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 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
They say that little girls
Are made of sugar,
And spice,
And everything nice

But perfect girls
Are made of Botox,
Long smokes,
And diet coke
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
She's so hung up on the fact
That his heart belongs to another girl,
So busy drowning in melancholy and unrequited love
She doesn't notice another boy wishing he was hers
That boy behind the scenes
Who listens to her gush about him,
Who sees when he's around, her eyes have a certain gleam
She cries at night thinking that she'll never be loved,
Not knowing she already is
Because while she's staring at him,
She doesn't notice that boy staring at her
The exact same way
I was friends with my boyfriend long before we started going out. We had first period together. And another person in my first period class was another boy who became a huge crush I had. He had a girlfriend though and I was too focused on being sad about that, I didn't even think that anyone could like me, let alone my best friend. This is just me looking back at that time.
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
Your Hugs
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
I'm addicted to your hugs
Because our hearts are as close as they can be
And I swear my heart pumps blood
A little faster
When your arms are around me
And we are not two, but one
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
13 Words
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
She used to kneel before her bed every night
Praying to God
Make me beautiful,
Make me skinny

He didn't make her beautiful,
Or skinny
But he graced her with depression and anxiety
So she took matters into her own hands
And she now kneels in front of her porcelain throne
Hair in a messy bun, trying to keep quiet
And she prays
*Make me disappear,
Make me die
Inspired by This Is LA by the fabulous Marina & The Diamonds
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
The one thing you'll never understand
Is that it's the negative words
That you remember above all else
You throw me into counseling to try to get things fixed
But no amount of "I love you's" will make me forget
The days the words "I hate you" escaped from your lips
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
To be loved by a writer
Is to be immortalized
You will live on forever in her writing
Your quirks,
Your ideas,
Your insecurities,
Writers notice everything
And we never forget
You might catch her smiling at you
For what seems like no reason at all
But she's just trying to describe
The exact color of your eyes

To be loved by a writer
Is to have your entire relationship in written word
All you have to do is read and re-live everything again
Your first kiss,
Your first fight,
Your first date
Nostalgic memories in chronological order
And you may even learn something you never knew
Since everything will be in her point of view

To be loved by a writer
Is to see her frustration
Because she wishes she could be an artist
Since no words serve you justice
She wishes she could just paint a picture
And then they would understand
Because no amount of words could perfectly depict
Your hair sticking up,
Your abundance of freckles,
You wearing glasses
She gets upset when she thinks
She'll never fully portray all the things you say and do
But she'll never run out of ways to say "I love you"

To be loved by a writer
Is to be eternal
And to never fully disappear
And no matter what, she'll see you everywhere
Even when she opens her mind and escapes reality
Because she is the writer
And you are her writing
For you own her heart
From which her words flow
I'll probably edit this one later. I was inspired by 'A Dedication' by Lang Leav. Also inspired by my Nicholas, who indeed, looks very dashing in glasses.
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
They always roll their eyes and accuse us teenagers of falsely believing
We are immortal and nothing can hurt us
We know that what we are doing can **** us
  ­                              Broken
                        ­                      To
                                        ­           Care
Titled after a line in the song Teen Idle by Marina & The Diamonds
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
Dear Nick,
I'm really quite sorry that I'm bad at this relationship thing
Please realize that I expected to never be loved and live with 75 cats
And I half expect you to start laughing and say "This was all a social experiment!"
But for you, I'm trying to be better at this relationship thing

Dear Nick,
I'm sorry it took me so long to call you back
You see, I have a crippling phone anxiety
and whenever I have to call someone I have a panic attack
But even if it takes pacing for 30 minutes, I'll always call you back

Dear Nick,
Sorry that I pulled back that day you tried to kiss me
And then made a dumb excuse how your breath smelled like popcorn
It didn't, and even if it did I wouldn't have minded
And now the only time your lips are on mine are in my dreams

Dear Nick,
I'm sorry I'm bad at expressing my feelings
And I can only tell you 'I love you' in cryptic rhymes in written word
And I'm writing you this poem you'll never see
But just know, you've been a huge inspiration to me

Dear Nick,
I'm sorry I say sorry for everything
I'm just so used to ******* up things
But I must be doing something right
Because you still loved me through anything
Maybe I'm not too bad at this relationship thing
To Nick, thank you for being my muse, almost all of the "you's"' in my poetry are him.
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
The Edge
 Apr 2014 phi
Theia Gwen
I made a comment about jumping off a building the other day
And you looked at me and said "You shouldn't joke about suicide."
And I completely agreed, suicide is not a joke
But little did you know, I wasn't joking
And even though I smiled as I said it,
I silently begged you to see behind it
And pull me far, far away from the edge
Before I fell where no one could reach me
Because their is a huge difference between wanting to die
And wanting to **** yourself
It can make the difference between life and death
And I'm afraid I've gotten to the point
That I might just want both
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