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I met you back then and I didn't realise I liked you
I thought I only wanted you as a friend, wish I could start over as new
It was only that sunny day, well yesterday,
I started developing feelings
I know it's 8 months later but I now I know I like you,
Now you like someone else
One of my good friends in fact
She's now your other half, your partner your girlfriend
I pretend I don't like you, I put on an act

There's now this sense of regret, from when I said no to you
why couldn't I have loved you back, didn't know who I liked,
didn't have a clue
Regret is something I don't usually say
but seeing you with her
I have to watch you both love each other
and watch our love turn into a blur

If only you could have realised how much I was flirting with you
or wasn't I that obvious, because I wasn't stuck to you like glue
But you've fallen for my friend and she's fallen as well
maybe you will both grown old together, I suppose only time can tell

And now there's me lying on my bed with regret
being the third wheel once again
oh how I wish we'd never even met
you're both happy, while my hearts been thrown into the drain

The next time I'm near you both, and you don't hear anything not even a word said
That's because I'm lonely inside, my hearts already dead.

And if there if a wedding please do still invite me
I'll just watch the man that got away, be filled with such happiness & glee.
I think I'm falling for you, harder than I thought I ever would
I would love to tell you how much I like you,
        but I don't know if I ever could

You're in the year below me, I don't know if that makes it wrong
I suppose I could wait another year for you,
        but I don't want to wait too long
... you could already be gone

That blonde hair, them blue eyes, the way you look at me
I don't think you know that I like you back, If only you could see

I see you at school almost everyday, you pass me in the hall
You probably get tired of seeing me, I become boring and dull
Maybe you can't tell that faith is telling us something every time we cross paths,
maybe in the future, we'll notice this and share a tear and a laugh

But for now we remain secret lovers nobody must know
The feelings that I share for you will remain un-shown, un-known
Just next time if I'm near maybe turn around
You'll probably catch me looking at you,
And we'll know that our love has been found

                                     x  x
Late at night is when I think
And try to I clear my head
I often stay awake all night
Just laying in my bed

As soon as I get comfy
Thoughts start racing in
I start to question everything
and regret my every sin

At first the thoughts are gentle
Like what will I do tomorrow
But as time crawls by; they escalate
Till I'm drowning in my sorrow

I think of all my failures
Every detail of what I did wrong
After hours of reliving pain
I convince myself I don't belong

I suddenly feel isolated
and like the silence will never end
I feel like I will never escape
There's too much I just can't mend

I feel overpowered and worthless
Like I'll never do anything right
I hide till the world fades away
And I'm awoken by the light

I realize a new day has come
It's time to put on a brave face
I put those negative thoughts away
Until I return to this place
Won't you please just let me be
Please just leave me at my own peace

Won't you please just go away
When I say leave, I don't mean stay

When I push with all my might
Do not fight back, it is not right

When I stop and start to cry
Try not to look me in the eye

Do not try to fix my life
You were not the glue, but the knife

Say goodbye and let me go
Accepting all you do not know
You know when you feel like you've been put first for once
But then you're replaced
When you can feel the annoyance and see the pain on your face
All my mates have got a lad, some to have a laugh and mess around with,
And i'm just all alone , maybe because i don't put out
It's like my friends don't even want a conversation with me anymore
Their just stuck on their phone in their own little bubble,
Speaking to the 'love of their life', Oh Lord
They only want you for one thing, you're so vulnerable , you're just like an open door
So the next time you decide not to go out with me and go straight to his bed
I'll be just fine and he'll be like a bear that's just been fed
So don't change our plans next time you're with him,
I've already ripped up the diary and thrown it in the bin

It feels like I’m the only one that’s pure
The only one who has her dignity?
I don’t go and loose it to some random guy
While there texting me asking for more
They tell you you’re the only girl that’s a lie
And you’re there asking why?
You don’t realise how easy you make yourself
Which upsets me because you could have been so much more?
You sleep around with several guys, while everyone is out here calling you a *****
I feel like I’m alone in this world, just because I’m still a ******
It’s not even that I haven’t even had my first kiss
It’s not that I think losing it is a sin
Just the thought of still being pure is bliss
Now if you’re out there just like me thinking that you’re behind everyone else because of this
Just think there’s not much that we’re going to miss
We’re so much wiser and know that brains counts for something
Just think there’s someone out there, who’s glad that you still have it,
And I can be his queen and he can be my king
And just think of all the love we can bring
I’m happy and you know why because my love is going to be pure
For some handsome man, with brains and more
This might not be for everyone, but I feel like so many people these days are pressured to do stuff and I just want to ensure them people that it's fine to still be pure <3
Why do you speak to her and not me
We used to get along so well
I used to be head over heels for you, couldn't you see, but I guess you want her now.
I don't know who to be mad at, you both knew i liked you, so why carry on?
Before you even stopped speaking to me, i knew you were gone.
The thing that hurts me the most is that i knew you loved me at one point, but i lost you didn't i?
I just let you go and carry on with her, without a goodbye, you carried on with that other girl, while i just stood there and watched and there was nothing i could do about that you made your decision, my body turned to frost, and now i know falling in love always comes with a cost.
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