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Sheriff 'X-Novice' Olaitan
Apomu, Osun, Nigeria    Digital Marketer Educationist Literacy Expert Writer Broadcast intern
I'm 23. Working on getting my poems publish, wrote my first poem when I was in 7th grade.
bronx    I'm just a young creative girl who seeks to share her free spirit with others


the sheriff's deputies
are on duty everyday
they tune into see
what people may say

if it doesn't follow
the sheriff's law act
instantly those folks
are thrown out of the tract

the sheriff's deputies
are an eagle eyed crew
they keenly observe
what others may spew

reports to the sheriff
they note in his log
then he evicts those
non law abiding dogs

the sheriff's deputies
are ever alert and on guard
their line of work
is to keep neat the sheriff's yard

so be warned the deputies
are watching with diligence
and they pass onto the sheriff
all of their intelligence

the sheriff's deputies
are always in the know
they make it their business
to tidy up the show

we need to be prudent
in what we put on air
as the sheriff won't condone
any form of illicit fair

the sheriff's deputies
are thorough at their jobs
they stand by the edicts
that the sheriff lobs
Mitchell Jul 2012
While making the rounds around town
The sheriff out of boredom fired his gun in the air
All the towns people screamed out
They all were scared

The sheriff, laughing while he does it
Spits on the ground as he revels in the sound
All madmen wear uniforms
Some even wear blue & gold crowns

He made his way back to the station
There wasn't anyone there cept' him
And one lonely prisoner named Jim
His face painted with a shade of grim

He asked, "You hear that shot?"
And the sheriff only gave him a grin
The prisoner confused went back to bed
Thinking to himself he'd rather be dead

The sheriff went to his desk and threw up his feet
His body was aching as his eyes seemed to creak
He put his pistol on the table without a sound
And wondered about all the people within the town

"What are they thinking, those little folk?"
"That someone got killed and no one's around?"
He chuckled to himself and looked at his gun
Thinking that people are never much fun

In the morning he woke with a start in his chair
His mouth was dry as he stroked his beard hair
He looked to the prisoner who was still fast asleep
All alone in the world with no one to meet

Then suddenly, a rock flew through the window
Crashing and splintering the quiet, cool morn
Jim jumped up like a shot from a gun
As the sheriff looked out to see a crowd had formed

He buckled up his pants and ran outside
He had no idea what was going on this time
The people were shouting, screaming, hollering
Blood thirsty and mad, they sure were bothered

The sheriff called out, "What is the meaning of this!"
The people roared, "We all know what you did!"
The sheriff's face flushed red and he ran inside
"There's no way I'm getting away from this crime.

The sheriff saw His gun resting on the desk
One way to escape with only one risk
Jim watched the sheriff advance for his weapon
And he knew exactly what he was thinking

Jim called out to him,"Stop, it ain't worth it!"
The sheriff only laughed, "This will be my curtains."
He pulled the trigger and a shot silenced the crowd
Every person froze, even the sheep and the cows

The crowd in their violence turned on one another
Blaming each other for the death of Jonathan Cubberd
The town was lit up and the buildings all burned down
Not a soul trusted each other without the sheriff around

Jim, in his cell, was the only one to survive
He nearly starved before he discovered the key
He walked out to see the town all in ruins
The townspeople laid quiet, their blood barely flowing

He took the sheriff's horse that was tied in the back
With a whip and squeal, he slapped his *** with a crack
And into the horizon ol' Jim did run
Escaping to the west toward a rising red sun