Fate, the explanation for many circumstances
The reason we meet our love,
The thing that made us succeed or fail.
Such adored is this word.
Only to ponder and figure
It is only a complex equation.
An unknown set of variables
Making the possibilities for every event.
Just one variable may cancel another
Most of the variables may be overlooked or just ignored.
Just do the algorithm and see what it means,
You will see how the other side of the equation might be imaginary
The constant will always remain in the formula
So which variable is the one
That when summed makes the equation a true statement?
The one variable that makes it all right?
When will this variable be revealed?
When will the solution be in the palm of my hands?
How many variables must I remove from this equation,
To find the one that matters?
When you look at it I may be a simple algebraic equation,
Or it may be a complex duodecimal polynomial.
I'm not going to give up solving it,
But I'm getting a headache from it and I love math!
Avarious Ignis Ragnarok 010813