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Sean Fitzpatrick
But nature is a stranger yet; The ones that cite her most Have never passed her haunted house, Nor simplified her ghost. To pity those …
Jack Fitzgerald
Poetry makes for the best of biographies.
Laura Fitzpatrick
San Diego    I have a Journalism-Advertising degree from SDSU, and I currently work as a Marketing Assistant specializing in social media. I believe that writing is one …
F/Pacific Northwest    A selection of poetry by American writer Darcie Fitzpatrick
Thomas Fitzgerald
Ireland    Be brave with your words and slay all in your way xx
Sierra Fitzpatrick
Illinois    I'm a peace freak, animal lover, nature lover and protected. I recycle and have a green house. Im in love with being unique and standing …
M Fitz
I'm just a lost little girl who fell in love with words...
Mikayla Fitzell
Ontario    idk
K Fitzgerald
21/FTM/USA    haven't written poetry in ages, wanted to try my hand at it again.
New York   
Mark H Fitzpatrick
mindfulness | poetry -- author of Ocean of Flowers ( & Made of Stars ( -- proceeds to Against Malaria
Nottingham    I have been writing poetry a month on the basis that, I find it easy to write words and I want to improve me English …
Thomas Fitzgerald
A lgbtq activist with bite!
Misha Fitzgibbon
Fort Worth, TX    Simply learning...

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