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Paramount Pawn
I feel like I'll explode in front of him and tell him that I like him someday.
Surazeus Simon Seamount
Cartographer and Poet. I am writing an epic poem called Hermead about the lives of philosophers and scientists.
Brianna C Mounter


The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                Everest Moun
              Everest Mount E
              Mount Everest M
                 Everest Mount
                  Everest Mount
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Everest Mount
                  Mount Everest
                Mount      Everest
          MountEvere  stMountEv
         erestMountE  verestMoun
         tEverestMou   ntEverestM
           ountEveres     tMountEv
              Mount            Everest