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Mark Wanless Dec 2017
"Yellow Butterflies"

the floating image of Joan of Arc ten feet tall in the dark
theater in New York 2002 drizzling a little bit of gray sky
somewhere up there past the cement monuments which will
stand as long as the pyramids if we let them the trees in
Central Park refresh the air are leafy damp brown autumn
smells like beauty or garbage depending on your mind being
half empty or totally some kind of creation from a Sci-Fi show
the future is in the hands of the cab drivers who make a living
on the East Coast West Coast San Francisco Bay Area
with the bridge that  may last as long as the pyramids if the quakes
don't knock it down a monument to rust and money big sky dream
of all you want are you crazy are we all is nobody who chooses
somebody to be it a definition in a book some people agree on
otherwise there is nothing there but vibrations so say the freaky people
but if everyone says the same then its normal and what is freaky normal
is this social construct cuzz bring back someone dead from 1710
and he will think we are all Devils or Gods or he will just
fold up his head and dance with the yellow butterflies are yellow
march of god they are next top of the line food chain 10 million
years from now our fossils will be to hard to find if not impossible
maybe the evolved butterflies won't even want to dig anything
it just never occurs to them that in the dirt is a thing worth effort
their cities will be in the air of course because the meteor that hit
and wiped us out also changed the weather on the entire planet and
for the last 10 thousand years the winds have been really mellow like
30 or 40 miles per hour tops no more hurricanes or tornadoes either
and a bad storm is 3 inches of rain in 2 days then lots of puffy
blue sunshine before the next one comes and it will come and the
smart butterflies will deal with it in some type of cognitive way they
will also have God    WOW           i'll bet shhe will be a pretty butterfly
Mark Wanless  Nov 2017
So Easily
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
I can hate you so EASILY it frightens me
                       and hurts me too       two is not better
                       than one       one is and there's no words
                       for it except weirdys that
                       confuse more than their share
                       of SENTIENT beings all
                       movers and movement perhaps a
                Who knows?       does ANYBODY know?       if
                       YOU knew it would you KNOW it
                       or just BE it?
                Does a frogs mind MEANDER?
                Did Neanderthal think shhe was
                       the ULTIMATE do we?

                Have what it takes       yes in an
                       infinite way we travel babble
                       ravel and unravel by mandate
                       till choice is caused to appear

                A concept is born!!!!

                An appendage is groaned and functions
                       bringing with it sense
                       sations      sens      er      and
                       sense plus a bit of err
                       or created by the mast      er
                       magician fooler mara satan
                       and we see
                       what it says we see
                       fill in the blanks
                But it can die!

                Oh Yah the big die-O!       eating
                       up eating up never full eater
                       upper nothin but anoth
                       er concept MAN MADE!
                Err or err or is my soul
                       i feels pain from you and
                       thinks thoughts from you and
                       can not be other than what
                       i am you change me change you
                       change me change you CHANGE YOU
                       WILL YOU CHANGE! change me
                       change you

                The never ending poem life story
                       universe is ignorance fiction
                       some say      some pray      otherwise
                       there'd be a whole lot more
                       really mean sonsabitches walkin

                Dear God
                       i hear voices in my head
                       all the time am i ever glad
                       your lips are movin
                If YOU shouted loudly enough in
                       a forest with nobody around
                       will a tree fall?
                And why did YOU put the moon
                       in a bucket of water?
I love her
She's wonderful
Shhe's prurient
And she'[s emollient
And truant when in the ood
Pervasive in her affection
Affectionate in her affliction
She stayed with me through her dying days
Lifeless breaths
But she got to thee
With a sense of sanguinity
That long-preserved virginity,
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust;
Andrew Marvel

— The End —