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Lilith Meredith
my heart chakra    i have all ten toes and all ten fingers, not to mention both eyes, ears, and all appropriate appendages. i was born one day and ...
Singapore    I write about what I shouldn't be saying out loud.
NC    Just another teenager expressing her thoughts through her writings, while living a crazy life. Currently traveling, near and far. Care to know more? Shoot me ...
Meredith Ann
18/F    A collective place for scattered ideas.
Meredith Darrah
17/F/Ohio    teenager with a loud mind
Jessie Meredith
New York City   
24/F/Ontario, Canada    Twenty—four || Writing my thoughts.
Meredith Leigh
18/F    My aesthetic changes every other day anyways.
Meredith Sjostrand
26/F/Montana    Into the mountains I roam..
San Diego    Just know your LOVED It may not be the person you want to be loved by but just know your loved Even if its your ...
I love writing poems
Meredith Blair
Pittsburgh, PA    Ginger, Pathological liar, Prospective nurse.
follow me i guess if u like sad people
Edith Peña
19/F    “Everything is coming on it’s chosen day.” - S E E K E R
Dana Meredith
Every word has meaning, every person has feelings.

— The End —