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 Oct 2013 Selena Madhat
They took over


self hatred

They all took over

Her mind
Her body
Her soul

She maybe alive
But deep down
She's not
She's gone
 Oct 2013 Selena Madhat
 Oct 2013 Selena Madhat
we aren't pretty
enough without
filters, we like our
faces better with
faux overtones
people like
us better with
faux overtones
but really we
just want to
be loved
in honest
to god

(c) Brooke Otto
 Oct 2013 Selena Madhat
Kitty Prr
"Love is blind" so he must love me
Because he fails to see
How miserable I am, sad and alone
He has no idea, laughing on his own.

The happier he gets, the sadder I feel.
Alone in a crowd and down at heel.
"Love is blind" and he can't see
The broken heart inside of me.

At least he's happy, one of us should be
But why isn't some happiness allowed for me.
I guess it's easy to be happy with no needs to fulfill.
If I could stop needing, but it's not chosen by will.

So hurting and alone, needing love and touch
I take what I can get, to my scraps I clutch.
I'll talk **** and know the power in my words
Enjoying their effect and the desire that returns.
I thought I would try rhyming for a change.  Yes I know 'words' and 'returns' is pushing it lol
Being normal isn't what it's cut out to be
Fake smiles and fake people is all I can see
My life is so boring I do not know why
Sometimes I feel like such a bore I want to die
My friends are fabricated
Oh Hell, ever is my life gated
If only I was different could I believe
That every moment in life could be seized.
I am to you one of the hundreds of leaves you pass by on the sidewalk
I am to you a second glance at something halfway wonderful
Never will i be a line in your favorite song
Never will I be the book you don't want to end
And Never will I be enough
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