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I write motivational Poems
22/F    Doctor to be with a love for the classics and words said from the profoundest depths of the heart. Thoughts unheard, unspoken voiced through the …


Marian  Mar 2014
Missing Onyx
Marian Mar 2014
Onyx, dear, I miss you
I miss your loving presence
In this now lonely house
"Did they put you to sleep?
Did someone adopt you and love you?
Are you living up in Heaven with God?
Or are you living happily on earth?
Are you sad or are you glad?"

So many questions and not enough answers
I miss you so much and it hurts
Not seeing you and your offspring anymore
Of all things I could want and wish for
And if I could wish for just one
I wish you and your offspring
Would come back home and
Keep me company, as I get lonely
Without your presence here
"Onyx, dear, please come home"
I scream it through the darkness
Of the stormy night
Lightening flashing before my eyes
Thunder rumbling in the distance between us
And rain pouring through open window
Drenching my face and cheeks with beads of water
"Onyx, dear" I whisper in your furry ear
Did I ever tell you that I loved you?
Did I ever once say that I adored your very presence?
Did I ever say goodbye to you?
I think I was so hurt I couldn't even cry
But I surely feel like crying now
My heart is broken half in two
Onyx, dear without your presence here
I am lonely here without your offspring
And since I have no brothers or sisters
I miss you even more because I loved you
And I still love you even now
My heart yearns to have you back again
Just to see you once more
And to bring you back home to me
To bring you home....forever"

But my wishes are in vain
For I doubt that I'll ever see you again
But even if I could I know
That I wouldn't be able to keep you here always
Because you either have a new owner
Or you're dead
Onyx dear, I miss you and love you

Sorry For The Long Post...But I Miss Our
Black Kitty Cat Onyx!!! ~~~~</3
We Had To Give Her Up To The Humane Society
And I Miss Her And Her Offspring So Much!!! ~~~~</3
My Heart Will Be Forever Broken!!! ~~~~~</3
Onyx, Please Come Home!!! ~~~~~~~</3
Anyway, I Hope You Enjoy This Poem/Lyric!!! ~~~~~</3
Amanda F  Feb 2017
Onyx Sky
Amanda F Feb 2017
Tie yourself to those who fly
Aspire the vivid in our onyx sky
Rid the negative
Utilise the prime
Be dynamic and spiritual
In all of your time.*

Amanda. F (c) 2017
My 1st poem on Hp
Dedicated to my Mother
Lady R.F