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calion  May 2014
you vs. him
calion May 2014
him-                                                                                her-
smug                                                                              content
artist                                                                               writer
excited                                                                            lazy
music maker                                                                  music listener
caring                                                                             apathetic
midnight kisses                                                              midnight calls
skipped practices                                                           skipped dates
large appetite                                                                 large body
small body                                                                     small appetite
the nbhd                                                                        the neighbourhood
instagram                                                                      youtube
mine                                                                               hers
calion Apr 2014
when you meet him, play toes by lights.
when you have your first conversation with him, play firefly by ed sheeran.
when he begins reading your poetry, play the writer by ellie goulding.
when you two talk on the bus to MSA, play you by the 1975.
when you fall for him, play god only knows by mkto.
when you text him for the first time, play joy by ellie goulding,
when he asks her to prom, play ice by lights.
when he asks what's wrong, play way away by yellowcard.
when you tell him about mandi, play let it go by the nbhd.
when he leaves, play when the night falls quiet by birds of tokyo.

— The End —