I am loosing controll spinning around the room fighting memories that just bring the pain take a stronger dose all you see is the world crumbling around you i am so vary lost no right way no path i should take i need love i dont want to be alone my mind exploseds with flashes of memories i cant escape i keep running threw the emotions like they are just delicat flowers. Everything around me slowly fades as i walk alone in this aginizing pain there is no sunshine just darkness the cemetery has wolves ripping up the graves creating my own bed of inturnal sleep like snow white just give md the kiss of life bring me back to life bc i will just keep dying every time memoris will break. No escap no air to breath the drugs are getting stronger finding peace with a world with no way to run or hid just keep finding all your deamsn that tourcher you threw life every mistake another drag loosing control with how high you get saddly theres isnt anyway to fight pain its better just to go threw it and fight your way threw the pain i need your love i need you higs give me the kiss bring me back to life
Bipolar disorder suffer