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M/Pelada    Poet, Singer/Songwriter
Chris Voss
For best results, read these ramblings aloud. And now, let the wild rumpus start. All works Copyright C. Voss, 2006-2014
xaiv vos
22/Agender/Chapel Hill, NC    chasing eternity
Minnard Huey R Gravoso
Philippines    No truer form of love than by writing
Lord sovos JSWarbane DLXXXIII
Hell    Born dead but refused by thane, far to evil for this mortal frame, I rot with the living on a block of ice warmed by …
Milena Slivoska
39/F/Philippines    I am a Christian who happened to love poetry
austin tx   
South Africa   
43/F/BFE    I'm full of words that just need a place to get out. Occasionally.

— The End —