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Especially for Mr. Syd 4ever !! God's greatest Blessings for you.

MIS - understand - in = means stand in another place,
misunderstanding = do not understand each other.

Pentecost is the language that everyone understands,
for they are pentecosted.

An empty sack can not walk right or stand upright (African proverb).

Pentecost means that we are again people
who can understand each other in the Spirit of Jesus,
let us pray to God that He again gives us the spirit of Jesus.

Let us pray singing,
Let us pray singing,

that this Pentecost will give us new strength again,
that this Pentecost may bless us again,
that this Pentecost will give us strength again to forgive our fellow man,
that this Pentecost will breathe again life in us,

with the power that is able to forgive and overcome all the mistakes and misunderstandings,

and we will also experience as such:
Forgive and be forgiven

Do not look whether we are rich or poor,
this Pentecost may allow us to experience
that feeling of complete pleasure
in all total love and peace.

That this cup may always overflow with solidarity, love and care.

Peace of the Lord be upon us
until the end of time.

a Dedication to Syd 4ever,
with unconditional love, Sylvia.

Sylvia Frances Chan
On Whit Sunday, 15 May 2016
Sam Hawkins  May 2013
Sam Hawkins May 2013
Buildings for the most part are boxes square.
But Pentecost circles and spirals,
they turn and burn wild.

Of those who would tame
and make comprehensible any fire--
apt tongues have gone titch titch
and beautiful catch 'til words and music
and parlor diplomacies fortify
much which is untrue.

Fear has no finish, even in our dying.
The path is a cliff edge.

Let us turn, un-adult-like, and strip ourselves  
of civilized persuasions. Usher
Earth's children into primordial worlds.

Water shall love and receive us, as it always has.
The naked ground will speak up,
into our touching feet.

Listen to the tongues of the wind.
Unhinge the body, which is you.

Let all creation fly.
On that fateful day of Pentecost,
power came down from on high.
For it originated with God’s presence
and His Kingdom, that’s far beyond our sky.

The ascension of Christ had been witnessed,
with Him clearly rising above the clouds;
He was no longer bound by planetary constraint
and the opinionated amazement of the crowd.

Upon the Earth, a violent breeze blew;
it brought forth ‘winds of change’ into the hearts of men.
This first outpouring of the Holy Spirit reinforced
God’s abundant Love, for us all once again.

The power of Jehovah had appeared,
as ‘tongues of fire’ above the people’s heads -
Thus fulfilling an Old Testament prophesy,
as the prophet Joel had previously illustrated.

The spiritual battles are fought today
inside the imagination of our minds;
cleanse your thoughts with The Word
and shift your ideals with His holy paradigm.

God has promised in The Scriptures
that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
His comforting Spirit remains along side
as we now await - the final return of Christ Jesus.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2010, All rights reserved.