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grumpy thumb  Sep 2015
grumpy thumb Sep 2015
Streetdogs rattle
a drunken cackle
spilling home after hours.
Scuffing pavements
dragging heels and dignity low.
Voices traveling further
than they need to go.
The ****** persist in splitting peace
invading night.
Children pretend to sleep
believing the bowsies are cool.
Wanting to be just like them.
Some will too.
Aditi  Jul 2015
Aditi Jul 2015
Just because I smiled does not really mean
I like the way you are gawking at me,
Cause girls like me,
we don't like getting messed with
By guys like you 
Who fall in love with every face they see

The flirtatious comments are okay,
But mind you, I'll always keep you an arm's length away 
I can feel your struggle 
You can't keep your eyes on the road
But really there is something you should know

Girls like me, yeah, we can see through your actions,
Today you'll say hello,
Tomorrow you would need our numbers,
Now I'm not the kind of girl to be fooled by those innocent eyes,
I know guys like you 
Fall in love With every face they come across

Tonight I look the prettiest,
Tomorrow there will be another's headlights you'll chase 
Life does get boring 
For a street dog,
With nothing else to do
But there is something we wish you knew

Girls like me,
We don't need attention,
Wherever we walk, is where the limelight follows,
And even that won't be enough
We want the world at our feet,
And the stars in our crowns

So save your clichés
A fool always finds another fool 
To be friends with
But as long as you know it is not gonna be me,
We should be alright
I'm sorry if I got a little too harsh but trust me, you don't want those gazes looking over your shoulder every time you go out. It is freaky.

— The End —