There was a smallest ever wee Irish soul
She lived within a largest oldest tree
Outside she grew a bed of Foregetmenots
She had a smile that brought such glee
When she toddled off to the market
She always carried a basket made of grass
And upon her ears hung jingle jangles
That she had made from bits of glass
Those that knew her called her Wee Wander
As she'd wander often here and there
Gathering wild flower seeds to sow in garden
And soon it all looked so beyond compare
With chocolate vine on her tree thus to climb
And little violates planted in shells of birds
When she spoke it sounded just like mucic
Her very voice danced rather than of words
Most of her clothes were colores of green
As Irish as Irish as Irish it can ever be
All the birds and butterflies knew her well
Little Wee Wander lived within a largest tree
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018