The cruder an object form
Like a "physical body"
The less capacity to be
Universal & Cosmic..!
The crudest form being:
Acting through "learning"
Enacting through "knowledge"
It has limited vision
Imprisoned by boundaries
Of what is taught & known
Then comes the five senses
They sense and feel better
Than the body and/or mind
But they too are not enough
Then comes the neuros
The memories, DNA, genetics etc.
They are even more deep rooted
Than the five senses...
To feel beyond "what-is"
But LOVE it is beyond "ALL"
It's ethereal factor is
Most expansive, universal
Cosmic and most subtlest
That is why LOVE is the
Most difficult to preceive
Most of the times it is
Impossible to comprehend
LOVE's presence in its
Invisible form around us
Being connected with LOVE
Remains beyond the
Scope of human being
Leading a mundane life
It will also remain beyond
All the scientific pursuits
To derive at any cause-effect
Experimental relationship to
Understand the source of LOVE
To grasp True Pure Eternal LOVE
Requires constant endeavour and
Highest receptivity of senses
Awareness, meditativeness...
And above all - A refined "wisdom"
LOVE can not be perceived
By learning, reading, listening
OR with help of physical elements
Extroversial intellect can not go
Beyond the peripheries of "life"
LOVE is felt by looking inwards
To expand oneself beyond
What exists in material forms
Use Introversial wisdom
- To look within our own self
- To enter all prevalent nature
- To feel united with cosmos
That's way to understand the
Substantial existence of LOVE
The seed of all emanations
Of all Omnific Transeunt #
Lies embedded in LOVE
Which is a source of
Infinite energy...
Subtle, yet all Pervasive
# - Ability / Capacity of being
transitive to create anything
beyond one's perceptive being