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Michael Bingoff
TN    "What is a poet? An unhappy man who hides deep anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so formed that when the sigh and …
Novita Olivera Sihombing
Devon Bingham
Tami Binger
Jamaica, kingston   
Ingar bingar
23/F/Indonesia    I'm a sunflower
Erika Almes Cabingue
Emma Stebbing
Euless Texas    I don't normally write a lot but when i do it's because the object behind the story or poem has been on my mind a …
Jenny Jo Bingham
Carl Binger
41/M/Rochester NY   
Fayeh Ellajon Bingcang
Iloilo, Ph    Lost
Anil Bingöl
Germany (Deutschland)    Some random guy. Nothing interesting, to be honest.
John Denver Hubinger
Adrian MI    I am a poet. I am angry. I am a lover. I am. I exist. I thrive. I feel pain. I am merely humn.

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