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Red Bergan Feb 2014
Far over the mountains,
Dwell the Dragons.
Heights undefine their actions.

They fear not,
Their Strumah is home.
Intruders burn.

Beneath the mountains peak,
Dwell the ancestors,
Long-forgotten gold.

Upon the top of the Monahven,
The Elders wait.
For the Dovakiin's flight.

You will dwell in Dungeons deep,
And Caverns old.

Your unrelenting force,
Shall clear the hold...
Dov will roar,
In fury.

The Dov,
They fear thee.

Dragon Born...
You shall claim that Strumah.
One day.

Alduin's rage did darken the sky,
His roar is fury's fire,
Do not fear.

Destroy him with words of old.
The heroes of Sovangarde,
Shall aid thee.

Joar Zah Frul,
Yol Toar Shul.
Strun Bah Qo.

Fear the Dragonborn's Words.
The Strumah, And the Dov.
They will bow down,
Upon the mountain.
Skyrim or Elder scrolls lovers. Relates right? And is Strun Bah Qo spelled right?

— The End —