that's why you're still in this room with me."
You're my oldest habit.
September Jan 2013
I killed myself and went to Heaven
God held my hand and asked
"Can I get you anything? A cup of tea? Coffee?"
We are breathing.

And she says it with me:
"The meaning of life."

I stand alone
talking to myself
in the stars.

"Ah, yes." Smiles.
"What flavor would you like?"
September May 2017
A thousand wind turbines stand like men
on a hill in Texas. Each with a red eye which
blinks in the night. A thousand men stand
like wind turbines on a hill in Texas. Each with
two blue eyes, shut the entire night, the entire
day. There is a chapel on the hill.
The amount of anti-black, anti-gay, anti-abortion billboards I saw on my road trip was ******* insane.

My second to last poem "Sunburn" was made the daily poem of May 25, 2017. Thank you.
September Aug 2011
There is a monster behind my back,
That no one else can see.
My eye can neither view him,
But I know he’s here with me.

The monster is there when you’re thinking,
And when you are awake.
But when you are sleeping,
your dreams he’ll forsake.

Call for him never, for he shall not show
But he’ll follow you far, wherever you go.
He’ll point out wrong, he’ll point out right.
And all the things that are not by sight.

He does not require any reward, nor fame.

There is a monster behind my back.
     “Conscience” is his name.
September Aug 2014
you licked your lips and they were
September Oct 2012
The tempt, sing to bring my vanity.
The temptation, to travel to unravel my sanity.
The tempted, rather than gather my trust.
The tempter, would not neglect to inject me with lust.
September Nov 2017

White plastic hanger, previously molten molecules, bleach additions and thermodynamic repercussions. I use the word thermodynamic because "chemical" has a falsely truther connotation to it. It hangs the shirt I choose to wear for tomorrow.
A hanger is a hanger is a grocery bag.

There were actions behind every reason—but not reason behind every action.
And you don't talk about it, but you think about it—because you don't want the whole world to realize that it's loneliness hidden in that shirt. You were only trying to tell yourself that maybe buttons on the other side was for the better.

I forgot which words to capitalize in a title so I took capitol on them all.

There was a world once, out there, somewhere, that cared for more than seven seconds. They hung up the power button, asked the tide to come closer, and walked until their hair was wet.

Kept going until water kissed water within lungs.
Thoughts, words, sentences, combinations of letters. 2016.
September Dec 2014
I still smell like you
And your Irish springs body wash
At 5:03
On a Sunday morning
Oooooo ****, dreams really do come true
September Jun 2013
In dreams of night and dreams of day
I dream of concrete where we lay
In rays of sun: the gaze we weigh.
We stay and wash away the grey
We stay and never fade away
Only in dreams do we ever
September Jun 2012
I wish calories were burned by love
So I could be as thin as
The only girls
You think of.
I am so petty, we are so petty.
September Apr 2016
I was always lost
in many thoughts, and many glances,
other beaches, circumstances—
Ravelled in, a set of hands, of another man.
Oh, all with the same name as you.
Oh, all with the same name as you.
"A change you've always wanted."
September Oct 2012
The science of my praise cannot fix this conundrum.
September Sep 2016
It's not luck, lover
only privilege.
September Jan 2015
There is a God—
and we both fell in love
with Him—and He
loved us both back.
The only difference between us
is that He made me
September Sep 2016
735 days since my skin touched yours

In one second—a universe existed: each
with 735 Earths, each
with 735 cities, each
with 735 hundred sets of lovers, like us.

In one second—each planet had
735 extra suns. 735 cities burnt to
the end of their matchstick in 1/735th of a second,
the same second that we had last touched.

You asked me, then, if I ever thought I had loved anyone in high school. I didn't answer you, because all I could think of was if a world could feel the difference between the burn of 735 and 736 suns.

They can.
found an old notebook from many yrz ago, pardon my angst
September Mar 2013
Home                   is                     not                   here.
Home        is        wherever        I        am        going.
Right            now              I             am            simply
on            vacation            in            the            house
I                    was                         born                    in.
September Jan 2013
When          I         was          thirteen
My     best      friend     called     me
from     the     hospital    payphone.
She     scratched     her   veins    out
And   I   was   the   one   who   bled

I went through some old poems and yeah, I realized something. I started writing the day after that phone call.
September Jun 2014
one day you will be too poor to afford happiness

pill after pill
out of the orange
under your tongue
and into your blood

chequing account gradually dissolving into

one day you will be too poor to afford happiness
your sanity sleeping with the devil
and i will laugh
and you know it
September Jan 2012
Time heals all wounds and
absence makes the heart grow
fonder, but these contradict on
a level almost as grand as our
personalities. You ripped
yourself from my inner ear and
left me all alone. From March
to December, all I could do
was remember what we never
actually had. Mama, I miss a man
that was never truly mine.
French is the only class I am
good at because I want one sliver
of similarity with you. Je suis à toi,
et tu es à moi.
I am yours, and
you are mine. But is it still
classified as love when
you never
September Oct 2011
My first lover, although unspoken.
lasted short yet was long-range.
Goals are set, and records broken.
But firsts can never ever change.
September Dec 2015
Your screams are mean, and it seems I am looking for meaning, because
Mean is meaning.
Mean is meaning.
September May 2013
I lead truth like a thread
through the eye of my
needle, stitched into your iris
and sewed up the virus.
Took bets on bids.
Two kids walking train tracks under your eyelids.
September Mar 2013
                                                      ­  a Christian is crying
                    on their Honeymoon
                                                       ­ because they were lied to,
                                                             ­                        'Coulda had a lot more fun
                                                        when they were young.

                                                 Why'd you have to tell
                                             Her that Hell was a swell
                                                           ­                       Of fire and flames,
         Desire and aims
on the claims that

                                                         "Yeah, there'll be


                                                          ­                                                                 ­                            Behind, the Devil lurks
                                                           ­ with a wedding ring,

                                                        ­                                                          Yeah,
 ­                                                       There'll be some perks.
September Mar 2013
How sickly, the world of man
Who devote only
but a day to all
September Dec 2013
Love hurts,
and so does lust.
But trust me now, somehow—
rough *** with a stranger
only endangered

my loneliness.
Thursday morning took away the pain of my lost Monday nights.
September May 2015
i wanted to kiss you 14 minutes ago
September May 2013
Rusted butterflies swoop
Fall into the copper canyons of

My tires.
September Oct 2016
I do not know why the caged bird sings,
nor why I chose to stay inside on
the sunniest day of the year.

There were no birds, no songs, and no cages.
Only shadows of your house on the backyard.
September Jan 2013
Playing dead will only work                                                
until they burn the bodies.
September Dec 2014
with fingers of sin i had touched your core, unzipped your jeans like locked church doors and swore i would marry you one day.
they say i shouldn't love you anymore, that poems are only for those you adore—but when you left i was naked on the floor, sold my soul to the convenience store, and
to forget a ****** i kissed a *****
kissed my lips and cried no more
december 2nd.
September Mar 2013
I saw you in Tim Hortons for the first time in three years.
You told me I had grown and
I congratulated on you on your weight loss.

She is my best friend.
You didn't raise a child,
You raised an ironwork frame.
You threw a girl into reality before she could even spell the word.

And I would love to look at the other side, but I can't—
it always loops back around like that little girl
doing circles around on her ten-speed as she pulls up
to the convenience store to buy you cigarettes.

Hey, at least you called her an ambulance—
On Thanksgiving Day when she passed out
from lack of nutrition because you spent your last welfare check
on something I don't even want to hear your excuse for.

I remember my mother, coming into my room at eleven pm on a Wednesday, telling me to put some shoes on because you snapped a pool cue and placed it to a guy's neck.

My pajama pants ripped as I broke into your apartment to wake my best friend up and tell her that my mom was parked outside and she had to spend the night at my house.

You spent the night in the drunk tank hitting on officers.
She spent the night beside me crying and asking for any other mother but you.

We were in grade 6.

When she was 13, she had to live with me for 3 months because social services deemed you, "unstable."
When she was 14, she moved away to the city because she couldn't handle you anymore.

I went to visit her last weekend and she didn't say a single word about you.
I think this is the most unrefined thing I have ever posted online. I just kinda wanted to get it off my chest because honestly it's been seething inside me for a long time, and I just recently saw the mother sooooooo..
September Jan 2014
Love is fickle
but lust isn't—
so come over here and
I'll fix this rift
I created with words
Tongue that created the problem, also solving it. Maybe it was weird to say the L-word, but I can fix this weirdness with the only thing we know how to do.
September Jul 2013
I wrap my body around my mind
I wrap my arms around my ego
September Feb 2013
We were wrestling in your bed
And I grabbed your leg—
Seven others wrapped around me.
September Oct 2014
we took no pictures and shared no public words—
the most noticeable love:
the one that almost never even existed.

all you left on me was fingerprints
and even those have started to fade
"it all happened before i could remember"
September Sep 2013
Slapped myself on ketamine
and found that it
hurt more than it did
than when I actually had
some feeling in me.
Throwback to my first time on K.
September Nov 2020
Rough love, soft love.
Choke me a bit, are you okay with that?
I guess it's what I'm used to.

Warm skin, heavy blankets.
I pray we don't end up like our parents.
passion is fleeting
September Aug 2013
I am the jellyfish that sits
in the bloom of your waters,
looming my lines across your ocean
motioning you towards my toxicity.
I'm water, I'm water
my kitty gave me the title of this poem
September Oct 2013
We're all just grinding in that repetition

(Is next year a parallel line or are we caught
in the circle.)

The cycle drops you into a craze.

I get an invite to the future.
wait for it
September Aug 2013
I ask you not
to step on and snap this silence
that the city bus creates
humming gently into a permanent
tread mark.
A footprint of
the squinting spark.

Speaks to everyone.
Do you speak back?
September Dec 2015
Stop comparing tragedy—
We all know this already—that
Everything hurts.
September Mar 2013
Ah, the standard of life,
which comes in threes:
Education, career, wealth.
The likes of which we have welded together into a closed circuit.
September Oct 2012
Two men in a jail cell.
One with a scalpel.
One roped to a chair.

The man with a scalpel,
He is no medicine man—
He is a torturer.

The man in the chair,
He is no prisoner of war—
He is a civilian.

Weeks pass by and
The door never opens

On the one-hundrenth night
Out of the cell, crawls
Only one man

On his skin, there lies
A masterpiece.
A raised rendition of "Starry Night."

Eyes glance back into
His previous prison,
Only to find—

An empty chair.
A scalpel.
A reflection.
I would not like to cloud the story up with rhyme.
September Oct 2013
my thoughts are caustic
our hips, smooth and spastic
in line like jigsaw rows

"where are you from?"
your voice cracks like a toy gun.
"come on—"
written three months ago, in drafts.
September Dec 2014
i still have trouble
trying to teach myself
to touch something that
i never even thought existed
in the first place

my fingers go right through you
September Apr 2018
God's firmament: only
a child's planetarium projector—
If only I could project my
vows in a sphere of light
with even a handful of batteries, all the
eyes in the world
could see how ******* thin
my gossamer guilt is.

My conscience is silky smooth
like Venus-razored legs.
September Nov 2017
Sorry I can't
hear you any
I think we're

breaking up.

I think we're

breaking down
each other.
draft from fall 2013
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