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Angel Moore May 2013
HE said to write
{read my wordfs} dont be scared.
your m.ind will fill in the blanks

caps lock willl destroy. your muind.

....your story begins now.

Dont be afraid and read the wLls./
find a quiet place.
find a song.
feel it. taste iut. create a song......                                                       ­   

chapter two.
i went to ***...
      you came to me,
found me in a dark room....posted.      I cant read this he said disappoinbted. :( keep trying :)))

{hey there friendship, lets have a heart to heart....walk outside for chapter two..... i'll be there in the night. In the quiet. silence.

phone is dead :(((( who cares! party in the basement.

can you read this yet???
tgake me on a messy date.
i want to play in the sunshoine. heal my /adhd please
                                                   ((((adivan is gone :( who steals from a friend???

/where did Noelle leave her pants anyway

((((( chaptep two.
quit your mind. listen to the music..shhhhhhh////
read tyhisd 6omorrow...
caps lock are evilsssss.........
listenm tp the robots 2013......

find me in the dark writing rymes. changing soings. creating. , , , ,
authors. intillects.

cults are bad!!!!!!!! god is love. dont do drugs and go on adventires.

read the bible everyday. silence your heart. take a deep breath. no one cares. they will foind you again.

dont be scared...

quiet moments are the best. where did i put my cigarettes.                                  to be conyinued.
edit or no>>>>

bring back indie bands. then they become mainstream you know :( sad hipsters.
i just wanna play.
no one gets me.

pep talks and ****.
partys downstairs.
find me later when they go to bed.

go play.

you have nothing to do tomorrow.
its only 11????? i like numbers. i hate math.

i have to *** still.

waiting. who cares. go to sleep. i'll stay up all night and write poems...

i sleep in tuckers room when heres not here. i miss him so bad sometimes. i wonder what 6 year olds dream about, you know?

this is gunna be EPICCCC!!!! sermon on the becontinued. tweet me clues from the front porch.

i'lll be quiet. my phones dead anyway. oh well. phones are bad.

wheres the bathroom?

oh yeah. chapter two.
how long can i write this poem before they try and find me.

          the basement is to farrrr.....cigarettes on the front po

— The End —