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Nancy E Tracy
Texas    I have been writing poetry since the '70's. I like whimsical poetry. I have won a few awards when I was active in "World of …
Nancy McGinnis - Roberts
Texas    I am an inner mingling of all things artistic, musical, poetic and passionate... I am a mix of Native American, Irish and German...spicy! I adore …
Nancy Delgado
San Antonio, TX    Writing to understand. A Dios Sea La Gloria.
Nancy Katherine
"Late evening finally comes: I unlatch the door and quietly await the one who greets me in my dreams." (Otomo no Yakamochi, 718-785)
Nancy Raj
Nancy Tapia
Nancy Dees
Texas    A girl who loves to write. Stories, poems, songs, random words. A girl who was left alone throughout her childhood and is left with nothing …
Nancy Maxwell
23/F/Abuja, Nigeria    I let my poems tell But am a Nigerian .||. Mom .|| . Books, Food and Movie Lover .||. Passionate Explorer .||. Certified Adventurist .||. …
work can be found on Down in the Dirt and Eskimo Pie
Nancy Carnahan
F/Home away from home    I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way
Nancy Earnest
Missouri    Mother of two daughters. One has passed. Six grandchildren. Employed at Walmart.
New Delhi, India    Hi poets, my name is Nancy Bansal. I live in India. I feel that the best way to exprss my thoughts and feelings is through …
Nancy Morgan

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