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I'm just looking for a comfortable place to write.


The terrible twos
Are here again
The terrible twos
Are making me sin

The terrible twos
Don't tie their shoes
The terrible twos
They go, "boo-hoo!"

The terrible twos
They scream, they shout
The terrible twos
They run about

The terrible twos
Just want their way
The terrible twos
Are here to say

The terrible twos
They do not shine
The terrible twos
They say, "That's mine!"

The terrible twos
Are worse with boys
The terrible twos
They throw toys.
© From A Poet's Heart
Birdie Apr 2013
i like things in twos
because everyone does things
in threes
and i want to be "different"
makes me
the same

i like two because
it's the number of dashes i put in my facebook status
and not to mention the number of ellipses that end all my sentences
in twos

i like things in twos
it's not things in threes
things in three come from
the holy trinity
and the bible
and i'm sorry, but
i wasn't born christian like
99% of those who surround me

my feet move
in beats
of twos
when i walk
knowing that
i'm strong all by myself
don't need  NO man
to stand on my two

i like things in twos
i feel like my family has never been together long enough to be called four
or three
and not it's two
but soon to be one

i like things in two because
two is short
like the time i had with you
like the memories i have of you
like my memory of you
are short

two is
the number of eyes that look at me
and speak minutes of words
with one glance
the ones that
have watched me grow
and don't judge me
give me the space to be
not like her
or him
but me
even though i am both

those two eyes that sacrifice ten more minutes of sleep
to sit with me
on the couch
watching garbage television that she doesn't even like
but it means to
be next to me
and to remind me
that there will always be 2

because 1 and 1 is two
because two is just as lonely as one
because life still goes on
because i'm scared of one
i'm scared of one
because two is the number of seconds my heart beats before i realize i still need you
and two is the number of beats
that were two too many to be away from you

i like two because
one is lonely
and i've felt lonely
only the lonely you feel when you realize that
is lovely


**** those twos.
Sofia  Aug 2016
to live in twos
Sofia Aug 2016
life always came in twos
two hands, two feet, two eyes
two lovers, two houses, no home
let's call this divinity in its purest sense
two wooden deities to come home to
two cathedrals to worship
a father in one, a savior in the other
let's call this a crusade
let's burn all inhibitions
and set the world as it should be on fire
let's call this a calamity
when the ceiling leaks from summer rain
let's seek refuge in the walls of another
let's live in twos
let's call this fate
let's call being torn - destiny
let's call this drought a blessing
let's love backwards in between
abandoned castles and rotten citadels
let's call living between two creators
the natural order of the world as we know it
let's look to where the sun rises and sun sets
let's forgive the world for being in twos
let's forgive this covenant
and make one of our own
let us accept this cosmic symmetry
we are not halves but whole too.
written for/during creative writing class, based on the painting "christina's world" by andrew wyeth.