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Krusty Aranda
Mérida    “We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same …
Frustrated Poet
Hogwarts    Nothing much. Every negative prefix in the book. Scream through words Cry through ink
Rustle McBride
Delaware    rus·tle - /ˈrəsəl/ - verb: 1. a soft, muffled crackling sound. "the rustle of the leaves" 2. to round up and steal.
Rustine Gescheidle
28/F/United Kingdom    "...there's only one of me to get it right." ~Neon Trees, "First Things First"
rusty shacks
dumpster baby    writing down all the things that make you a creep and an idiot
Bruce Ruston
Breach of Trust
Rusty McCormick
disconnected    Geoff is often distracted.
17/Genderqueer/Stuck in my room    Not sure where my life starts. And where all this dreaming ends. Shattered, alone, sleepless, and confused.
Vegas    you are who you are, whenever you are.
monachrustabel anne cowan
jamaica    Hello my name is monachristabel anne i cowan have a passion for write poems i am an assiant teacher in a playgroup for now i …
Randy Ruston

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