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Third Eye Candy Jan 2021
If only my every poem jot-
were a happy spot
on a black tie.
But my parties sparkle
with black skies

In the best light.
of my heart’s

A Mood Swing Barony
plush with unobstructed
As i plunder hives
for soft miracles
dazzling a Stoic
With a Circus
of bright
to hound my
gloom, out of mind
and my Love
from the thicket
of a dark

On an Incline.
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
Passion is my Province
Bliss my Barony
Love is my Latitude
Death my Diocese
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
Strive thee - to snare a poet?
Unto thine bewitching hands?
Ferrying her - on sweet seismic seas -
Right - to passion's sands?

Dare thee to trap - between thine teeth -
A riotous - sensuous belle?
Whom for portent - plotting - had been beneath -
Plummeted - to hell

Did thou fathom a sadness?
To sense - a sorry fate -
Insidious - incepted cruel -
By hate - insatiate -

Dwelling deep - in divine dalliance -
Immortal thou - with sublime friend -
Heart commit - in solidarity and alliance -
Truth heaven dare not forfend -

A confederacy - of Love -
We are citizens - betrothed -
Seeking light - on which spirits rove -
To eschew hell we loathed -

Passion - our province -
Bliss - our barony -
Love - our latitude -
Divinity - our diocese -

— The End —