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Katrina Wendt Oct 2013
she is my silene stenophylla
rare, pure, beautiful
underappreciated, unnoticed

humans make me so angry
because they don't see
the wonder in front of them

her soul is delicate
yet withstanding;
the petals of my silene stenophylla

that I could but protect her
yet how
when all I want for her is to bloom

I worry for her future
because the silene stenophylla
is 32,000 years old

and it is all alone
none left of its kind
if I could, I would be her kind

my beautiful flower
but that she could really be mine
lacking that, I would wish she have the world
John F McCullagh Feb 2012
A flower that last saw the Sun
when Neanderthal was on the run,
scientists have carbon dated
and ,now, successfully cultivated.

No shrinking violet, this plant, I know
bloomed thirty millennium ago.
Just a tick in cosmic time
Its fate with man’s was intertwined.

It was found beneath the permafrost,
a treasure in a squirrels lair.
In cryostorage it remained.
The squirrel forgot that it was there.

Ten Thousand years beneath the plain,
then came the centuries of ice and rain.
The game died out. That same fate befalls
the tribe of the Neanderthal.

Now the flower blooms again-
An ancient beauty born anew-
In those seeds, a living spark,
just don’t expect Jurassic Park.
The Silene stenophylla is the oldest plant ever to be regenerated, the researchers said, and it is fertile, producing white flowers and viable seeds.
The experiment proves that permafrost serves as a natural depository for ancient life forms, said the Russian researchers, who published their findings in Tuesday's issue of "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" of the United States.
Brother Jimmy Sep 2016
Oh oppressed Silene,
Your water supply dwindles,
But the wily demonic monster
With each breath, the fire kindles,

So poisonous was the gas
Issuing from the mouth of the creature
That when it approached the city gates,
Its breath killed townsfolk who came too near

There was great fear and the people had to appease
with offerings of two sheep per day...
Until the sheep supply was depleted

Whilst they bleated, they had been enough.
Enough, the beast's hunger to quell,
But as the last sheep bleated and bleated,
The beast made it clear what power he held

His rancor, his fury, his strength ensured
That even without so much as a word,

The villagers knew the dark deeds they now had
To face, in the face of what lay ahead

"The dread, the dread!", the King had said,
"We must appease this wicked beast,
Give him this child, she's stout, well-fed
And maybe he'll withdraw to the East"

But the beast made his home in the water source,
And now had a taste for the blood of man,
And so an edict was signed into law,
A wretched and wicked compulsory plan

Both low-born and high-born must enter their names
For the sacrifice of children to the beast at their gates
And as their hopes went down in flames,
They prayed to the gods and hung hopes on the fates.

The deed would be done for the dragon's retreat,
The children were chosen by lottery,
And as the dragon devoured their young,
The villagers filled up their pottery.

The lot has now fallen to the King's fair daughter
And so, with tears, he must acquiesce,
She's bound with ropes now, down by the water,
Her face toward heaven, in fancy white dress,

When along comes George upon his mount
A shield of white, with cross of red,
And as he neared the dragon's fount,
He drew his sword and bravely said:

"Fair daughter, what are you doing there?"
Startled, she swung round and implored him thus:
"For God's sake, good knight, fly! For you cannot save me!"
And just then the dragon was roused by the fuss...

George advanced, crossing himself,
His spear set low and true
Into the jaws he ****** his spear cracking the spearhead clean through.

With yelp and gurgle the creature reeled
They led him, leashed, back into town
Then in the courtyard, his nerves steeled,
George had the people gather round

"Doubt not. Believe in Jesus Christ,
And turn from your wicked ways!"
One by one they went under,
And came up covered in grace.

"Be baptized in the name of Jesus,
And I will finish off the beast"
Then all the townsfolk, freshly dipped,
Made atonement; prepared a feast,

And in the shadows, the creature lay dead,
A giant heap, twitching- not pretty.
And it took four ox-carts to remove
The dragon's corpse from the city
I made this for you
Poetic T Aug 2019
Silene was your betrayal,

      And every tear screamed

                                      At you.

I didn't know you anymore.
Samantha Cunha Nov 2018
Oh masochistic spotty mind,
Will you ever unwind?
The rose scented pillow allows comfort
for my heavy burdens
I slowly
drift into the other realms
An eloquent finger
in my misty dream
closes my eyes with force
This same finger shushes
my mind into a still state of silene
Pure, blissful silence
At last I am in the
The dream state
Has been reached

— The End —